• Euro CLO equity edges ahead

    Sector developments and company hires

    Euro CLO equity edges ahead
    European CLO equity cashflow returns average 9.3% year-to-date and - as all CLOs in reinvestment are currently paying - the full-year 2020 cashflow return is likely to be low-teens, according to a new report from JPMorgan CLO research analysts. As such, European equity pieces have edged ahead of their US counterparts, currently returning 8% year-to-date .......

    Market Moves 3 August 2020

  • Nuanced approach

    Call for clarity in defining ESG

    A nuanced approach to ESG considerations is emerging within the securitisation market. Nevertheless, the Covid-19 pandemic has put social and governance factors in the spotlight.

    Anuj Babber, head of ABS research at M&G Investments, says: “The securitisation industry is at the infancy of incorporating ESG considerations into its credit and investment decisions. What we are seeing is that .......

    News 3 August 2020

  • The perils of Covid CRE

    While CRE market has proved robust so far, help is still needed.


    The US commercial real estate market, and by extension the CMBS sector, has performed better recently than was thought likely a few months ago, but this does not mean all is well.

    The expiry of enhanced unemployment benefits today (July 31) plus ongoing economic dislocation due to a far from tamed pandemic suggests that things will get worse in the near term.

    One .......

    News Analysis 31 July 2020

  • CMBS concerns

    Tailored Brands exposure eyed

    Tailored Brands has revealed that coronavirus-related financial disruption means it is considering undergoing bankruptcy reorganisation, which could be pursued as soon as 2 August. KBRA reports that 217 properties collateralising 208 loans (US$14.44bn by allocated loan amount) across 226 US CMBS have exposure to a Tailored Brands location.

    Around 26% of this cohort was delinquent, as of last .......

    News 31 July 2020

  • AGs fight Madden rule

    Sector developments and company hires

    AGs fight Madden rule
    The attorneys general of California, Illinois and New York have filed a suit against the OCC’s ‘valid when made’ rule (SCI 1 June), which they claim would allow the federal government to pre-empt state usury laws and allow third-party entities “to prey on vulnerable” borrowers. The AGs note that the ability to pre-empt state usury .......

    Market Moves 30 July 2020

  • Blockchain boost

    DLT opportunity for ABS market

    Coronavirus-related concerns are boosting the use of technology within the securitisation market. Blockchain is one area that is benefiting from this trend.

    John Evans, Vanguard’s head of blockchain strategy, says: “One area we feel that there is a good opportunity to modernise the plumbing of the markets is in the securitisation market, and ABS is a good example .......

    News Analysis 30 July 2020

  • CLO ETF prepped

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO ETF prepped
    Janus Henderson Investors has filed a preliminary registration statement with the US SEC in connection with the Janus Henderson AAA CLO ETF (JAAA), which is expected to launch on 22 October and will be offered to US investors. The fund will be managed by portfolio managers John Kerschner and Nick Childs, while Jessica Shill will serve as .......

    Market Moves 29 July 2020

  • CLO equity defies predictions

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO equity defies predictions
    US CLO equity cashflow performance is defying pessimistic predictions, according to a new report from JPMorgan CLO research analysts. As of 23 July reporting, US CLO equity on average paid 8% cashflow year to date (based on 842 tranches or circa 70% of the universe) and the report estimates 89% of equity is paying, compared to .......

    Market Moves 27 July 2020

  • 'Switch' success

    Aussie non-bank issuance on the rise

    The Australian securitisation market has seen a rise in non-bank issuance post-coronavirus. Such activity has benefited from an adjustment to the AOFM’s Structured Finance Support Fund (SFSF) that funnelled secondary sellers into new primary deals.

    Martin Jacques, director, head of securitisation and covered bond strategy at Westpac Institutional Bank, says: “Since the onset of the pandemic, all of .......

    News Analysis 27 July 2020

  • ReoCo restructuring in the works

    Sector developments and company hires

    ReoCo restructuring in the works
    The Leviticus SPV issuer is set to implement a ReoCo structure, having appointed Credito Fondiario as the servicer to carry out all core ReoCo activities. The main purpose of the ReoCo is to encourage third-party acquisitions at auctions above auction base prices or to repossess real estate assets at otherwise empty auctions and re-sell them .......

    Market Moves 23 July 2020

  • Canadian CMBS forbearance highlighted

    Sector developments and company hires

    Canadian CMBS forbearance highlighted
    As of the June 2020 remittance reports for the Canadian conduit CMBS sector, 48 loans totalling C$559.9m were on the servicer's watchlist for coronavirus-related relief, according to DBRS Morningstar. In most of these instances, the servicer’s commentary confirmed that borrowers were granted loan modifications and/or forbearances.

    The majority of these loans are secured by retail .......

    Market Moves 22 July 2020

  • Second CLN references WaMu loans

    Sector developments and company hires

    Second CLN references WaMu loans
    JPMorgan is in the market with its second public synthetic RMBS, Chase Mortgage Reference Notes 2020-CL1. Principal payments on the notes are based on the actual payments received and performance of a US$2bn reference pool consisting of 8,683 prime-quality residential mortgage loans. According to Fitch, the majority of the loans were originally negative amortisation loans originated .......

    Market Moves 21 July 2020

  • Positive pick-up

    European ABS market update

    The positive tone across the European securitisation market appears to be continuing this week, following one that saw rare Dutch consumer (Aurorus 2020) and Portuguese auto (Silk Finance No. 5) paper placed. Indeed, two more relatively rare mandates were announced yesterday (20 July) – a new UK prime RMBS master trust and the first post-coronavirus UK CMBS.

    One .......

    Market Reports 21 July 2020

  • UK Mortgages offer disclosed

    Sector developments and company hires

    UK Mortgages offer disclosed
    M&G Investment Management (MAGIM), on behalf of one of its managed funds - M&G Specialty Finance Fund (£) SCSp – has disclosed that it has made several approaches to the board of UK Mortgages Limited (UKML) with a view to making a recommended cash offer for UKML, all of which have been rejected. The most recent approach .......

    Market Moves 20 July 2020

  • Euro CLO par burn rises

    Sector developments and company hires

    Euro CLO par burn rises
    After a relatively stable Q1, European CLO managers burnt an average -19bp of par in Q2 (compared to -3bp in Q1), according to JPMorgan’s latest report on the sector. Among 44 European managers, 14 managers built par in 2020 YTD by an average +19bp, while the remaining 30 managers burnt par by an average -41bp. .......

    Market Moves 16 July 2020

  • Seeking clarity

    Call to reassess repo language

    The AG MIT CMO versus Royal Bank of Canada case, which recently settled (SCI 3 June), highlights how Covid-19 disruption has caused confusion over what constitutes a ‘recognised market’ for the purpose of selling securities. Indeed, the lawsuit underscores the need for greater clarity in securitisation repurchase agreements.

    In the case, AG Mortgage Investment Trust argued that RBC .......

    News 16 July 2020

  • Conflict-free trading

    Benjamin Arnold, founding partner and ceo of Meraki Global Advisors, answers SCI's questions

    Q: How and when did Meraki Global Advisors become involved in the securitisation market?
    A: Meraki Global Advisors was founded with the rebellious determination to deliver conflict-free trading to asset managers. Meraki is a global multi-asset outsourced trading and operations firm that was launched in April 2019.

    We identified a need among the more sophisticated multi-asset hedge fund community .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 16 July 2020

  • October cliff edge looms

    The apparent recovery of many parts of the MBS market may be a false dawn

    Mortgage-backed securities have in general rebounded with confidence in recent weeks, but there is an undercurrent of alarm in the market that the resurgence might have over-reached itself. Despite the last non-farm payroll report, much economic data is still extremely sobering and a shock in Q4 could be on the cards, say analysts.

    For example, seven credits of the 100 constituent credits .......

    News Analysis 15 July 2020

  • LCX platform expanded

    Sector developments and company hires

    LCX platform expanded
    LendingClub has expanded its LCX platform to make it easier for registered institutional investors to analyse, price and bid on loans at pre-issuance, down to the individual loan level. When it was first launched, LCX enabled the company to sell previously originated loans at, above or below par, from its balance sheet. For the first time, LendingClub .......

    Market Moves 13 July 2020

  • OC ratios examined

    Sector developments and company hires

    OC ratios examined
    Drivers behind and expectations for European CLO OC ratios have been examined in a new report from S&P. It finds that average senior and junior OC cushions declined between February and May by 1% to remain healthy at over 8% and 3% respectively.

    However, S&P says: “We are seeing a wider dispersion of OC cushions across .......

    Market Moves 10 July 2020

  • Restructuring events?

    Uncertainty over CRE values weighs on CRTs

    Restructuring credit events in capital relief trades backed by commercial real estate loans will likely occur over the next six months, following an end to coronavirus-related payment holiday schemes. Given uncertainty over the long-term impact of the pandemic on CRE collateral values, disagreements between banks and investors over the appropriate workout strategy and the related issue of control rights .......

    News Analysis 9 July 2020
