• 'Quick fix' draft legislation published

    Sector developments and company hires

    ‘Quick fix’ draft legislation published
    The European Parliament has published draft legislative resolutions on amendments to the Securitisation Regulation and CRR in connection with STS synthetics and non-performing exposures.

    Among the proposals is a tightening of the definition of an NPE securitisation and the introduction of stricter language on risk retention, according to Rabobank credit analysts. The regulatory treatment .......

    Market Moves 6 October 2020

  • Olympic debut

    Largest non-banking Greek ABS closed

    Avis has completed a €186m securitisation of Greek auto leases and related residual value (RV) claims. Dubbed Cronus Finance, it is the first transaction from the jurisdiction since 2010 to achieve an investment grade rating by two major rating agencies and the largest non-banking ABS ever implemented in Greece.

    The receivables were originated by Olympic Commercial & Tourist .......

    News 6 October 2020

  • SRT for the real economy

    Chapter two of SCI's Autumn 2020 CRT Research Report

    The second chapter of SCI’s Autumn 2020 Capital Relief Trades Research Report explores how significant risk transfer can drive economic growth, supported by the recent High Level Forum recommendations, the European Commission’s Covid-19 recovery package and the STS synthetics framework. This section of the report comprises interviews with representatives from AFME, the High Level Forum, Intesa Sanpaolo, PCS and Santander.

    News Analysis 6 October 2020

    Premium Content

  • Synthetics seminar line-up finalised

    Fireside chat, CRT workshop on the agenda

    The line-up for SCI’s 4th Annual Risk Transfer & Synthetics Seminar has been finalised. Hosted virtually on 7 and 8 October, highlights of the event include a fireside chat between Clifford Chance’s Timothy Cleary and Christofferson Robb & Co’s Richard Robb, as well as a Mark Fontanilla & Co workshop on the US credit risk transfer market.

    A market overview .......

    News 6 October 2020

  • Range of moratoria take-up 'stark'

    Sector developments and company hires

    Range of moratoria take-up ‘stark’
    With payment holiday concentrations having fallen over the past few remittance periods, the range of payment holiday take-up across UK RMBS is stark, according to JPMorgan’s latest Covid-19 Payment Holiday Tracker. Reflecting data reported primarily through September and August, the report identifies zero percent (in the case of the MORTI 2020-1 deal) and 0.6% (TWIN .......

    Market Moves 5 October 2020

  • Transmitting credit

    SRT and the real economy explored

    SCI will be publishing a chapter of our Autumn 2020 CRT Research Report each day this week. While today’s instalment - the introduction – is available to all subscribers, the subsequent chapters will be available to premium subscribers only.

    To enquire about SCI’s premium content, email jm@structuredcreditinvestor.com (new subscribers) or ta@structuredcreditinvestor.com (existing customers). For further information on the risk transfer and synthetic .......

    News 5 October 2020

  • Comeback king

    Container ABS weathers the storm

    US container ABS volume has made a roaring comeback over the last month, after an absence of issuance that lasted for over a year. Limited expansion in capacity and supply in both the container leasing and container shipping markets has helped the sector weather the coronavirus-related reduction in trade volumes earlier this year.

    Container lease ABS issuance accounts .......

    News Analysis 5 October 2020

  • SME boost

    Commerzbank completes CRT

    Commerzbank, the EIF and the EIB have completed a 125m mezzanine guarantee that references a 1.9bn German SME and midcap portfolio. The guarantee will enable Commerzbank to provide new lending of up to €500m to SMEs and mid-caps in Germany as a countermeasure to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

    The transaction benefits from the support of the European Fund .......

    News 2 October 2020

  • New IMA inked

    Sector developments and company hires

    New IMA inked
    Pollen Street Secured Lending (PSSL) has appointed Waterfall Asset Management as its investment manager, replacing PSC. An investment management agreement has also been signed with a new AIFM, Mirabella Financial Services. PSSL has agreed to pay PSC a sum representing the approximate balance of the unpaid base management fee, including the unexpired notice period. The PSSL board believes that .......

    Market Moves 2 October 2020

  • 'Dual-track' approach touted for SRT

    Sector developments and company hires

    ‘Dual-track’ approach touted for SRT
    The EBA is finalising its report on significant risk transfer and hopes to be able to publish it by year-end, according to Pablo Sinausia, policy expert at the authority. He disclosed during a TSI Congress 2020 panel today that the report builds on the EBA’s recent report on STS synthetics and will address structural features that .......

    Market Moves 1 October 2020

  • SME ABS debut for Italian fintech

    Sector developments and company hires

    SME ABS debut for Italian fintech
    Banca Valsabbina has supported fintech BorsadelCredito.it as arranger, account bank and subscriber - together with other institutional investors – of ABS notes in a €100m securitisation backed by trade receivables granted to SMEs and guaranteed by the Central Guarantee Fund for SMEs. This is the first unrated securitisation operation listed on Borsa Italiana’s ExtraMOT-PRO .......

    Market Moves 30 September 2020

  • Programmatic approach

    Chinese ABCP market gaining traction

    Four public ABCP programmes have launched in China since the market opened in June. However, there are a number of differences between Chinese ABCP programmes and those in more developed jurisdictions.

    “It is a new market, so at the moment both the programme structure and the underlying assets are less diverse in comparison to the more developed markets .......

    News 30 September 2020

  • Mezz CLO fund closed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Mezz CLO fund closed
    Pearl Diver Capital has completed the final closing of its eighth closed-end CLO investment fund, PDC Opportunities VIII, at US$400m. Launched with a target raise of US$300m, the fund hit its hard cap, with LPs represented by public pension systems, corporate pension plans, high net-worth family offices and endowments. The fund is designed to invest opportunistically .......

    Market Moves 29 September 2020

  • Latest Magdalena finalised

    Santander prices first post-Covid SME SRT

    Santander, the EIF and the EIB have completed a €55m and €143m CLN that references a €2.2bn Spanish SME portfolio. Dubbed Magdalena Four, the transaction is Santander’s first post-Covid SME significant risk transfer trade.

    The transaction consists of a €1.969bn retained senior tranche, a €55m senior mezzanine tranche (priced at three-month Euribor plus 1.6%), a €143m junior mezzanine tranche (plus 6%) and a €33m retained first loss tranche. .......

    News 29 September 2020

  • Risk transfer round up - 28 September

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    BNP Paribas is rumoured to be readying a full-stack consumer significant risk transfer trade for 2H20.The transaction would be the lender’s first post-Covid full stack SRT following the finalisation of E-CARAT 11 in February (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).   


    News 28 September 2020

  • Tight pricing

    BNP Paribas completes SRT

    BNP Paribas has finalised a 324m funded financial guarantee and is scheduled to complete a 100m insurance policy before the end of 3Q20. Dubbed Resonance Five, the tranches reference a static 8bn global corporate portfolio that consists of both drawn and undrawn commitments. The transaction is so far the most tightly priced corporate capital relief trade of the year.

    The .......

    News 25 September 2020

  • Revolver exposures on offer

    Sector developments and company hires

    Revolver exposures on offer
    Goldman Sachs is in the market with a balance sheet synthetic securitisation referencing a portfolio of predominantly investment-grade senior unsecured revolving loan facilities. Dubbed Goldman Sachs Bank USA credit-linked notes due 2025, the transaction comprises two classes of S&P-rated CLNs for a total of US$184.8m.

    The transaction documentation links the ability of Goldman Sachs to .......

    Market Moves 25 September 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 25 September

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Goldman Sachs is rumoured to be prepping two US corporate significant risk transfer deals for 4Q20 and the lender is believed to have closed another corporate deal in 3Q20. The trades would be the bank’s first SRTs (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 25 September 2020

  • Spread compression

    European securitisation market update

    European auto and consumer ABS have seen a strong reception this week, despite renewed virus-related concerns. The first German auto ABS since May printed at tight levels, for example, while a rare UK consumer ABS from Premium Credit has entered the pipeline.

    One trader notes: “Over the last session, we had seen a slight pause in the market .......

    News 23 September 2020

  • Private credit fund formed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Private credit fund formed
    FrontWell Capital Partners has launched with committed seed capital of more than US$350m from a group of international investors. Headquartered in Toronto, the firm aims to provide transitionary senior debt financing - including asset-based and cashflow loans - to middle-market companies in the US and Canada.

    FrontWell is led by founder and ceo Patrick Dalton, who previously .......

    Market Moves 23 September 2020

  • Doubling up

    Record year anticipated for the EIF

    The bulk of European SME capital relief trades in 1H20 were public, with the EIF a particularly active participant, given its mandate to support the sector. Indeed, it is shaping up to be a record year for the organisation in terms of synthetic securitisation, with easily double the volumes than issued under normal circumstances.

    “Part of the EIF’s .......

    News Analysis 22 September 2020
