• Climate concerns

    KBRA md Peter Giacone and Nephila Climate structured finance...

    PG: How does the insurance industry fit into the ESG discussion and where do you see touch points within the Nephila Climate universe?
    AW: The evaluation of climate risk, a key aspect of the ‘Environmental’ factor, is a core capacity and it is what we do every day. In terms of the ‘Social’ element, the obvious thing is that insurance .......

    Talking Point 22 April 2021

  • Bottoming out

    EU NPL ratios improve

    Despite the significant decline in economic activity since the coronavirus outbreak, European banks are not at this point facing an asset-quality shock, according to the latest analysis. Non-performing loan ratios have improved and, indeed, they are expected to bottom out in 2021.

    According to Scope Ratings estimates and EBA data, the EU NPL ratio declined from around 3% .......

    News 22 April 2021

  • Forbearance SPV availability ends

    Sector developments and company hires

    Forbearance SPV availability ends
    The Australian Office of Financial Management has released an update on its Structured Finance Support Fund (SFSF) activities. As of 31 March 2021, total funds committed by the SFSF were A$3.8bn, including A$1.36bn public market investments and circa A$2.3bn across 45 individual warehouses sponsored by 34 eligible lenders.

    The AOFM notes that public securitisation market .......

    Market Moves 21 April 2021

  • Blockchain mortgage 'ecosystem' prepped

    Sector developments and company hires

    Blockchain mortgage ‘ecosystem’ prepped
    Liquid Mortgage has raised capital from and entered into a strategic partnership with Redwood Trust, marking the culmination of a months-long engagement, in which Redwood Trust tested Liquid Mortgage's technology and developed an actionable strategy to build a future-ready mortgage ecosystem. The partners share a common mission of utilising blockchain technology within the current market infrastructure, .......

    Market Moves 20 April 2021

  • RWA boost

    ECB reveals TRIM findings

    The ECB has published the findings from its targeted review of internal models (TRIM). The exercise has resulted in a 12% RWA boost and confirmed the continued use of internal models, but for a certain number of models, restrictions or modifications in their use was considered appropriate to cover the underlying risk. 

    The TRIM exercise aims to reduce .......

    News Analysis 20 April 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 19 April

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 19 April 2021

  • Regional resilience

    Structural enhancements for debut aircraft ABS

    Falko Regional Aircraft has priced its debut aircraft ABS, marking the first post-pandemic securitisation to be exclusively backed by regional aircraft assets. Dubbed Regional 2021-1, the deal includes new structural features designed to address market concerns resulting from the adverse impact of Covid-19 on the aviation sector.

    “The regional aircraft segment has demonstrated resilience in the last year, .......

    News 19 April 2021

  • Federal preemption challenges continue

    Sector developments and company hires

    Federal preemption challenges continue
    Two US courts have heard actions that are of significance to marketplace lenders and their funding sources so far this month, Chapman and Cutler reports. In Maryland, a state regulatory action purporting to require licensing of a sponsor bank and its fintech service providers has been removed to federal court. Conversely, a California federal court has dismissed .......

    Market Moves 15 April 2021

  • Shifting trends

    Differing ESG impacts on credit quality considered

    ESG considerations pose higher credit risk to certain securitisation asset classes and certain global regions, with evolving regulations and shifting consumer demand exposing transactions to potential declines in asset values or cashflow. Nevertheless, structural features, short loan tenors and asset diversification can help minimise such credit negative effects.

    ESG credit considerations include a broad range of qualitative and .......

    News 15 April 2021

  • Income opportunities

    Clayton Triick, CFA, senior portfolio manager at Angel Oak Capital Advisors, answers SCI's questions

    Q: How and when did you become involved in the securitisation market?
    A: Angel Oak Capital Advisors has a long history within the US securitised markets. Originally as a distressed credit investor during the global financial crisis, Angel Oak was able to invest capital targeting deeply discounted private-label RMBS.

    As markets continued to improve over the subsequent decade, we .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 14 April 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 14 April

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 14 April 2021

  • Green auto feasibility assessments underway

    Sector developments and company hires

    Green auto feasibility assessments underway
    CO2 emissions data reporting by auto loan lenders is likely to be crucial to classifying auto loan securitisations as ‘sustainable’ or ‘green’, in order to tap demand from ESG-oriented investors, Fitch says. However, the rating agency notes that discussions with lenders imply that creating the basis for detailed CO2 emissions reporting is challenging, as the .......

    Market Moves 13 April 2021

  • Benchmark issuance

    PPC finalises NPL ABS

    Greece’s Public Power Corporation (PCC) has finalised a €325m non-performing loan securitisation backed by 90 days past due receivables. Such a benchmark transaction is highly unusual for a corporate entity and paves the way for future NPL ABS to be issued in Greece.  

    The landmark transaction has a total duration of five years and includes a two-year replenishment .......

    News 13 April 2021

  • Consumer warriors

    Setback for CFPB, but warning shots at securitization market fired

    The March 26 dismissal of a lawsuit brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) against a student loan trust is good news for the securitization market, but may be only the first skirmish between it and a more bellicose CFPB.

    In fact, the manner in which CFPB appears to interpret elements of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act now means that the structured .......

    News Analysis 12 April 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 12 April

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 12 April 2021

  • Servicing hitch

    Italian NPL ABS collections drop

    Median gross collections for Italian non-performing loan securitisations in 2020 were 21% lower, compared to 2019, according to the latest estimates. The situation is further complicated due to a ban on evictions that will slow cashflows for some months. However, note sales could partially compensate for delays in judicial recoveries (SCI passim).

    Starting over a year ago, European .......

    News 12 April 2021

  • Inclusive approach

    ABCP to facilitate sustainable asset transition

    An inclusive approach to transitioning assets is considered crucial to developing a functioning ESG securitisation market. In this context, ABCP is expected to play an active role in financing the move towards a low-carbon economy.

    A recent AFME discussion paper - entitled ‘ESG Disclosure and Diligence Practices for the European Securitisation Market’ – notes that two elements are important for .......

    News Analysis 9 April 2021

  • Non-resident Aussie RMBS debuts

    Sector developments and company hires

    Non-resident Aussie RMBS debuts
    Brighten Home Loan is readying its inaugural RMBS - the A$250m Solaris Trust 2021-1 – which is backed by loans predominantly to non-Australian resident borrowers. S&P notes that the portfolio is not only exposed to macroeconomic events and policies that affect Australia, but also to events and policies that affect the borrowers’ countries of residence. Consequently, .......

    Market Moves 8 April 2021

  • Collection boost?

    NPL sales increase pending amid uncertain timing

    European non-performing loan sales are expected to receive a boost this year, due to higher unemployment and the impact of reduced government support measures on corporates. However, the timing remains uncertain and large-scale sales could be delayed to 2022 in a downside scenario.

    According to Fitch, following the initial impact of the pandemic in 2Q20 and to some .......

    News 8 April 2021

  • Positive prospects

    Margin loan CRTs on the agenda

    Credit Suisse is expected to close a capital relief trade referencing Asian margin loans this quarter (SCI 15 March), with further such transactions anticipated amid rising current and future IPO issuance. Although senior management and regulators remain to be convinced, synthetic securitisations appear firmly on the agenda as a tool for managing the capital impact of an increase .......

    News Analysis 8 April 2021

  • GACS NPL ABS performance eyed

    Sector developments and company hires

    GACS NPL ABS performance eyed
    A sum of eight new GACS non-performing loan securitisations priced in late 2020, with a cumulative balance of €3.4bn (securitising a cumulative original GBV of €13.4bn of NPLs), according to JPMorgan’s latest Italian NPL Performance Tracker report. Including these transactions, Italian NPL ABS issuance has risen to €22.1bn across 38 deals (including three non-GACS transactions), .......

    Market Moves 7 April 2021
