Market Commentaries




Feedback on Commentaries and Analysis is welcome
Sheil Aggarwal

select * from bbg_commentary where 1=1 order by date desc
  • 15 December 2021


    AAA bonds today trade at a discount to par given the volatility in markets, US LL Index -4bps dod.  Furthermore the coupons on the majority of bonds is <110 which is below new issue levels.  Our AAA index is 109dm. 

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    1 x AA trades HLA 2014-3A B1R with a +170bps coupon, which is post reinvestment / short wal and near new issue levels, covers at par ceiling 168dm / 0.6y WAL, our AA index is 178dm.  4 x single-A trades with bonds hitting par ceilings where coupons are well in excess of 250bps and post reinvesting bonds with short wals, our single-A index is 215dm.  Ignoring the 2 x post reinvesting BBB bonds there are 2 reinvesting bonds that trade with high coupons +370-410bps and trade at par ceilings, our BBB index is 338dm.  2 x BB trades in a 660dm-666dm range, shorter wal and higher coupons are better bid given the market volatility with GNRT 3A ER covering at 99.15 at 660dm / 4.9y WAL – this bond is post reinvestment and carries a +640bps coupon.  In contrast KKR 22A E covers at 96.76 at 666dm / 6.2y WAL – EoRP is 2023 with a lower coupon +600 whilst other credit metrics fairly comparable.  Our BB index is 695dm.


    Just the one AAA cover today. OCP Euro 2019-3 traded at 106dm.

  • 14 December 2021


    A quiet day in euros with one AAA cover. Elm Park traded at 107dm


    The only single A is Dryden 52 2017 which traded at 236dm.

  • 13 December 2021


    Just the two single A’s today. Both bonds traded around 213dm. Both come from clean deals and both have been refinanceable for over 2 years. Both, also, are just reaching the RPE Date and will start amortising soon. These traded levels are in line with our spread curves.

  • 10 December 2021


    Just the one AAA trade today. St Pauls 10 AAA traded at 99.95 / 102dm, in line with AAA levels. It has an MVOC of 162.64% and a Jnr OC cushion of 3.73%. Time to end of the NC Date is 0.36yrs.

  • 7 December 2021


    7 trades today, 4 x BSL AAA/mezz and 3 x AAA MM CLOs.  3 x MM CLO AAA trade 154dm-169dm which is flat to recent comps with the bonds trading very close or / at par.  Our AAA index is unchanged 111dm.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    We note some widening at single-B with trading today 937dm-991dm for fairly routine single-B bonds which are not credit impaired from benchmark managers PGIM and Pinebridge, DRSLF 2017-49A F from PGIM covers at 91.5 at 937dm / 6.5y WAL and GALXY 2016-22A FRR from Pinebridge covers at 93.5 at 991dm / 9.5y WAL both with clean credit and MVOC 105.  We shift our single-B index wider to 926dm.


    The 3 x AAA trades have traded around 110dm. CVC Cordatus 10 traded at 100.04 / 106dm which is noticeably tight.


    The only single A, Tikehau 3, traded at 99.80 / 211dm.

  • 6 December 2021


    35 trades / $84m of liquidity, predominantly IG.  US LL Index continues to rebound +12bp dod whilst we observed some spread widening.  At AAA, 2 bonds hit their par ceilings, coupons +120bps, whilst a small clip of ZAIS7 2017-2A A covers at a discount 99.38 at 155dm / 2.4y WAL – high coupon +129bps but weak credit ADR 2.1, Sub80 4.4 and MVOC at the low end 149.7.  Our AAA index remains at 111dm.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    At BBB there are 17 trades in a 298dm-431dm range with 4 trades hitting par ceiling, key characteristics of these are coupons well into +300s and MVOC >113.  However SNDPT 2017-2A D has a high coupon +360bps (still in reinvestment) but has a low MVOC 109.4, high ADR 1.4 and cuspy Jnr OC cushion 1.5 with cover 96.77 at 431dm / 5.2y WAL.  Our BBB index widens to 344dm.  There are 3 x BB trades 656dm-683dm with RRAM 2020-12A DR2 trading close to par with CVR 99.90 at 673dm / 9.2y WAL, coupon is +672bps and metrics are clean all round whilst bond coupon is strong versus prevailing new issue levels, our BB index shifts wider to 708dm.

  • 3 December 2021

    USD Mezz/Equity

    A quiet end to the week with $24m of mezz liquidity, whilst US LL Index continues to firm +11bp dod.  A small clip of CLRCK 2015-1A BR trades at a discount 99.64 at 169dm / 3.9y WAL, this has a ‘low’ coupon +160bps (vs new issue mid-160s) so has limited callability associated, Jnr OC cushion is also at the low end 1.9.  Our AA index is 172dm.  7 x BBs trade 682dm-767dm with a number of bonds hitting par ceilings since said coupons are north of +700bps, AIGIM 2019-2A ER covers at a discount 97.5 at 682dm / 8y WAL, coupon is low +640bps and MVOC is at the low end 107.8 despite clean credit metrics.

  • 2 December 2021


    $81m of liquidity today across 29 trades, with spreads flat on the day and US LL Index -4bps dod.  AAA bonds that are in reinvestment are slowly beginning to hit their par ceilings again, OCT33 2017-1A A1 with a +119bps coupon and EoRP 2023 hits its par ceiling at 100.01 at 119dm / 3.1y WAL.  Our AAA index is unchanged at 111dm. 

    USD Mezz/Equity CLO

    1 x AA trade BETHP 2021-1A B which is a 3.0 CLO +160bps coupon / EoRP 2026 and covers 99.67 at 164dm / 8y WAL which is close to our AA index at 172dm.  Also just 1 x single-A trade EATON 2020-2A C which is also a 3.0 with a high coupon +260bps and hits par ceiling at 259dm / 5.2y WAL, new issue in early 200s and our A index 211dm this bond that callability built in given it’s also post NC.  At BBB there are 7 trades with 2 hitting par, APID 2015-21A CRis a short wal bond post reinvestment with a strong MVOC given the deal is delevering and covers at 100.00 at 245dm / 3.9y WAL.  Blackstone’s CATSK 2017-1A C covers at 100.08 with a high coupon +370bps and converts to 368dm / 4.95y WAL – this bond is in reinvestment (EoRP 2022) and has clean metrics including 111.9 MVOC.  Our BBB index is 333dm.  12 x BB trades in a 590dm-826dm range with a 6pt cash px dispersion in trading.  Our BB index is 681dm with BCC 2019-4A E hitting par ceiling from Bain Cap – EoRP 2025, high coupon +748bps (new issue guidance in low-mid 600s) and strong MVOC 108.  At the other end of execution is CGMS 2015-3A DR (coupon +520bps / post reinv, generally weaker metrics) covers at 94.15 at 692dm / 4y WAL which falls slightly wide to our index.  At single-B KKR 13 FR covers 94.50 at 869dm / 3.9y WAL, this bond has a +700bps coupon, good MVOC 105.5, low ADR 0.6 but a little migration on the underlying collateral with Sub80 bucket 2.3% and CCC at 8.3% but Jnr OC cushion is strong 4.9 and this close to our single-B index 882dm.


    The 3 x AAA trades have all traded around 115dm which is about 2bps wider than our model predicted.


    There are 3 orig AAs. Carlyle Euro 2015-2 has heavily amortised and the orig AA is AAA rated now. It traded at 100.07 / 174dm. Carlyle 2018-2 traded at 182dm. The surprising one for us is Barings Euro 2018-1 which has a low margin of only 100bps and therefore we predicted a tight traded spread whereas in fact it traded at 161dm.

    Both single As have traded around 212dm.

  • 1 December 2021


    $320m of liquidity today across 36 trades with some big tickets changing hands.  US LLI bounced back +5bps dod.  At AAA our index shifts slightly tighter on the day to 111dm.  GOCAP 2019-42A A2 is a MM CLO 2nd pay with a high coupon +200bps and covers near par at 202dm / 5.2y WAL whilst we saw 2 other 2nd pay BSL CLO AAAs trade with FCBSL 2020-1A A2 covering at par given the relatively high coupon +190bps in relative terms versus the Golub MM CLO 2nd pay.  Bonds continue to trade at a discount with the exception of GSM 2021-IIIA A1 which has a high coupon +132bps / 1st pay AAA that covers 100.16 at 129dm / 6y WAL.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    A number of AAs trade at par ceilings, these bonds have high coupons +185bps-230bps with new issue guided in 160-170bps pre-vol.  Our AA index is 172dm.  At BBB there are 5 trades in a 355dm-441dm range with our BBB index at the tight end of this range 332dm, a couple of higher coupon bonds (365bps-394bps) trade at a small discount to par whilst bonds with coupons <340bps trade at a 5pt+ discount to par with new issue in the early-mid 300s area.  At BB there are 8 trades today in a 697dm-803dm range whilst our BB index ticks wider to 682dm, 3 bonds hit par ceilings, these have coupons > 700bps & MVOC > 110, whilst 2 additional bonds that also have 7-handle coupons trade at a discount to par given weaker MVOCs (as low as 108) and higher ADR / CCC migration (See PriceABS listing for details).


    Both AAs are from CBAM deals and both traded at 190dm.

    The single A, Grand Harbour 2019-1 from MeDirect Bank, traded at 297dm.

    The 6 x BBBs have mostly traded LM300s dm range. The exception is Jubilee 2019-22 which traded at 414dm because of its high margin.

    The 2 x BB have traded at 611dm and 547dm which is a definite widening pressure, as we saw with the Barings 2021-3 New Issue level of 700 over.

  • 30 November 2021


    $130m+ of liquidity as of the last day of the month which is the most for any single day this month.  With a softer tone in the markets this has reflected on CLO spreads as well with all ratings experiencing some widening going into month end.  US LL Index -14bps dod and -47bps mom.  With the softer trend over the past 2 days trading for AAA as bonds cover below par, there is one bond that hits par ceiling GSM 2020-IA A1 which has a high coupon +137bps and clean metrics covers 100.02 at 136dm whilst bonds with coupons into the +120s covering at a small discount to par as the market prices in some uncertainty over deals calling and inherent callability.  Our AAA index is 112dm. 

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    At AA bonds trade at a discount to par and in a 170dm-183dm range with our AA index widening to 166dm, CGMS 2015-4A A2R which has a +180bps coupon still covers at a discount 99.86 at 183dm / 5.7y WAL despite new issue talked in the mid-160s pre-Omicron volatility.  At single-A, REG16 2019-2A C covers at its par ceiling given the high coupon +270bps (bond is post NC).  Other single-As with coupons as high as +210bps (GTLNF 2013-1A CR) covers at a discount to par at 212dm / 5.2y WAL despite very strong metrics.  Our single-A index is 211dm.  At BBB there is one bond that is still in reinvestment and hits par ceiling, OCP 2016-11X CR covers 100.06 at 363dm / 5y WAL, the coupon is high +365bps (MVOC healthy at 112) and metrics are clean whilst the shorter WAL is attractive in this environment.  At the wide end is ZAIS7 2017-2A D which covers at 90.14 at 623dm / 4.7y WAL (downgraded to Ba1), MVOC is low 109, ADR is high 2.14, CCC 6.9 and 4% Sub80 bucket explains the weakness in credit.  Our BBB index is 330dm.  At BB the trading range is 623dm-891dm whilst our BB index is 676dm.


    There are 3 x AAA trades, between 120 and 145dm. All performing well with MV OC around 163% and Jnr OC cushions around 4%.


    The single A trade, Black Diamond 2017-2, traded at 97.91 / 267dm. This is wide for a single A because this bond does have a low MVOC of 122.10% and also Black Diamond is a manager which trades wider.

    The 2 x BBB have traded around 325dm. This appears to reflect some widening pressure on mezz bonds.

  • 29 November 2021


    Post Thanksgiving holiday supply is limited with 6 trades today with a softer tone all round given the uncertain market conditions around the Omicron strain.  AAA bonds with coupons > 100bps trade today at a discount which we have not seen for a while aside from credit impaired bonds.  Our AAA index widens to 109dm (+4dm).

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    4 x BB bonds trade 686dm-773dm with OAKCL 2019-3A ER cover 94.79 given the high ADR 1.84% whilst our BB index widens to 667dm (+9dm).  Best execution is BATLN 2015-8A D1R2 CVR 99.5 at 686dm / 5.5y WAL (coupon +675bps), with credit metrics overall not out of line on this bond it appears the shorter end of the curve (EoRP 2022) is more appealing given the aforementioned market conditions versus the longer WALs 7-7.5y) on the remaining trades today.

  • 26 November 2021


    Just the 2 x AAA trades today, after Thanksgiving. Both traded around 117dm which are unchanged levels. Both have a Non Call End Date over 2 years ago.

  • 24 November 2021


    Just the two trades today. The AA is from Dryden 51 2017. The deal is in amortisation. It traded at 100.10 / 175dm.

    The BBB is from Palmer Square 2020-2 which is a static deal. It traded at 100.30 / 450dm.

  • 23 November 2021


    US LL Index continues to soften (-6bp dod) whilst liquidity has been thin in CLOs with the traditional tapering off given Thanksgiving in 2 days.  2 x AAA trades today, both are MM CLOs with coupons +150-160bps cover at a small discount to par and trade 155dm-160dm, OR 2020-3A A1L was the last AAA 1st pay MM CLO to hit par ceiling 2 weeks back and this carried a coupon of +180bps, Guggenheim MM CLO 2021-4 is marketing now which will provide good intelligence on par AAA pricing for MM CLOs.  

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    TRYSL 2021-1A E which is a BSL CLO BB tranche covers at 96.13 at 811dm / 7.3y WAL, this is a 3.0 from new manager Sancus Capital with a 2024 EoRP and high coupon +738bps coupon, our BB index is 658dm with new issue +640bps context.


    There are a lot of mezzanine trades for us to look at today. The 4 single As have traded between 201dm and 251dm depending on their margin. All these bonds are performing well with MVOCs between 125.64% and 128.61% and Jnr OC cushions around 4%.

    The only BBB, Ares Euro 7, traded strongly at 100.19 / 307dm.

    There are 6 x BBs. CVC Cordatus 18 BB traded at 100.30 inspite of just being called for a reset. The others have traded between 530dm (RRE 3) and 662dm (Sculptor Euro 8).

    Both single Bs have traded around 955dm even though Aurium 5 has a much higher margin than Man GLG Euro 6.

  • 22 November 2021

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    12 mezz / equity covers today, with a 10-line list DNT.  US LL Index -9bp on the day with rate hikes starting to be priced in (mid-2022) given the inflationary environment coinciding with Powell’s confirmation of the head of the Fed for another tenure.  There is little in the way of spread movement in CLOs felt yet.  2 x Single-As trade 206dm-209dm (coupons +205bps) with bonds trading at a small discount to par but near our single-A index of 206dm which in turn is in line with new issue guidance.  1 x BBB trade, WITEH 2015-10A DR which is short dated post-reinvestment (EoRP 2019) bond and covers at par ceiling at 293dm / 2.2y WAL – our BBB index is 322dm.  BBs trading today (for bonds in reinvestment phase) 587dm-770dm with our BB index 657dm, with AIGIM 2018-1A ER trading closest to par given the coupon structure (+660bps) and overall clean credit metrics and a strong MVOC 107.5.


    There are 8 x AAA trades today. All bar Mackay Shields 2 traded between 100 and 110dm. Mackay Shields 2 traded at 182dm because of its very high 155bps margin. 3 of the deals are amortising, BNPP Euro 2017, CVC Cordatus 5 and Mackay Shields 2. The only one of the bonds with weak credit metrics is Jubilee 2016-17 but as a AAA it didn’t make much difference and it still traded at 107dm.


    The only mezz trade is the Ares Euro 14 single B which traded very well at 100.16 / 849dm. It is performing well with an MV OC of 108.62% and a Jnr OC cushion of 4.17%.

  • 19 November 2021

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    12 x BBB trades only today to round off the week, US LL Index -4bp on the day and -13bp wow.  BBB trade 270dm-414dm today with our BBB index now 323dm (flat wow).  Those trades that hit par ceiling have coupons >300bps with the exception of MAGNE 2016-18A DR which is post reinvestment (Aug 2021) with a +270bps coupon and a clean portfolio and strong NAV as characteristic of Blackrock CLOs so does trend towards par.


    The 2 x AAA trades are at 105dm and 111dm. This could potentially be a bp or two wider than our curve.


    There are 2 x A trades. Both of them are wide to regular single A levels. Black Diamond 2017-2 traded at 99.00 / 240dm and GLG Euro 4 at 98.06 / 223dm. Both bonds have low MV OCs, Jnr oC cushions and tend to attract a manager spread premium anyway.

  • 18 November 2021

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    26 covers today, all mezz, US LL Index -6bps dod which reflects overall market sentiment today with inflationary pressures coupled with weak economic growth concerns.  2 x single-A trades which trade either side of our single-A index at 204dm, with new issue context +215bps area ALLEG 2018-3A C from Axa IM covers at par ceiling (coupon +220bps) whilst NEUB 2017-26A C covers at a discount given it’s lower coupon +175bps at 180dm.  Both bonds have clean metrics.  24 x BB trades today 607dm-739dm range, our BB index is 674dm whilst new issue guidance is +645bps area.  As we have seen bonds with coupons >690bps are tending to hit their par ceilings given the inherent callability with SIXST 2020-16A E and BCC 2020-5A E both having these characteristics along with strong 3.0 metrics.  Other BBs are tiered by coupon, MVOC and ADR levels, BCC 2016-2A E (Bain) has a high coupon +704bps and is post-NC and post reinvestment but covers at a discount 98.76 at 739dm / 4.2y WAL – ADR is high 1.4, CCC is high 7.2 and Jnr OC cushion is cuspy at 1.5% whilst MVOC is trending at the lower end of BB levels 105.2.


    There are a lot of trades to look at today. Starting with the 2 x AAA they have both traded around 107dm. Both bonds are coming to the end of their NC date and both traded at small discounts.


    The 2 x AAs traded around 170dm. These are also clean deals. Arguably these spreads reflect a widening of a couple of basis points.

    The 3 x A bonds have traded H220s dm. In terms of performance the bond with the highest MVOC is Arbour 3 and the bond with the highest Jnr OC cushion is CIFC Euro 4.

    There are a lot of BBBs. The average spread is 320dm. The worst performing deal, perhaps not surprisingly, is GLG Euro 4 which has low performance metrics.

    There are a lot of BBs also. The average spread is 642dm. Harvest 7 is in amortisation and the BB traded at 568dm.

    The single Bs have traded with an average spread of 824dm. BlueMountain Fuji 3 traded notably tight at 762dm  / 98.03 given its margin of 707bps.

  • 17 November 2021


    32 trades today with $145m of liquidity across the capital stack, US LL Index -1bp dod.  AAA trades, which carry coupons as low as +96bps within reinvestment period all hit their par ceilings.  Our AAA index is 106dm.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    At the AA level there are 5 trades in a 134dm-175dm range, MAGNE 2019-23A B (Blackrock – top tier manager) a high coupon +175bps covers at par ceiling with new issue in +170bps context and our AA index 158dm which is in the middle of today’s trading range.  At single-A there are also 5 trades in a 196dm-230dm range, new issue guidance is +215bps and our AA index is 205dm.  Best execution is WELF 2019-XA BR (high coupon +220bps) at 99.67 at 225dm / 6.8y WAL with clean metrics / EoRP 2025.  9 x BBB trades in a 292dm-370dm range (new issue +330bps / BBB index 321dm) with 2 trades with coupons > 300bps hitting par ceilings, whilst 2 trades CEDF 2013-1A D1RR and EATON 2018-1A D both with similar coupon structures (>300bps) trade at a small discount given elevated ADRs (0.9% context), lower MVOCs (112 area) and slightly higher asset migration to Sub80 prices.  1 x BB trade today MDPK 2018-32A ER (coupon +620bps) covers at a discount 99.19 at 634dm / 7.3y WAL, new issue guidance is +645bps area and our BB index is 679dm whilst this bond has clean metrics and a benchmark manager CSAM it is the margin that limits the execution price.  5 x rarer single-B trades 825dm-939dm range, our single-B index is 885dm with tiering today from a cash px point of view is driven mainly by margin structure given the bonds are relatively clean in terms of fundamentals.


    A busy day of mezz trading. The 2 x BBB have very different margins. Dryden 32 traded at 340dm. Bain 2019-1 at 434dm.The Dryden 32 deal is performing very well. The BBB has a high MVOC at 121.14% and a healthy Jnr OC cushion at 4.05%.

    There are 7 x BBs. They have mostly traded in the VH500s to LM600s dm. Harvest 22 traded the cheapest at 698dm. It does have the lowest MVOC at 108.25% which certainly requires some spread widening but it was more than our valuation model predicted.

    There are 6 x B trades. There is a wide spread range, from 677dm to 914dm. This is a reflection of the fact that some of the deals are in amortisation and the dispersion of margins (from 598 to 856bps).

  • 16 November 2021


    A more active day with 33 trades and > 130m of liquidity, spreads and the US LL Index are both flat on the day.  AAA trades are all 1st pay and hit par ceilings with our AAA index 107dm.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    7 x AA trades, all lower coupon clean bonds (+135-145bps) and trade at a small discount to par given new issue is in +170bps guidance context, our AA index is 160dm.  23 x BB trades in a 614dm-699dm narrow trading dispersion whilst a 5pt price basis from a cash price perspective.  Bonds that hit par ceilings have coupons >690bps and low ADRs and strong MVOC 109+ whilst still in reinvestment, the prevailing new issue guidance is around +645bps with our BB index 679dm.  At the other end of the scale is TCW 2021-1A E (March 2021 close) that has a low coupon +582bps and CVR 94.9 at 658dm / 9.6y WAL, despite strong metrics the coupon drives execution.


    The 2 x AA trades have traded a few basis points wider at around 170dm. They are both performing very similarly and with exactly the same margin (150bps). The Spire Partners bond traded 5bps tighter than Carlyle.

    There are 3 x A trades. They have traded between 222dm and 232dm, which are unchanged spread levels.

  • 15 November 2021


    25 trades to open up the week, mostly high grade securities.  US LL Index -3bp dod and +7bp wow.  8 x 1st pay AAAs all hit their par ceiling with AAA index now 108dm.  2nd pay AAAs trade in a 127dm-138dm range with all trades at a small discount to par given coupons are ‘relatively’ low for 2nd pays +113-125bps range with small basis to AA.

    USD CLO Mezz/Equity

    One AA trade WINDR 2015-2A BR covers at a discount (low coupon +125bps and well past reinv end - 2019) at 126dm / 1.6y WAL, our AA index is 160dm.  CATLK 2013-1A BR single-A covers at a discount 99.19 at 248dm / 4.7y WAL (coupon +230bps), whilst new issue is +215bps context there are credit issues with this bond – ADR is high 1.3, CCC is high 7.9 and Jnr OC cushion is low 1.6.  TICP 2017-9A D from Sixth St (BBB) has a coupon +290bps and covers at a discount 99.96 at 291dm / 5y WAL, metrics are clean on the bond whilst new issue is +330bps guidance / our BBB index 321dm so execution falls short of par.  At BB, a shorter dated bond TRMPK 2015-1A ERR covers at par ceiling (EoRP 2020) given strong cushions and healthy MVOC 108.9 and clean metrics (ADR 0.6 / Sub80 0.5), 2 x clean bonds in reinvestment trade in a 603dm-655dm range whilst our BB index is 683dm. 

  • 12 November 2021


    US LL Index +2bp dod whilst only 3 x second pay MM CLO AAA trades today.  The higher coupon (180/250bps) bonds hit their par ceilings, MCMML 2020-1A A is a Middle Market 2nd pay bond too so has an especially high coupon of +250bps coupon and covers at 100.31 at 241dm / 3.6y WAL (MVOC 188 and 0 ADR).  One trade is at a discount today MCFCL 2018-1A A1 which has a lower coupon +137bps (which is in line more with BSL CLO 2nd pays) and covers 99.89 at 142dm / 2.4y WAL, metrics are clean so the coupon drives the execution price.


    Just the 3 x AAA trades today. Avoca 11 and Penta 3 are both in amortisation. The spread range is from 103dm to 112dm. All 3 bonds have been callable for a couple of years but, as stated, two of them are paying down.