• EM credit team spins off

    Argentem Creek Partners has completed a management buyout from Black River Asset Management. Argentem Creek is staffed by Black River's former emerging markets credit investment team and will focus on serving institutional investors.

    The new entity is employee-owned and led by ceo and cio Daniel Chapman, president and coo Charles Friedberg and global head of business development Angela Samfilippo Gorder. .......

    Job Swaps 7 January 2016

  • Euro secondary picks up

    After a lull for a holiday in many European jurisdictions yesterday, the European securitisation secondary market is picking up again today, at least in terms of BWICs.

    "We saw a pick-up in activity on Tuesday, but it slowed again yesterday as a lot of people were away," says one trader. "I expect flows to remain fairly quiet overall today as .......

    SCIWire 7 January 2016

  • European counterparty concerns resolved

    S&P has removed from creditwatch negative its ratings on 21 tranches in eight European CDOs and repack transactions. This consists of 15 tranches in four cashflow CLOs, two tranches in one cashflow ABS CDO and four tranches in three repackaging transactions.

    The rating agency took various actions on UK and German commercial banks in June 2015, following the introduction of .......

    News Round-up 6 January 2016

  • Euro secondary constructive

    A constructive tone is generating a good start to the year for the European securitisation secondary market.

    "The past few days have been relatively constructive, especially given weaker broader markets," says one trader. "We've seen quite a bit of activity across the board with investors coming back in to the market, especially real money."

    Buying interest has emerged in most .......

    SCIWire 6 January 2016

  • Bank sheds large NPL portfolio

    Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS) has sold a non-performing loan portfolio to Epicuro SPV, a securitisation vehicle financed by affiliates of Deutsche Bank. The portfolio is composed of just under 18,000 borrowers, with a total book value of around €1bn.

    The loans are mainly unsecured and related to corporate counterparties, with the majority having become non-performing before 2009. .......

    News Round-up 5 January 2016

  • Slow start for US CLOs

    The New Year is starting slowly for the US CLO secondary market.

    "The market is starting back up after the holidays," says one trader. "Everyone is getting settled back in, but it is very slow."

    The trader continues: "That may not change for a while with no forced sellers appearing yet and a lower volume of new issuance expected this .......

    SCIWire 5 January 2016

  • Direct lender launches UK fund

    Beechbrook Capital has completed the first close of its inaugural UK SME Credit Fund with commitments of more than £100m. A second close is expected to be held in 2Q16, with a target fund size of up to £200m.

    Institutional investors that made commitments to the fund include the British Business Bank and European Investment Fund. The fund will provide .......

    News Round-up 5 January 2016

  • Euro secondary eases in

    The European securitisation secondary market is easing in to the New Year despite broader market volatility.

    The first trading day of 2016 saw thin liquidity but strong market tone as securitisation asset classes remained insulated from the weakening in wider credit yesterday. Secondary spreads held up across the board as levels echoed those seen at the end of December and there .......

    SCIWire 5 January 2016

  • ED hires for growth

    The European DataWarehouse (ED) has appointed Christian Thun as coo and deputy ceo, effective from the start of this year. He takes responsibility for key operational areas such as data management, customer account management and research.

    Thun previously spent 14 years at Moody's Analytics while he has also worked at Baetge & Partner and was also involved in structured finance .......

    Job Swaps 4 January 2016

  • Rating agencies making progress

    The US SEC has issued its two annual staff reports on credit rating agencies registered as nationally recognised statistical rating organisations (NRSROs). The reports show the NRSROs have made operational improvements and have enhanced process accountability, controls and governance.

    The SEC says that its reports show that all NRSROs have enhanced their understanding of their obligations as regulated entities and .......

    News Round-up 4 January 2016

  • Volcker amendments agreed

    An extraordinary resolution has been passed by St Paul's CLO II noteholders that amends the investment management agreement to comply with the Volcker Rule. Under the amendments, noteholders have the option to hold notes with different voting rights in respect of resolutions to remove or replace the CLO manager. This involves splitting each class of rated notes into three separate .......

    News Round-up 24 December 2015

  • US, Euro CLO BWIC activity up

    CLO BWIC volumes grew significantly in the US this year, while also rising modestly in Europe. US CLO BWIC volume for 2015 has been 50% higher than the previous year, while European BWIC volumes grew 6% to reach a new high.

    By original notional rather than amount traded, US CLO BWIC volume has reached US$35.51bn this year, according to JPMorgan .......

    News 23 December 2015

  • Electra anchors CLO

    Electra Partners has invested £13m in a new CLO managed by Blackstone/GSO Debt Funds Management Europe - an affiliate of GSO Capital Partners. The transaction is Tymon Park, a €414m CLO that invests in leveraged loans issued by predominantly private equity-backed companies in the US and Europe.

    The CLO has a 13-year life and is invested in more than 80 .......

    News Round-up 22 December 2015

  • RMBS, CLO fraud admitted

    A former co-head of US ABS, RMBS and CMBS trading at RBS Securities has waived his right to indictment and pleaded guilty to participating in a multimillion dollar securities fraud scheme. Adam Siegel admitted that he and colleagues conspired to increase RBS's profits on CLO and RMBS trades at the expense of customers.

    Siegel held the role at RBS from .......

    Job Swaps 22 December 2015

  • EBA makes synthetic STS suggestion

    The EBA supports the limited extension of the prudential treatment granted to simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations to banks that originate and retain certain SME balance sheet synthetic securitisation positions. The authority has published criteria to determine transaction eligibility.

    The EBA has examined the synthetic securitisation market and, based on its findings, supports the extension of STS capital requirements .......

    News Round-up 21 December 2015

  • US CLOs unclear

    Little price clarity was achieved in yesterday's US CLO secondary market, but supply keeps coming.

    No pricing colour was released for the majority of yesterday's bonds in for the bid leaving pricing levels post Fed lift-off still unclear. In the equity space, where prices are most heavily impacted by rate rises, of the three line items on BWIC only one .......

    SCIWire 18 December 2015

  • Italian regs boost ABS

    The Bank of Italy's regulatory framework enacted in 2015 for financial intermediaries carrying out servicing activities is credit positive for all Italian structured finance deals, says Moody's. Certain types of consumer ABS deals - Cessione del Quinto (CDQ) and Delegazione di Pagamento (DP) - will benefit the most.

    Moody's notes that organisational and risk-control requirements for servicers will become stricter .......

    News Round-up 18 December 2015

  • Euro secondary stalls

    Activity in the European securitisation secondary market has stalled.

    Year-end illiquidity was fully in evidence yesterday with an extremely slow day across the board and secondary spreads closed unchanged. Italian and Dutch paper did garner some interest, but saw negligible trading.

    There is currently one BWIC on today's European schedule - a single €1.9m line of QUADF 2011-1 A1 due .......

    SCIWire 18 December 2015

  • US CLOs equity focused

    Post Fed lift-off activity has picked up a little across the US CLO secondary market, but it is the equity space that is attracting the most focus today.

    "There are few more lists around today than yesterday," says one trader. "It's mostly tidy up activity and volumes are relatively low, but there will be a lot of interest in the .......

    SCIWire 17 December 2015

  • Euro secondary chugs along

    Despite wider credit market volatility the European securitisation secondary market is still maintaining its course.

    "We've kept going - there have been a few BWICs, but none of the volatility of broader markets," says one trader. "Flows have been light, but we're still chugging along."

    Overall, the trader adds: "Tone remains constructive and technicals are helping the market. We've got .......

    SCIWire 17 December 2015

  • US CLOs lose momentum

    The US CLO secondary market looks to have lost its momentum as quickly as it appeared yesterday.

    The high proportion of DNTs seen across yesterday's BWICs combined with broader market volatility looks to have stemmed selling volume for now. As the market awaits the Fed later today there are only two CLO auctions due and only limited bilateral activity elsewhere. While .......

    SCIWire 16 December 2015
