• Qualitative approach?

    Covid complicating CRT analytical processes

    The Covid-19 fallout has complicated further the analytical process in connection with capital relief trades, given that the pandemic is having a skewed impact on different sectors of the economy. Against this backdrop, qualitative modelling approaches are gaining traction.

    Whether a CRT issuer uses EBA, CCAR or their own internal scenarios, the impact of Covid-19 on stress tests .......

    News Analysis 24 July 2020

  • Issuance boost

    Full-stack SRTs unlocked

    BBVA and Santander have reopened the full-stack significant risk transfer market with the issuance of an auto ABS apiece in June and July respectively. However, full-stack securitisations widely syndicated to private investors and referencing Northern European exposures remain to be seen post-coronavirus. Consequently, arrangers are looking to Chenavari’s recently priced Aurorus 2020 consumer ABS for guidance (SCI 21 July).

    News Analysis 24 July 2020

  • Italian trades inked

    Unicredit completes NPL pair

    Unicredit has sold two predominantly unsecured SME non-performing loan portfolios for a total of €1.54bn. The move comes as Italian banks step up their loan loss provisions to cover an anticipated rise in NPLs following the coronavirus crisis.

    The first batch of Unicredit NPLs was sold to Banca Ifis, Guber and Barclays for €840m, with Guber and Barclays .......

    News 23 July 2020

  • ReoCo restructuring in the works

    Sector developments and company hires

    ReoCo restructuring in the works
    The Leviticus SPV issuer is set to implement a ReoCo structure, having appointed Credito Fondiario as the servicer to carry out all core ReoCo activities. The main purpose of the ReoCo is to encourage third-party acquisitions at auctions above auction base prices or to repossess real estate assets at otherwise empty auctions and re-sell them .......

    Market Moves 23 July 2020

  • Canadian CMBS forbearance highlighted

    Sector developments and company hires

    Canadian CMBS forbearance highlighted
    As of the June 2020 remittance reports for the Canadian conduit CMBS sector, 48 loans totalling C$559.9m were on the servicer's watchlist for coronavirus-related relief, according to DBRS Morningstar. In most of these instances, the servicer’s commentary confirmed that borrowers were granted loan modifications and/or forbearances.

    The majority of these loans are secured by retail .......

    Market Moves 22 July 2020

  • Positive pick-up

    European ABS market update

    The positive tone across the European securitisation market appears to be continuing this week, following one that saw rare Dutch consumer (Aurorus 2020) and Portuguese auto (Silk Finance No. 5) paper placed. Indeed, two more relatively rare mandates were announced yesterday (20 July) – a new UK prime RMBS master trust and the first post-coronavirus UK CMBS.

    One .......

    Market Reports 21 July 2020

  • Carrots and sticks

    'Wide-ranging and ambitious' recommendations welcomed

    The recommendations put forward by the High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union (CMU) last month have been welcomed by the European securitisation industry (SCI 11 June). However, while these measures – if implemented – should provide the necessary framework for a healthy and robust ABS market, they are far from being a silver bullet.

    The High .......

    News Analysis 21 July 2020

  • UK Mortgages offer disclosed

    Sector developments and company hires

    UK Mortgages offer disclosed
    M&G Investment Management (MAGIM), on behalf of one of its managed funds - M&G Specialty Finance Fund (£) SCSp – has disclosed that it has made several approaches to the board of UK Mortgages Limited (UKML) with a view to making a recommended cash offer for UKML, all of which have been rejected. The most recent approach .......

    Market Moves 20 July 2020

  • Euro CLO par burn rises

    Sector developments and company hires

    Euro CLO par burn rises
    After a relatively stable Q1, European CLO managers burnt an average -19bp of par in Q2 (compared to -3bp in Q1), according to JPMorgan’s latest report on the sector. Among 44 European managers, 14 managers built par in 2020 YTD by an average +19bp, while the remaining 30 managers burnt par by an average -41bp. .......

    Market Moves 16 July 2020

  • Pandemic protections?

    Structural features mitigate auto ABS risks

    Structural features are overall mitigating Covid-19-related risks in auto ABS transactions, thanks to credit enhancement and other protections that largely offset any deterioration in collateral performance. However, delinquencies and defaults are expected to rise further, albeit not exponentially.

    According to Moody’s: “Most auto ABS deals that we rate have substantially deleveraged and have significant credit enhancement, especially among .......

    News 16 July 2020

  • Seeking clarity

    Call to reassess repo language

    The AG MIT CMO versus Royal Bank of Canada case, which recently settled (SCI 3 June), highlights how Covid-19 disruption has caused confusion over what constitutes a ‘recognised market’ for the purpose of selling securities. Indeed, the lawsuit underscores the need for greater clarity in securitisation repurchase agreements.

    In the case, AG Mortgage Investment Trust argued that RBC .......

    News 16 July 2020

  • Conflict-free trading

    Benjamin Arnold, founding partner and ceo of Meraki Global Advisors, answers SCI's questions

    Q: How and when did Meraki Global Advisors become involved in the securitisation market?
    A: Meraki Global Advisors was founded with the rebellious determination to deliver conflict-free trading to asset managers. Meraki is a global multi-asset outsourced trading and operations firm that was launched in April 2019.

    We identified a need among the more sophisticated multi-asset hedge fund community .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 16 July 2020

  • October cliff edge looms

    The apparent recovery of many parts of the MBS market may be a false dawn

    Mortgage-backed securities have in general rebounded with confidence in recent weeks, but there is an undercurrent of alarm in the market that the resurgence might have over-reached itself. Despite the last non-farm payroll report, much economic data is still extremely sobering and a shock in Q4 could be on the cards, say analysts.

    For example, seven credits of the 100 constituent credits .......

    News Analysis 15 July 2020

  • Risk transfer round up - 15 July

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Credit Agricole is rumoured to be readying a corporate capital relief trade that is expected to close in 2H20. The French lender’s last risk transfer trade was closed in March 2018 with the IFC (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 15 July 2020

  • Risk transfer return

    Intesa debuts post-Covid Italian SRT

    Intesa Sanpaolo has returned to the synthetic securitisation market with a new transaction from its GARC programme. Dubbed GARC Leasing-1, the 107m cash collateralised equity tranche references a static €1.5bn portfolio of lease financing to 2,600 Italian SMEs. The transaction is the first Italian leasing SRT and the first private capital relief trade to be issued out of Italy .......

    News Analysis 15 July 2020

  • Dual-speed transition?

    Libor replacement risks highlighted

    The Alternative Reference Rates Committee's timelines for transitioning from Libor to SOFR is behind those of the sterling market’s for transitioning to SONIA, implying that the adoption of many risk-free rate best practices will take place in late 2021. At the same time, legacy securitisation documentation might not have embedded strong transition language, which could lead to counterparty litigation.

    News Analysis 14 July 2020

  • LCX platform expanded

    Sector developments and company hires

    LCX platform expanded
    LendingClub has expanded its LCX platform to make it easier for registered institutional investors to analyse, price and bid on loans at pre-issuance, down to the individual loan level. When it was first launched, LCX enabled the company to sell previously originated loans at, above or below par, from its balance sheet. For the first time, LendingClub .......

    Market Moves 13 July 2020

  • OC ratios examined

    Sector developments and company hires

    OC ratios examined
    Drivers behind and expectations for European CLO OC ratios have been examined in a new report from S&P. It finds that average senior and junior OC cushions declined between February and May by 1% to remain healthy at over 8% and 3% respectively.

    However, S&P says: “We are seeing a wider dispersion of OC cushions across .......

    Market Moves 10 July 2020

  • Risk transfer round up - 10 July

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Commerzbank is rumoured to be readying a corporate capital relief trade that is expected to close in 2H20. The German lender’s last significant risk transfer trade closed in February and referenced German SME exposures (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).

    Meanwhile, Lloyds is believed to be readying another agricultural loan SRT from the Fontwell programme for 3Q20. .......

    News 10 July 2020

  • Spanish CP vehicle formed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Spanish CP vehicle formed
    ODF Energía has registered on MARF the first issuance of commercial paper, sized at €30m, from its innovative new Spanish securitisation fund. Dubbed HT Suministros, the fund is a multi-compartment vehicle with a maximum issuance amount of €200m, secured by the successive purchase of credit rights belonging to different companies or private businesses groups.

    The .......

    Market Moves 9 July 2020

  • Restructuring events?

    Uncertainty over CRE values weighs on CRTs

    Restructuring credit events in capital relief trades backed by commercial real estate loans will likely occur over the next six months, following an end to coronavirus-related payment holiday schemes. Given uncertainty over the long-term impact of the pandemic on CRE collateral values, disagreements between banks and investors over the appropriate workout strategy and the related issue of control rights .......

    News Analysis 9 July 2020
