• Fast track

    ING RMBS turbo kicks in

    Moody's has upgraded three tranches from ING’s Orange Lion 2013-10 RMBS, reflecting increased credit enhancement and better-than-expected collateral performance. The preplaced transaction caused a stir at issuance, due to its lack of call option or step-up coupon (SCI 4 July 2013).

    The transaction’s €42.6m class C notes have been upgraded from Aaa to Aa1, while the €40.1m class .......

    News 19 July 2019

  • Additional resources for disclosure published

    Sector developments and company hires

    Agri-investing appointment

    Arable Capital Partners has appointed Matt Reus a vp in the Bellevue, Washington office. He is responsible for transactional work and due diligence on acquisitions, financial analysis, portfolio management and assisting in overall investment strategy. Reus has 12 years of direct investment, investment banking and fixed income experience, including with securitisation transactions. He was previously with Cascadia Capital .......

    Market Moves 18 July 2019

  • Bank fined over MBS trading failures

    Company hires and sector developments

    Agency heads announced

    Morningstar Credit Ratings (MCR) has named Erin Stafford as head of the combined DBRS/MCR North American CMBS group and Quincy Tang as head of the combined US RMBS group, having both served in similar positions at DBRS. The pair will report to Claire Mezzanotte, who will be the head of global structured finance following the .......

    Market Moves 17 July 2019

  • Fund founder guilty of fraud

    Company hires and sector developments

    African solar plan approved

    The African Development Bank Group has approved an innovative multinational financing programme for Distributed Energy Service Companies (DESCOs), which would see 900,000 households in sub-Saharan Africa – about 4.5 million people - gain access to solar power by 2025.

    The DESCOs Financing Program promotes securitisation financing techniques to address barriers to accessing finance for DESCOs, while .......

    Market Moves 15 July 2019

  • Green investment partnership launched

    Company hires and sector developments

    Green investment

    Amundi and the EIB have signed a partnership to launch the Green Credit Continuum investment programme, which is designed to foster the development of the green debt market beyond the existing green bonds, supporting small-scale green projects and financing SMEs and mid-caps. The agreement has three components: a diversified fund will invest in green high yield corporate bonds, .......

    News 12 July 2019

  • Pros and cons

    STS conversion benefits weighed

    The incentives for converting pre-2019 securitisations into STS-compliant deals differ across sellers. But conversion may also have negatives for investors in such transactions, depending on how it’s achieved.

    The focus on STS so far has been on new transactions, with more than a dozen compliant transactions launched in the primary market over the last few months, including four .......

    News Analysis 12 July 2019

  • Novel approach

    UTPs drive ReoCo rethink

    Investors and servicers in the Italian non-performing loan market are targeting a new approach to ReoCos as they eye the coming unlikely-to-pay (UTP) wave. Such an approach requires capabilities whose development remains a work in progress, however.

    ReoCos are SPVs that have typically been used in the Italian market to buy and auction real estate collateral. However, servicers .......

    News Analysis 11 July 2019

  • Investment chief appointed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Business Mortgage Finance 6 update

    Business Mortgage Finance 6, the issuer, has informed noteholders that on 4 July 2019 it issued a claim against the Issuer issued a claim against the following defendants in the High Court of Justice in London: Greencoat Investments, Greencoat Holdings Limited, Portfolio Logistics Limited, Alfred Oyekoya, Patrick FitzSimons and Maria Stoica. The claim seeks declarations .......

    Market Moves 10 July 2019

  • New deals surge

    Quarterly SCI data update

    2Q19 saw a surge in new issuance volume across securitisation markets either side of the Atlantic. The second quarter typically sees an uptick over the previous quarter (SCI 11 April 2019), but this year's boost in European volumes was a reflection of greater regulatory certainty as the new STS rules bedded in and pent-up supply met pent-up demand.


    News Analysis 10 July 2019

  • Spanish exposure

    Rare NPL RMBS prepped

    Rarely seen Spanish assets are behind the latest non-performing loan RMBS currently marketing. At the same time, price talk is out on the latest Irish NPL RMBS.

    The dual-tranche Spanish deal, dubbed ProSil Acquisition, is backed by a €494.7m by gross book value (GBV) portfolio consisting of mostly secured non-performing loans and some residual unsecured loans. The receivables were originated .......

    News 10 July 2019

  • Greencoat Investments notice received

    Sector developments and company hires

    BUMF 6 application discontinued

    A notice of discontinuance from Greencoat Investments has been received by Business Mortgage Finance 6, purporting to discontinue its application for an administrative order with respect to the issuer, which had been listed to be heard before a High Court Judge at the beginning of July (SCI 16 April). This hearing has now .......

    Market Moves 5 July 2019

  • EBRD appoints Greece, Cyprus lead

    Company hires and sector developments

    EBRD hires NPL vet

    The EBRD has appointed Andreea Moraru to lead its operations in Greece and Cyprus from November, following the retirement of the current holder of the role, Sabina Dziurman. Based in Athens, Moraru will continue the EBRD’s efforts to support the private sector in the two countries, improve competitiveness and strengthen the regional integration of the local .......

    Market Moves 4 July 2019

  • Pre-summer rush

    European ABS market update

    Activity levels are currently high across the European ABS/MBS and CLO markets and that looks set to continue.

    “It’s very busy in both primary and secondary,” confirms one trader. “It feels like the usual rush before the summer holidays, but we’re also feeling the effects of pent-up issuance from the quiet first quarter. We’re seeing lots of new .......

    Market Reports 3 July 2019

  • CLO firm boosts research team

    Company hires and sector developments

    CEDE made public

    AIR Worldwide has published its Catastrophe Exposure Data Exchange (CEDE) database schema publicly. The aim is to facilitate accurate and transparent data exchange throughout the insurance value chain more efficiently, and to encourage additional analytics on a greater number of exposures. In addition, AIR is actively supporting the ModEx Open Exposure Data Format (OED) by freely providing .......

    Market Moves 2 July 2019

  • ReoCo impact assessed

    Company hires and sector developments

    CMIP acquisition

    Investcorp Credit Management US has entered into a definitive interest purchase agreement to acquire a majority ownership interest in CM Investment Partners (CMIP), the investment adviser to CM Finance, through its purchase of the respective equity positions held by certain funds managed by Cyrus Capital Partners and Stifel Venture Corp, and newly issued interests in CMIP. .......

    Market Moves 28 June 2019

  • Increasing diversity

    Competition, TFS exit driving UK RMBS volume

    The UK mortgage market is furiously price competitive, with ring-fenced high street banks crowding out challenger banks and non-bank lenders. At the same time, the concurrence of TFS refinancing and call dates of outstanding transactions is increasing the diversity of the UK RMBS sector.

    Bank of England’s ring-fencing requirements – in force since January – have resulted in large banks .......

    News Analysis 28 June 2019

  • Compliance challenges

    STS requirements raise regulatory liability concerns

    The securitisation market now appears to be embracing the new Securitisation Regulation and adapting to the regime, following uncertainty over technical standards in Q1. Nevertheless, market participants are still grappling with practical challenges, whose solution remains elusive.

    According to Salim Nathoo, partner at Allen & Overy: “Filling in the CRE and residential templates is hard because it’s not .......

    News Analysis 28 June 2019

  • GSE reform study released

    Sector developments and company hires

    Private credit double announced

    Solar Capital Partners has hired two senior private credit investment professionals. Eric Herr joins as a partner, to help lead investment origination across the firm's multi-credit strategy platform. Most recently, he served as an md of loan originations at NewStar Financial and previously worked at Churchill Financial, GE Antares and GE Commercial Finance. Eduard .......

    Market Moves 27 June 2019

  • CMBS auditing upset

    Sector developments and company hires

    Auditing issue

    The JUNO (ECLIPSE 2007-2) CMBS failed to file its financial statements for 2017, together with its annual return by 21 June, as required by the Companies Registration Office (see SCI’s CMBS loan events database). The issuer has a further 28 days to submit its audited financial statements, but its auditors have advised that they cannot .......

    Market Moves 26 June 2019

  • Forward-mortgage first prepped

    Global investor markets 'unique' RMBS

    Blackstone is marketing an inaugural, US$264.5m forward-mortgage RMBS featuring unique collateral characteristics pertaining to underwriting and property concentration. Dubbed FWD 2019-INV1, the transaction is backed by 1,724 first-lien, fixed-rate investment-purpose mortgages, originated mostly by Finance of America.

    The collateral comprises residential mortgage loans secured by non-owner-occupied properties, with 58.7% of the mortgages backed by single-family residences, 9.2% planned-unit .......

    News 26 June 2019

  • Chinese law firm nabs SF expert

    Sector developments and company hires


    Han Kun has hired Li Huhuan as partner to the firm’s Shanghai office. Huhuan focuses his practice on asset securitization, insurance fund management, and mergers and acquisitions.  Prior to joining Han Kun, Huhuan practiced with several well-known PRC law firms for more than eleven years. 

    Industry body rebrand

    The Structured Finance Industry Group (SFIG) has .......

    Market Moves 21 June 2019
