• ABS at the races

    Fundamental and technical factors power US ABS, led by autos

    Fuelled by very healthy technicals and fundamentals, the US ABS market has entered 2021 at a gallop, led by the auto loan sector, agree ABS analysts.

    Barring an unforeseen and drastic pandemic-related downturn, there is little to derail the market at the moment. Spread levels in many sectors are already at the lowest prints seen for a decade, but the market appears .......

    News Analysis 29 January 2021

  • PHEAA investor forum formed

    Sector developments and company hires

    PHEAA investor forum formed
    PHEAA has launched a series of consent solicitations seeking investor approval to amend the terms of indentures related to its outstanding tax-exempt bonds and notes issued by various PHEAA student loan ABS trusts, for which the organisation acts as administrator. The amendments would provide for the flexibility to sell the student loans pledged under certain indentures .......

    Market Moves 29 January 2021

  • Consumer SRT prepped

    Santander readies full-stack ABS

    News 29 January 2021

  • Positive prospects

    Secondary CRT market gains traction

    The coronavirus crisis has increased the prospects for a more active secondary market for capital relief trades. Nevertheless, relatively small clip sizes and a dearth of syndicated transactions means that it will be some time before activity matches last year’s all-time record.

    According to investor data, approximately US$1bn notional in CRT paper was traded last year as the .......

    News Analysis 28 January 2021

  • Liquidity impact

    Post-Brexit divergence highlighted

    Liquidity is one area of concern following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, given that UK securitisations are no longer considered eligible collateral at the ECB. Potential divergence over the revised retention regulatory technical standards is another.

    “The ECB will look at EU deals and data templates. UK securitisations are no longer eligible collateral, which may impact liquidity. .......

    News 28 January 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 28 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 28 January 2021

  • UK social bond debuts

    Sector developments and company hires

    UK social bond debuts
    Kensington is prepping its inaugural STS and what is believed to be the UK market’s first ESG RMBS. Dubbed Gemgarto 2021-1, the £472m transaction is labelled as a social bond and is backed by a pool of UK specialist prime, performing, first-ranking owner-occupied mortgages.

    The loans are made to underserved borrowers with complex incomes and .......

    Market Moves 27 January 2021

  • Mind the gap

    Innovative ILS structures creating Asian capacity

    MS Amlin’s recent Phoenix 1 Re deal marks the tenth catastrophe bond issued in Singapore (SCI 11 January). The transaction is also an example of how innovative ILS structures can help narrow the insurance protection gap in Asia.

    Asia leads the world in economic growth but is also the continent that experiences the largest number of natural .......

    News Analysis 27 January 2021

  • Call for aircraft ABS protections

    Sector developments and company hires

    Call for aircraft ABS protections
    Fitch reports that a material number of aircraft failed to be novated to two aircraft ABS - START III and Lunar 2020-1 – last year, following closing. The failure of aircraft to novate in START III resulted in the asset count falling to just two aircraft from 19 initially, while six of 18 initial aircraft .......

    Market Moves 26 January 2021

  • NPL pipeline builds

    European asset disposals intensify

    The European banking system’s disposal of non-performing loans intensified in 4Q20, particularly in December, closing the year at €38bn in NPLs sold. An additional €40bn of NPLs could be sold on the market in 2021, with around €30bn of this amount already announced for imminent disposal, according to the latest Banca Ifis Market Watch NPL report. Transaction volumes involving .......

    News 26 January 2021

  • CLO outlook updated

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO outlook updated
    Fitch says it expects to change a significant portion of its CLO outlooks to stable from negative, following the revision of its CLO coronavirus stress scenario to assume half of the corporate exposure on negative outlook is downgraded by one notch instead of 100%. Approximately one-third of corporate issuers with loans in CLOs currently have a negative .......

    Market Moves 25 January 2021

  • SME SRT debut

    Montepio inks first synthetic securitisation

    News 25 January 2021

  • Litigation on the cards?

    SLABS default rates causing concern

    Rising US student loan ABS default rates have sparked concern among securitisation investors. In order to recover losses, investors may resort to lawsuits.

    Philip Stein, partner and litigation practice group leader at Bilzin Sumberg, says:  “Some uptick in litigation is likely as investors may want to use lawsuits, or at least the threat of lawsuits, as recourse to .......

    News 22 January 2021

  • Risk transfer return

    Commerzbank inks private SME SRT

    News 22 January 2021

  • Italian SRTs finalised

    Third-party risk-sharing prospects raised

    News Analysis 22 January 2021

  • 'Unique' CMBX reflects Covid trends

    Sector developments and company hires

    ‘Unique’ CMBX reflects Covid trends
    The IHS Markit CMBX.14 index is expected to launch on 25 January, uniquely referencing 25 conduit CMBS issued between September 2019 and December 2020. All five of the 2019 deal constituents are also referenced in CMBX.13, creating collateral overlap between the two series.

    Morgan Stanley CMBS strategists note that on average, CMBX.14's original credit .......

    Market Moves 21 January 2021

  • CLO team finds new home

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO team finds new home
    Fidelity International has established a new private credit capability with experienced hires from AnaCap-owned MeDirect Bank. Concurrently, the firm has been awarded the delegation of management for the €400m Grand Harbour CLO 2019-1 transaction. Fidelity says it will continue to engage with MeDirect to explore further strategic opportunities.

    The private credit team will continue .......

    Market Moves 20 January 2021

  • Eviction limitations extended

    New law poses risk for Spanish asset quality

    Royal Decree-Law 37/2020, introduced last month by the Spanish government, extends the limitations on evictions of vulnerable residential tenants until May 2021. The regulations are expected to negatively impact RMBS and non-performing loan ABS performance by prolonging the time lag until property repossession, as well as reducing the incentive for private-sector investment in Spanish residential real estate and adversely .......

    News 19 January 2021

  • Italian green SRT debuts

    GARC programme broadened further

    News 19 January 2021

  • Euro CLO equity yields dip

    Sector developments and company hires

    Euro CLO equity yields dip
    Annualised equity dividend yields across European CLOs averaged 12.9% in 2020, down from 15.1% in 2019 and below the 15% yearly average for the 2014-2020 2.0 era, according to research from Bank of America. However, the research suggests that in light of the pandemic disruption, the dip was moderate and mainly driven by a drop .......

    Market Moves 18 January 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 18 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 18 January 2021
