• NCSLT consent judgment denied

    Sector developments and company hires

    NCSLT consent judgment denied
    Fitch has affirmed 37 notes and maintained its rating watch negative placement on nine notes from 12 National Collegiate Student Loan Trust (NCSLT) securitisations. The move follows Delaware District Judge Maryellen Norieka’s decision last month not to approve a consent judgment proposed by the CFPB and purportedly agreed to by the NCSLTs.

    The judgment was .......

    Market Moves 9 June 2020

  • Spread compression

    European ABS market update

    The rally in broader risk assets and the lack of new supply has boosted demand for paper in the European ABS secondary market. An increasingly acute supply/demand imbalance is expected to be supportive of valuations over the near term, however.

    “We have been on a bit of tear over the last week and a half,” says one European ABS trader. .......

    News 9 June 2020

  • Perfect storm

    Hertz bankruptcy to reshape auto ABS?

    Hertz’s recent bankruptcy is one casualty of a perfect storm caused by a drop in used vehicle prices, increased reliance on its securitisation programme and the effects of the coronavirus crisis on Americans’ mobility (SCI 1 June). Similar to the large mortgage lender bankruptcies marking the 2008 financial crisis, the outcome for Hertz could reshape the auto ABS market .......

    News Analysis 9 June 2020

  • CLO business integrated

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO business integrated
    RBC’s US-based CLO management business is being integrated into BlueBay’s CLO management platform. Sid Chhabra, who joined BlueBay – which is owned by RBC - in 2018 to build the firm’s structured credit and CLO capabilities, will lead this team. The US-based team includes four experienced individuals and the US$500m CLOs they manage.

    In other news…

    Market Moves 8 June 2020

  • HAPS ABS debuts

    Eurobank finalises Cairo transaction

    Eurobank has finalised the first non-performing loan securitisation under the Hercules Asset Protection Scheme. Dubbed Cairo, the €7.5bn deal was sealed alongside the lender’s Project Europe, the sale of the bulk of its servicing unit to doValue.

    The Cairo securitisation consists of a €2.4bn senior tranche, a €1.5bn mezzanine tranche and a €3.6bn junior tranche. The transaction involves .......

    News 8 June 2020

  • May payments slump

    Forbearances are down for the first time since CARES, but payments by borrowers in forbearance slump

    Last week saw the first net fall in US mortgage forbearances since the beginning of the Covid 19 crisis, according to Black Knight data released this morning, but this encouraging news hides other more disquieting information, say market experts.

    While welcoming the decline in forbearances, Black Knight ceo Anthony Jabbour notes that “far fewer homeowners in forbearance remitted .......

    News 5 June 2020

  • Capital trouble

    GSEs stare down the barrel of reduced capital relief for CRT deals

    The re-proposed capital rules for the GSEs before they exit conservatorship, released by the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) on May 20, add further doubts to the future of the credit risk transfer market, according to market opinion.

    Compared to the rules released in 2018, the new iteration cuts in half the credit relief afforded by CRT deals. .......

    News Analysis 5 June 2020

  • Senators seek TALF expansion

    Sector developments and company hires

    Senators seek TALF expansion
    US Senators Jerry Moran, Martha McSally and Thom Tillis sent a letter to Fed chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin requesting that TALF be expanded to accept ABS backed by assets from all essential lending sectors as eligible collateral. The letter specifically urges personal instalment loans and non-agency RMBS be included as eligible collateral .......

    Market Moves 5 June 2020

  • First steps

    STS synthetics paper receives qualified welcome

    The EBA’s final framework for STS synthetic securitisations has received an overall positive reception from the capital relief trades market (SCI 7 May), although questions remain regarding the limitation of preferential capital treatment to the senior retained tranches. More saliently, concerns have been raised related to ERBA portfolios and the prudential criteria for obtaining preferential capital treatment.

    Overall, market .......

    News Analysis 5 June 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 5 June

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Sabadell is rumoured to be readying an SME significant risk transfer deal for the second half of the year. The lender launched its first risk transfer trade in September 2019 in full stack form (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).  


    News 5 June 2020

  • Repricing of risk?

    Funded, unfunded investor collaboration to rise

    The outlook for the significant risk transfer market appears to be positive, at least in the short term. Not only is the instrument likely to play a role in the post-coronavirus economic recovery, but it could also help bridge a gap left by the repricing of risk.

    Perceptions of risk have changed following the coronavirus outbreak, with CRT .......

    News Analysis 5 June 2020

  • Collection hitch

    Italian NPL ABS suffer Covid setback

    The Covid-19 pandemic has severely hit Italian non-performing loan securitisations. Since April, the volume of gross collections has decreased by about 46% relative to the January-February average. Low collection levels are likely to persist for the rest of this year, as Italy’s economy is not expected to recover before 2021.

    According to Scope Ratings, the drop in collections .......

    News 5 June 2020

  • Conduit CMBS on watch

    Sector developments and company hires

    Conduit CMBS on watch
    S&P has placed its ratings of 96 classes from 30 US conduit CMBS on credit watch (CW) with negative implications, reflecting the bonds' exposure to the adverse impact of Covid-19 on the lodging and retail sectors, and the related uncertainty about the duration of the demand disruption. The agency says it will resolve or update the .......

    Market Moves 4 June 2020

  • More Euro CLOs on review

    Sector developments and company hires

    More Euro CLOs on review
    Moody’s has put a further 234 tranches from 77 European BSL CLOs on review for possible downgrade. The securities involved are rated Baa2 to B1 and below. The action brings the total number of European CLOs Moody’s has under negative review to 351, representing around 16% by count, or 6.5% by balance, of its rated .......

    Market Moves 3 June 2020

  • NPL ABS prepped

    Pancretan Bank readies Castor

    Pancretan Bank is readying a non-performing loan ABS that references an approximately €1.1bn real estate-backed SME portfolio. Dubbed Project Castor, the transaction is one of a handful of Greek NPL securitisations launched during the coronavirus outbreak.

    Pancretan Bank has carved out nearly €300m for sale, while the rest of the portfolio will also be awarded for servicing by .......

    News 3 June 2020

  • New paradigm?

    Trustee discretion required in virtual environment

    The coronavirus crisis ushered in a new paradigm for securitisation noteholder communication and documentation processes, as remote working was enforced. This change has demanded flexibility from trustees and agents amid the uncertainty.

    Morgan Krone, partner and head of the global corporate trust and agency practice at Allen & Overy, says: “I think trustees and agents have done extremely .......

    News Analysis 2 June 2020

  • Equity opportunities?

    Sector developments and company hires

    Equity opportunities?
    Despite a lack of visibility and liquidity and with cashflows likely to deteriorate further into upcoming July payment dates, there may be some opportunities in the CLO equity space, according to a new research report from JPMorgan.

    It finds that while NAVs remain negative, there has been some improvement between March lows and late 2019. Equally, cashflow .......

    Market Moves 1 June 2020

  • Renewables JV inked

    Sector developments and company hires

    Renewables JV inked
    By way of a joint venture, illimity Bank and VEI Green II have set up a securitisation vehicle for distressed loans with underlying assets that produce electricity from renewable sources. This vehicle will invest up to €100m and operate in both the Italian primary and secondary energy markets. The partnership has commenced activities by carrying out its .......

    Market Moves 29 May 2020

  • Galaxy returns

    Alpha relaunches NPL ABS

    Alpha Bank is relaunching its project Galaxy non-performing loan ABS following the coronavirus disruption, with the aiming of closing the securitisation in 4Q20. At the same time, the National Bank of Greece has postponed an NPL ABS deal that was initially scheduled for 3Q20.

    The Galaxy securitisation was announced last year and references retail secured and wholesale non-performing .......

    News 29 May 2020

  • Accessing guarantees

    CBILS securitisation warehouses mulled

    Securitisation is gaining traction as a way for a wider investor base to access coronavirus-induced government stimulus packages. The technology could also be leveraged to provide much-needed liquidity to SMEs.

    Orrick partner Richard Hanson, for one, is aware of non-bank accredited lenders seeking to warehouse Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) loans via a private securitisation structure. Under .......

    News Analysis 29 May 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 29 May

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    ABN AMRO is rumoured to be readying a corporate capital relief trade that is expected to close in 3Q20. The transaction would be the lender’s first post-crisis synthetic securitisation.


    News 29 May 2020
