• Restructuring events?

    Uncertainty over CRE values weighs on CRTs

    Restructuring credit events in capital relief trades backed by commercial real estate loans will likely occur over the next six months, following an end to coronavirus-related payment holiday schemes. Given uncertainty over the long-term impact of the pandemic on CRE collateral values, disagreements between banks and investors over the appropriate workout strategy and the related issue of control rights .......

    News Analysis 9 July 2020

  • CQS portfolio refinanced

    Sector developments and company hires

    CQS portfolio refinanced
    AnaCap Financial Partners has acquired and refinanced a portfolio of salary and pension guaranteed loans (CQS) with a face value of over €200m. Originated by a large Italian bank, these loans were initially securitised in 2016. In July 2019, AnaCap acquired the equity in the securitisation and in June 2020 it exercised its right to acquire the .......

    Market Moves 8 July 2020

  • Positive signs for CLOs

    Sector developments and company hires

    Positive signs for CLOs
    US CLO manager metrics have begun to improve or stabilise, according to JPMorgan’s Q2 report on the sector, published today. “In the very latest reported data, the percent of US CLOs failing the junior-most OC test (double- or single-B) dropped from 20% a few weeks ago to 16% - likely due to higher triple-C loan market values, .......

    Market Moves 7 July 2020

  • Volcker revision impact modest

    Sector developments and company hires

    Volcker revision impact modest
    The impact of the changes made to the Volcker Rule (SCI 26 June) will be relatively modest for the CLO market, according to S&P. The agency notes that nearly all current CLO documents prohibit investing in bonds, so will not see any changes unless they’re amended, which would require investor consent. However, a small number .......

    Market Moves 6 July 2020

  • Consistently attractive CMBS

    CMBS is still the TALF favourite, but overall take-up could increase

    Some 58% of loans requested under TALF 2.0 during the first subscription period, or $145m, were for CMBS purchases and the relative popularity of this asset class is not expected to diminish in the second subscription period beginning July 6, say CMBS analysts.

    Spreads in CMBS are still generally more elevated than in other areas of the ABS universe, and .......

    News 2 July 2020

  • Tentative TALF 2.0

    The next TALF subscription date is July 6, but no fireworks expected


    The second TALF 2.0 subscription period begins on July 6, and it is expected to be even more anaemic than the one that concluded on June 17th, say those close to the market.

    Investors requested $252m of loans in the first period, of which $145m used CMBS assets as collateral, but, with spreads continuing to tighten across the board, there is little .......

    News Analysis 26 June 2020

  • Volcker changes finalised

    Sector developments and company hires

    Volcker changes finalised
    The CFTC, FDIC, OCC, SEC and US Fed have finalised a rule modifying the Volcker Rule's prohibition on banking entities investing in or sponsoring hedge funds or private equity funds – known as covered funds. The final rule is broadly similar to the proposed rule from January (SCI 31 January).

    Like the proposal, the final .......

    Market Moves 26 June 2020

  • Apartment recovery?

    Multifamily CMBS collections 'encouraging'

    The recovery of the apartments sector post-coronavirus is expected to be seen sooner than other US commercial real estate sectors. However, concern remains about the impact of unemployment levels spiking.

    “Apartments that are not luxury apartments are now serving the vast majority of the population. The reality is that these buildings are considered B and C quality apartments .......

    News Analysis 23 June 2020

  • CMBS scores in first TALF window

    Sector developments and company hires

    CMBS scores in first TALF subscription
    Investors requested US$252m in loans under the first TALF 2.0 subscription window. Of this total, US$145m was for CMBS purchases, with the remainder almost evenly split between premium finance and small business deals. Wells Fargo CMBS analysts note that although wider spreads in the CMBS sector relative to the ABS sector may continue to .......

    Market Moves 18 June 2020

  • Seductive specifieds

    An investor's view

    SCI spoke to Brendan Doucette, government bond portfolio manager of GW&K Investment Management in Boston. The firm has assets under management of $40bn, of which $1bn is invested in the MBS market. It invests only in GSE-backed bonds.

    Q: Where do you see value in the MBS market at the moment Brendan?

    We like owning mortgages versus Treasuries, .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 18 June 2020

  • Older CLOs underperforming

    Sector developments and company hires

    Older CLOs underperforming
    A significant proportion of all the US BSL CLOs S&P has on negative watch closed in 2015 or before. The rating agency reports that such deals also experienced a steeper average decline in OC cushion, falling by 3.23%, and their average junior OC cushion is now approaching 0%.

    Of the 410 currently reinvesting deals within the .......

    Market Moves 16 June 2020

  • Demand decline

    Remote working accelerates change for office CRE

    A decline in demand for office real estate is expected amid the coronavirus fallout and record job losses. Occupancy and rental rates will come under pressure as a result.

    The Covid-19 outbreak has accelerated the adoption of remote working, which is likely to lead to a gradual reduction in the office footprint. “This epidemic marks a watershed in .......

    News 15 June 2020

  • Californian auto loans eyed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Californian auto loans eyed
    The Westlake Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-2 issuer has disclosed that the state of California is considering new legislation - Assembly Bill No. 2501 (AB 2501) - that could significantly impact auto loan securitisations with high concentrations of Californian loans. S&P notes that in its current form, if this legislation is enacted, it could require servicers of .......

    Market Moves 12 June 2020

  • Risky retention

    Haircuts become more severe in Covid 19 world

    Issuers of mortgage-backed bonds are at the moment finding it increasingly difficult to fund the risk retention pieces, say market sources.

    Lack of liquidity in the MBS repo market is in part to blame, but also rates have soared to uneconomic levels for issuers wishing to lend notes in return for cash as the likely economic effects of Covid 19 devalue mortgage-backed .......

    News Analysis 12 June 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 10 June

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Santander has exercised a 10% clean-up call for its Red-1 Finance CLO 2017-1 transaction. The UK commercial real estate capital relief trade was structured in 2017 with a June 2022 maturity (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).  


    News 10 June 2020

  • Resolve and resilience

    Content sponsored by Ocorian

    James Maitland, regional head of Americas, Bermuda & Caribbean, and global head of capital market services at Ocorian, spoke to SCI about how resilience is benefiting the industry and his firm

    With the traditional office environment disappearing almost overnight and widespread personal restrictions, we have seen a smooth transition and incredible resilience both within our own firm and across the .......

    Talking Point 10 June 2020

  • CLO business integrated

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO business integrated
    RBC’s US-based CLO management business is being integrated into BlueBay’s CLO management platform. Sid Chhabra, who joined BlueBay – which is owned by RBC - in 2018 to build the firm’s structured credit and CLO capabilities, will lead this team. The US-based team includes four experienced individuals and the US$500m CLOs they manage.

    In other news…

    Market Moves 8 June 2020

  • Conduit CMBS on watch

    Sector developments and company hires

    Conduit CMBS on watch
    S&P has placed its ratings of 96 classes from 30 US conduit CMBS on credit watch (CW) with negative implications, reflecting the bonds' exposure to the adverse impact of Covid-19 on the lodging and retail sectors, and the related uncertainty about the duration of the demand disruption. The agency says it will resolve or update the .......

    Market Moves 4 June 2020

  • More Euro CLOs on review

    Sector developments and company hires

    More Euro CLOs on review
    Moody’s has put a further 234 tranches from 77 European BSL CLOs on review for possible downgrade. The securities involved are rated Baa2 to B1 and below. The action brings the total number of European CLOs Moody’s has under negative review to 351, representing around 16% by count, or 6.5% by balance, of its rated .......

    Market Moves 3 June 2020

  • New paradigm?

    Trustee discretion required in virtual environment

    The coronavirus crisis ushered in a new paradigm for securitisation noteholder communication and documentation processes, as remote working was enforced. This change has demanded flexibility from trustees and agents amid the uncertainty.

    Morgan Krone, partner and head of the global corporate trust and agency practice at Allen & Overy, says: “I think trustees and agents have done extremely .......

    News Analysis 2 June 2020

  • Equity opportunities?

    Sector developments and company hires

    Equity opportunities?
    Despite a lack of visibility and liquidity and with cashflows likely to deteriorate further into upcoming July payment dates, there may be some opportunities in the CLO equity space, according to a new research report from JPMorgan.

    It finds that while NAVs remain negative, there has been some improvement between March lows and late 2019. Equally, cashflow .......

    Market Moves 1 June 2020
