• Further central bank support unveiled

    Sector developments and company hires

    Bridging loan deal inked
    UK challenger lender Glenhawk has closed a private revolving securitisation of bridging loans, with senior funding provided by JPMorgan. Glenhawk offers short-term property development and homeowner loans, and has recently been authorised by the FCA. The new capital will support Glenhawk’s growth into the UK homeowner market. The facility represents the first time that JPMorgan has .......

    Market Moves 19 March 2020

  • Short-term volatility

    SRTs on hold, although 2H20 rebound expected

    Capital relief trade issuance has been postponed until the second half of the year due to the coronavirus crisis, as market participants expect disruption to be relatively short-lived. Nevertheless, more targeted government and central bank action towards consumers and SMEs is desired.

    According to one SRT investor: “In the near term, it’s going to be very difficult to .......

    News Analysis 19 March 2020

  • Risk off

    Securitisation markets seize up

    Amid a global sell-off, securitised asset classes where liquidity is scarce and asymmetry of positions particularly acute have suffered grievously. The FOMC decision to increase TBA purchases has so far eased only the agency RMBS sector (SCI 17 March).

    “I spoke to an executive committee about a month ago and you know what I told them? I .......

    News 19 March 2020

  • EIB mulls SME ABS purchase plan

    Sector developments and company hires

    Dealer credit facility launched
    The US Fed has established a Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) available from 20 March, which will offer overnight and term funding with maturities up to 90 days. The facility will be in place for at least six months and may be extended as conditions warrant. Credit extended to primary dealers under the facility may be .......

    Market Moves 18 March 2020

  • Pandemic response

    DNB lowers bank buffers amid outbreak

    Dutch central bank DNB has lowered the capital buffers for Dutch banks and postponed the introduction of the risk weight floor for mortgages, following ECB action on the Coronavirus crisis. Combined, these measures will free up €8bn in capital and will allow banks to continue their lending activities in the face of rising losses. 

    According to a DNB .......

    News 18 March 2020

  • Even playing field?

    Reg AB relaxation set to release RMBS

    The relaxation of FDIC rules regarding bank compliance with SEC Regulation AB when issuing RMBS (SCI 4 March) evens the playing field between bank and non-bank issuers. The move is expected to clear the way for greater bank-sponsored issuance to emerge.

    The FDIC’s decision to drop the requirement for banks to comply with Regulation AB was underpinned .......

    News Analysis 18 March 2020

  • Fed rolls out CPFF

    Sector developments and company hires

    CMB purchase programme
    The Bank of Canada has announced that it stands ready, as a proactive measure, to provide support to the Canada Mortgage Bond (CMB) market to ensure that it continues to function well. This would include, as required, purchases of CMBs in the secondary market through a competitive tender process. As a starting point, the bank will target .......

    Market Moves 17 March 2020

  • Liquidity concerns

    European ABS pipeline coming to a halt

    The European ABS primary market is grinding to a halt amid coronavirus-related volatility, with many transactions postponed. Among the relief measures implemented by the Bank of England and the ECB last week, the new UK Term Funding Scheme for SMEs (TFSME) could inhibit UK RMBS volumes further.

    “Spread levels are difficult to predict in the current environment,” says .......

    News Analysis 17 March 2020

  • Greencoat liquidator appointed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Ocorian has appointed Abigail Holladay as director of transaction management. Based in London, Holladay will manage restructuring transactions across Europe. She has previously held senior positions at Law Debenture and Deutsche Bank. Holladay has experience covering waivers, defaults, delegate/successor trusteeships and complex debt restructurings.

    Greencoat winding up
    In connection with the BUMF 4, 5, 6 and 7 CMBS, the .......

    Market Moves 16 March 2020

  • SCI Start the Week - 16 March

    A review of securitisation activity over the past seven days

    SCI NPL Securitisation Awards 2020
    As a result of COVID-19, the SCI NPL Securitisation seminar has unfortunately had to be postponed and along with it the inaugural SCI NPL Securitisation Awards ceremony. Nominations remain open and a revised deadline for them will be announced in due course. Further information and details of how to pitch can be found here.

    This week's stories
    AMC .......

    News 16 March 2020

  • Native blockchain securitisation debuts

    Sector developments and company hires

    Ares facility inked
    Non-Standard Finance (NSF) has entered into a new six-year securitisation facility totalling £200m, at pricing that is more favourable than its existing facility and is expected to result in a pre-tax saving of approximately £1m in the year ended 31 December 2020. On satisfaction of certain conditions, the new facility – which is provided by credit funds .......

    Market Moves 13 March 2020

  • AMC uncertainty

    Trade deal clouded by uncertainties for NPLs

    The US-China trade deal now finally allows foreign investors to acquire coveted local AMC licences that will in turn allow them to buy non-performing loans directly from banks. However, foreign investors remain in the dark about whether foreign-owned AMCs will be able to engage in the same activities as domestic ones.   

    According to King & Wood Mallesons (KWM), compared .......

    News 13 March 2020

  • Multi-tranching?

    Investor diversification raises triple-tranche prospects

    Seer Capital sees a future for triple tranche structures in significant risk transfer transactions. One driver is the market’s need to further diversify the investor base.

    According to Richard d’Albert, co-cio and cro at Seer Capital: “We are going to see more dual- and multi-tranche structures. It’s just a more efficient way for banks to execute thicker hedges .......

    News Analysis 13 March 2020

  • Definition debate

    Call for coalescence around ESG standards

    Impact is still being defined in the capital markets, both at a conceptual level and in terms of general product development. The terms ‘ethical’, ‘ESG’, ‘impact’ and ‘responsible’ mean different things to different participants. To avoid fragmentation and misunderstandings, the securitisation industry therefore needs to coalesce around specific ESG definitions and performance standards.

    Amitji Odedra, associate director at .......

    News Analysis 12 March 2020

  • Regulatory events

    Standard Chartered amends Gongga SRT terms

    Standard Chartered has amended the regulatory event definitions for the class A notes of a corporate SRT dubbed Gongga that was finalised last year (SCI 2 August 2019). The amendments exclude any reference to any requirement to disclose information about the underlying borrowers as per ESMA’s securitisation disclosure requirements, where doing so would be impossible or result .......

    News 12 March 2020

  • Mortgage moratoriums

    Impact of payment suspensions to be limited

    The Italian government and a trio each (at the time of writing) of lenders in Ireland and the UK are set to temporarily suspend mortgage payments for certain borrowers amid the disruption caused by COVID-19. The impact of these moratoriums is expected to be limited for RMBS bondholders, however, unless more sweeping or long-lasting programmes are introduced.

    In .......

    News 12 March 2020

  • AXA IM creates two key units

    Sector developments and company hires

    AXA IM restructuring
    AXA Investment Managers intends to create a new €137bn business unit - called AXA IM Alts - as part of a wider restructuring of the business into two key divisions, with the aim of creating a simplified and more focused organisation. The other new business unit would be known as AXA IM Core. Under the leadership of .......

    Market Moves 11 March 2020

  • Dutch VAT grace period mulled

    Sector developments and company hires

    Alhambra missed payment
    A borrower of a €10m loan securitised in the Alhambra SME Funding 2019-1 transaction has missed its February interest payment. The servicer says it is in “close contact” with the borrower and does not believe it is a defaulted loan, as defined in the prospectus. The borrower expects to receive funds in the coming weeks, which will .......

    Market Moves 10 March 2020

  • Insurance giants set to combine

    Sector developments and company hires

    Insurer combination agreed
    Aon and Willis Towers Watson have agreed to combine in an all-stock transaction with an implied combined equity value of approximately US$80bn. The strategic rationale behind the combination is to create a more innovative platform capable of delivering better outcomes for all stakeholders, including new solutions that more efficiently match capital with unmet client needs in high-growth areas like .......

    Market Moves 9 March 2020

  • Climate risk

    Climate impact reporting at early stages

    Banks have committed to disclose their climate risk exposures, as recommended three years ago by the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) task force on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD). However, standardised reporting of climate risks and opportunities and of their estimated financial impact is at early stages. Nevertheless, more banks are expected to disclose climate risks globally in response to growing .......

    News 6 March 2020

  • NPL reductions eyed

    Greek liquidation law set to facilitate securitisation

    Non-performing loan securitisations are expected to be the primary tool for NPL reductions in Greece over the next 18 months, given the option of derecognising assets without incurring punitive capital charges, the HAPS guarantee and the tough NPL reduction targets that banks have to meet by the end of 2021. One factor that will help in this respect is .......

    News Analysis 6 March 2020
