• Auto ABS boost

    European ABS market update

    Yesterday’s print of BMW Bank’s latest auto loan ABS marks a significant step in the reopening of the primary European securitisation market. The STS transaction was placed with 33 accounts, with the final spread tightening to one-month Euribor plus 40bp at the senior level.

    One European ABS trader suggests that there is a lot of confidence that Bavarian Sky German .......

    Market Reports 15 May 2020

  • Questionable idea?

    Central bad bank proposal raises concerns

    The ECB is exploring the idea of a bad bank to relieve European bank balance sheets following expected asset-quality deterioration, due to the coronavirus fallout. Nevertheless, such a proposal would have to explain how purchase prices can be aligned with net book values, with some suggesting the move may be premature at this point.

    Indeed, any Europe-wide bad bank proposal .......

    News Analysis 14 May 2020

  • Liquidity support

    Amendments mitigate forbearance impact

    A number of UK securitisation issuers are enhancing their deals to mitigate the negative impact on revenue of coronavirus-induced payment holidays. Among the first-movers to support public transactions were Santander and Volkswagen Financial Services UK.

    Notably, Santander amended the transaction documents for its master trust issuances - Holmes Master Issuer series 2016-1, 2017-1, 2018-1 and 2018-2 and Fosse .......

    News Analysis 14 May 2020

  • Portfolio resilience

    Technology-driven investment gaining traction

    Pagaya has expanded to the US West Coast, beefing up its origination group. At the same time, the fintech firm is seeking opportunities in new asset classes and new partnerships.

    As part of its expansion, Pagaya has appointed Jason Hass as svp of originations and Mike Cannatella as vp of originations, in Phoenix and Los Angeles respectively. Hass will oversee .......

    News 14 May 2020

  • TALF CLO rules clarified

    Sector developments and company hires

    TALF CLO rules clarified
    The US Federal Reserve has clarified its CLO eligibility rules for TALF. It defines its stipulation that all or substantially all of the leveraged loans underlying CLOs must have been “newly issued” as those originated or refinanced on or after 1 January 2019. The Fed also announced additional CLO portfolio requirements: maximum second lien loan concentration .......

    Market Moves 13 May 2020

  • Positive outlook

    Survey indicates distressed debt pick-up

    A new survey of private markets suggests that a pick-up in distressed debt activity is likely over the medium term due to the Coronavirus crisis. However, live deals are being renegotiated or postponed, with servicers adopting more consensual resolution strategies.

    Private market participants are already finetuning their outlook and strategies for the next 18 to 24 months, even .......

    News 13 May 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 13 May

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Bank of Montreal is rumoured to be prepping a corporate loan capital relief trade for 3Q20. The lender’s last risk transfer trade was completed in January and was called Manitoulin Algonquin 2020-1 (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 13 May 2020

  • SFSF investments disclosed

    Sector developments and company hires

    SFSF investments disclosed
    The AOFM has disclosed the recent investments it has made under the Structured Finance Support Fund. In the primary market, the fund was the sole third-party investor in the A2 tranches of FirstMac 2020-1 (it also invested in the A1 through D tranches) and Liberty Series 2020-1 on 27 March and 8 May respectively. It has also .......

    Market Moves 12 May 2020

  • Residual value buffer provided

    Sector developments and company hires

    Residual value buffer provided
    Volkswagen Financial Services UK will calculate a collateral residual value buffer to be made available to its UK auto ABS issuers in respect of the monthly period in which a payment holiday with a term extension is granted for a purchased receivable. The collateral RV buffer will be £300 for each purchased receivable in respect of which .......

    Market Moves 11 May 2020

  • Drafting issues

    Assia Damianova, special counsel at Cadwalader, Wickersham &...

    CRTs typically consist of a credit transfer instrument entered into between the credit institution and an SPV, with notes issued by the SPV to investors, the payments in respect of which are linked to payments on the credit transfer instrument. Most CRTs use a financial guarantee (“FG”) as the credit transfer instrument (instead of a CDS that requires daily .......

    Talking Point 11 May 2020

  • EC decision awaited

    Preferential capital treatment mooted for STS synthetics

    The EBA’s framework for STS synthetic securitisations (SCI 6 May) is broadly in line with those of the discussion paper that was published in September 2019 (SCI 25 September 2019). Notably, the authority seems to endorse preferential capital treatment for such transactions, subject to certain conditions - albeit the final decision on this now rests with the .......

    News Analysis 7 May 2020

  • CRM tool

    CBILS guarantees eligible for CRR recognition

    The UK PRA published at the end of April a statement clarifying whether Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) guarantees are eligible for recognition as unfunded credit risk mitigation (CRM) under the CRR. The move is seen as a helpful step towards motivating banks to lend under the schemes. 

    “It’s a tough .......

    News 7 May 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 7 May

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    BBVA is rumoured to be readying a capital relief trade for 2Q20. The lender has completed a total of three risk transfer trades since 2017 and all of them have been in conjunction with the EIF (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 7 May 2020

  • NPA opportunities

    Global investors target Indian distressed debt

    The coronavirus fallout is set to severely impact credit delivery and asset quality in India, with over US$30.5bn of loans expected to become stressed over the next 12 months. Securitisation could help the banking sector address its non-performing asset (NPA) burden, especially if the Indian government further liberalises the country’s External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) regime.

    Nathan Menon, senior .......

    News Analysis 7 May 2020

  • STS synthetics proposals published

    Sector developments and company hires

    STS synthetics proposals published
    The EBA has published its proposals for developing an STS framework for synthetic balance-sheet securitisations, which includes the criteria to be considered when labelling a transaction as ‘STS' and provides the pros and cons of a potentially differentiated capital treatment for this type of securitisation. Among the proposed STS criteria are requirements on simplicity, standardisation and transparency .......

    Market Moves 6 May 2020

  • Ladder locks in financing

    Sector developments and company hires

    Ladder locks in financing
    Ladder Capital has entered into a strategic financing arrangement with Koch Real Estate Investments, under which Koch will provide the company with approximately US$206.4m in senior secured financing to fund transitional and land loans. As part of the strategic financing agreement, Koch has the right to make a US$32m equity investment in the Ladder at any time .......

    Market Moves 5 May 2020

  • Romanian SRT inked

    Uncapped guarantee completed

    The EIF and nine Romanian banks have completed an uncapped guarantee agreement from the SIUGI programme that covers 60% of a €1.368bn portfolio of Romanian SME credit rights. The banks originating the SME credit rights under this initiative are Banca Transilvania, Banca Comercial Romana, BRD – Group Societe Generale, ING Romania, ProCredit, Raiffeisen Bank Romania, Libra Internet Bank, UniCredit .......

    News 5 May 2020

  • Modifications up

    MPL impairments bucking the trend

    US marketplace loan payment impairment rates have increased amid the coronavirus fallout but remain below the changes in unemployment figures. Recent dv01 performance data also shows that modifications comprise over 70% of all payment impairments, thereby limiting near-term defaults.

    Indeed, new modifications outnumber new delinquencies and dv01 expects this trend to continue. The majority of modifications are a .......

    News 5 May 2020

  • Ratings resilience

    Shorter pro-rata periods to benefit SRTs

    A sharp deterioration in asset performance due to the coronavirus fall-out may lead to sequential pay triggers in predominantly pro-rata paying significant risk transfer deals being breached earlier than initially assumed. Shortened pro-rata periods may, in turn, increase the resilience of note ratings to declining asset performance and the associated upward revision of default base cases.

    As part .......

    News 5 May 2020

  • WAM guidelines finalised

    Sector developments and company hires

    WAM guidelines finalised
    The EBA has published its final guidelines on the determination of the weighted average maturity (WAM) of the contractual payments due under the tranche of a securitisation transaction, as laid down in the CRR. These guidelines aim at ensuring that the methodology applicable for the determination of the WAM for regulatory purposes is sufficiently transparent and harmonised .......

    Market Moves 4 May 2020

  • On hold

    Italian NPL ABS to pick up next year

    Italian non-performing loan securitisations are anticipated to drop by 50%-70% this year, compared to 2019, as the Covid-19 fallout puts bank deleveraging plans on hold (SCI passim). However, NPL ABS issuance is expected to pick up next year.

    According to Scope Ratings: “We do not expect Italian NPL securitisations to reach the levels of 2018-2019. Activity may increase .......

    News 4 May 2020
