• THEAT 2007-1 and 2007-2 set to repay

    Sector developments and company hires

    Asia Pacific
    ISDA has appointed Su Yen Chia as its new head of Asia-Pacific public policy. Chia previously served as alternate chief executive for Euroclear Bank (Hong Kong branch) from June 2017. In this role, she played an integral part in developing policy positions and interacting with regulatory and government authorities across the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to Euroclear, Chia was head .......

    Market Moves 7 January 2020

  • Canadian restructuring

    Alberta energy market stress hits CMBS

    Calgary-based real estate investment firm Strategic Group last week submitted an initial application filing under Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), citing 50 named entities and associated commercial properties within its portfolio. Of the affected office properties, five secure loans securitised in four Canadian CMBS within DBRS Morningstar’s rated book.

    According to Strategic Group, prolonged stress in the Alberta economy .......

    News 20 December 2019

  • GSE price-fixing lawsuit settled

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO manager transfer
    Hunt Investment Management has assigned collateral manager duties for the Hunt CRE 2017-FL1 and Hunt CRE 2018-FL2 CRE CLOs to OREC Investment Management. Moody's has confirmed that the move will not result in any adverse rating action. For more CDO manager transfers, see SCI’s database.

    Credit opportunity fund
    Arrow Global’s new Arrow Credit Opportunities SCSp fund has raised €628.5m .......

    Market Moves 18 December 2019

  • Structured credit pro returns to the buy-side

    Sector developments and company hires

    Kingswood Holdings has appointed Lindsey McMurray and Howard Garland to its board from Pollen Street Capital. The move is as per the terms of the investment completed in September, which saw up to £80m committed by way of an issue of irredeemable convertible preference shares to certain investors and funds managed or advised by Pollen Street.  McMurray founded Pollen Street in .......

    Market Moves 17 December 2019

  • Sticking with the programme

    ABSPP hits new high, but total volumes remain low

    Latest figures from the ECB show that its ABSPP holdings are at an all-time high. However, the programme remains far from the market moving purchaser it was once expected to be.

    Bank of America European structured finance analysts report that ECB net purchases under the ABSPP in October and November were €1.16bn and €1.266bn respectively, representing the highest monthly net .......

    News 12 December 2019

  • Alternative credit platform expands

    Sector developments and company hires

    CFO appointed
    Annaly Capital Management has appointed Serena Wolfe as cfo and a member of its operating committee. Glenn Votek, the company’s cfo and interim ceo and president (SCI 21 November), has stepped down from his role as cfo. Wolfe most recently served as a partner at Ernst & Young since 2011 and as its Central Region Real Estate Hospitality .......

    Market Moves 10 December 2019

  • Core qualities

    Caroline Chen, svp and research analyst at Income Research &...

    Q: How and when did Income Research & Management become involved in the securitisation market?
    A: Income Research & Management is a privately-owned fixed income investment manager that serves institutional and private clients. The firm is headquartered in Boston and was founded in 1987 by managing principals John Sommers and Jack Sommers. Originally a credit-oriented manager, IR+M has been involved in .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 9 December 2019

  • Turbo feature for CLO reset

    Sector developments and company hires

    Early upgrade
    DBRS Morningstar has taken the unusual step of upgrading from double-B (low) to double-B the class E notes issued by Autonoria Spain 2019 a week after the transaction priced (SCI 2 December). The move follows the final pricing of the coupons on the notes and the three interest rate swaps, which resulted in an overall reduction in costs .......

    Market Moves 9 December 2019

  • Alternative appetite

    Euro CMBS specialist property exposure to rise

    Appetite for European CMBS secured by specialist or alternative assets is expected to grow in 2020, as the sector becomes less niche. Such properties are characterised by their operating nature, with the availability of alternative operators being a key driver in their assessment.

    Stephen Hughes, avp - analyst at Moody’s, notes that there are two main factors driving increased appetite .......

    News 6 December 2019

  • ABS head retired

    Sector developments and company hires

    ABS head retires

    Janus Henderson’s head of ABS investment Ed Panek has now retired from the company and the industry. Colin Fleury, the head of secured credit will assume direct responsibility for the ABS team. Fleury has extensive experience working with ABS, having previously fulfilled the head of ABS investment role. A more junior securitisation expert is being recruited to .......

    Market Moves 6 December 2019

  • Euro lending support announced

    Sector developments and company hires

    Euro lending support announced

    The EIF has committed €100m to online lending marketplace October. The investment renews its support to European SMEs, under the “Private Credit Tailored for SMEs” programme, alongside other institutional investors including CNP Assurances, Bpifrance and Zencap - all of whom were already part of the latest institutional fund launched in 2018.

    This new €100m commitment will .......

    Market Moves 28 November 2019

  • Italian market developments 'positive' for ABS

    Sector developments and company hires

    Italian market developments ‘positive’ for ABS

    Recent market developments in in the Cessione del Quinto (CDQ) and Delegazione di Pagamento (DP) loan market are credit positive for ABS, according to structured finance analysts from Moody’s. The analysts add that increasing regulatory scrutiny limits the risk of poor underwriting, while lower capital requirements support further loan growth. Both developments .......

    Market Moves 27 November 2019

  • Mortgage partnership announced

    Sector hires and company developments

    Euro credit team bulks up

    CIFC has hired Anders Samuelsen from Muzinich as it continues to build its European team.  Samuelsen, who began his career as a credit portfolio manager at Saxo Privatbank in Denmark, will be based in London, and joins as vp, focusing on northern Europe. CIFC has also announced the hire of Aidan Reynolds, from .......

    Market Moves 25 November 2019

  • SCI Start the week - 25 November

    A review of securitisation activity over the past seven days

    Transaction of the week

    Hercules tapped

    Alpha Bank is set to securitise a €12bn mixed portfolio of retail secured and unsecured loans, mortgage and wholesale non-performing loans in 1H20. Dubbed Project Galaxy, the transaction protects shareholders from dilution and is one of the first to utilise the Greek government's Hercules asset protection scheme (HAPS) (SCI 11 October).

    Alpha .......

    News 25 November 2019

  • FRTB consultation launched

    Sector developments and company hires

    APAC poll highlights key risks

    More than 80% of market participants polled by Moody’s at its recent Asia Pacific Structured Finance Conference in Singapore identified slowing global economic growth as posing a key risk for the Asia Pacific finance sector in 2020. In particular, 54% of respondents said that trade tensions were the biggest threat to Asia Pacific economies next year – .......

    Market Moves 22 November 2019

  • Ceo retires

    Sector developments and company hires

    Capital markets head appointed

    23 Capital has hired Sreesha Vaman as md, head of capital markets. 23 Capital is a capital and solutions provider focused on the sports, music and entertainment sectors. Vaman has more than 15 years of experience across the finance, investment banking, sports and entertainment landscape and is joining the team’s New York office with .......

    Market Moves 21 November 2019

  • Legal firm beefs up

    Sector developments and company hires

    GSE capital rule eyed

    The FHFA plans to re-propose the entire regulation on capital requirements for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sometime next year, stating that the 2018 capital rule was proposed before it began the process of retaining capital at the GSEs as a first step towards ending their conservatorships. The agency says that the new rule will be .......

    Market Moves 20 November 2019

  • Structured credit head announced

    Sector developments and company hires

    Acquisition finalised

    Artex has completed the acquisition of Horseshoe Insurance Services Holdings. This acquisition significantly strengthens its ILS operations and furthers the company’s goal to become the best service provider to the world’s risk capital. Horseshoe will become the global brand of ILS services for Artex, which will operate as one global team across multiple jurisdictions. Andre Perez and his .......

    Market Moves 18 November 2019

  • SME programmes launched

    EIF supports two inaugural funding initiatives

    The EIF has for the first time provided funding support for a German online SME lending platform. In another first, the EIF has announced a funding guarantee to support lending to French cooperatives.

    German online lending platform creditshelf has launched a diversified closed-ended private debt fund, with €30m being provided by the EIF. It will have a target size will be up .......

    News 18 November 2019

  • Morgan loan prepays

    Sector developments and company hires

    Coupon swaps planned

    The New York Fed's open market trading desk plans to conduct four small value agency RMBS coupon swap operations on 19 and 21 November. On these days, the desk intends to swap out of three unsettled December TBA positions – 30-year UMBS 3% coupon, 15-year UMBS 2.5% coupon and 30-year Ginnie Mae II 3.5% coupon – for .......

    Market Moves 15 November 2019

  • ESG initiative launched

    Sector developments and company hires

    Alt heads named test

    Allianz Global Investors has unveiled leadership changes that will take effect on 1 January 2020. Global head of distribution Tobias Pross and global head of alternatives Deborah Zurkow will succeed Andreas Utermann as ceo and global head of investments respectively. Utermann will remain at the firm on an advisory basis for the first half of next .......

    Market Moves 13 November 2019
