• Euro secondary resilient

    The European securitisation secondary market remained resilient into Friday's close despite broader market volatility.

    That volatility continues to ensure that activity is patchy, however. Nevertheless, the last session of the week was reasonably busy for a Friday as technicals, notably lack of supply, continue to support spreads and fuel buying interest.

    The major beneficiaries are still ECB-eligible peripherals, CMBS and .......

    SCIWire 18 January 2016

  • Green bond RFC issued

    Moody's has issued a request for comment on its proposed approach and methodology for evaluating an issuer's management, administration and reporting on environment projects financed through green bonds. The rating agency's green bonds assessment will apply to fixed income securities that raise capital for use in projects or activities with specific climate or environmental sustainability purposes.

    This would include debt .......

    News Round-up 15 January 2016

  • Euro secondary steady

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to see steady activity and pricing levels are for the most part stable.

    Once again, yesterday's activity was driven primarily by BWICs and flows off the back of those auctions. The main interest surrounded autos following the Renault raid with a few sellers emerging after the news broke, but by the close buying interest had .......

    SCIWire 15 January 2016

  • US CLOs still searching

    The US CLO secondary market is still searching for pricing clarity, meanwhile Trups CDOs are generating some interest.

    "We're still in an exploratory phase," says one trader. "There's bit more activity today in terms of BWICs, but most players are still trying to figure out where things are going to go longer term. Shorter-term it's obviously difficult to ignore the .......

    News Analysis 14 January 2016

  • CLO market concerns catalogued

    While the US CLO market recorded its second-highest full-year issuance in 2015, CLO market participants remain concerned by fundamentals, technicals and liquidity. Oil prices are also a considerable concern, but interest rates are not, while risk retention clarity has continued to increase as the implementation deadline draws closer.

    JPMorgan's sixth annual CLO market survey was conducted in December and polled 91 .......

    News 14 January 2016

  • AXA IM boosts SF team

    AXA Investment Mangers has appointed The Duy Nguyen as senior portfolio manager. He will be based in Paris and report to co-head of securitised and structured assets Alexandre Martin-Min.

    Nguyen will be responsible for managing multi-asset class portfolios within AXA IM's structured finance team. He was most recently at Natixis and has also worked at Société Générale.


    Job Swaps 14 January 2016

  • Euro secondary unchanged

    The European securitisation secondary market looks to be keeping to the same pattern seen in previous sessions - quiet away from a reasonably active BWIC calendar.

    "This week flows have been relatively quiet because of the very high volatility in broader credit," says one trader. "Today is looking like it will be no different."

    There have, however, been some pockets .......

    SCIWire 14 January 2016

  • US CLOs stalled

    The hoped for New Year revival in the US CLO secondary market is still stalled.

    "Everyone is just waiting and watching," says one trader. "Waiting for the secondary market to get going in 2016 and waiting for new issue pricing - there are a few deals marketing, but nothing concrete to go on yet."

    Nevertheless, the trader adds: "There's nothing .......

    SCIWire 12 January 2016

  • Fund offers core assets access

    AXA Investment Managers has launched a fund offering investors access to the core lending activity of major European commercial banks. The AXA IM Partner Capital Solutions fund raised €230m last year.

    As banks increase lending to their core professional clients, regulatory requirements to provide more upfront capital provide an opportunity for capital relief trades where the fund identifies suitable lending portfolios .......

    Job Swaps 12 January 2016

  • European property platform boosted

    HIG Capital has added Graham Emmett to its real estate team. He joins as md and will be based in London.

    Emmett was most recently an investment partner in Cheyne Capital's real estate division. He has also worked at firms such as ICG Longbow and was head of the European mezzanine debt investments team for Goldman Sachs' special situations group .......

    Job Swaps 12 January 2016

  • Euro secondary seeks change

    The European securitisation secondary market is still stable and fairly quiet, but that could change quickly.

    "The market remains stable as it has been for the last week despite broader market volatility," says one trader. "Not a lot went on yesterday even though the wider market was calm."

    However, the trader continues: "Secondary market tone feels constructive and while wider volatility means .......

    SCIWire 12 January 2016

  • SEC punishes insider trading

    The US SEC has prohibited Steven Cohen from supervising funds that manage outside money until 2018 in order to settle charges that he failed to supervise a portfolio manager who engaged in insider trading while employed at his firm. Cohen's family office firms will also be subject to SEC examinations and must retain an independent consultant to review their activities.

    Job Swaps 11 January 2016

  • Euro secondary solid

    Last week closed on a solid note in the European securitisation secondary market.

    Secondary spreads were once again firm across the board on Friday, though volumes were lower than previous sessions. Prime and peripheral assets remain in the foreground.

    For the former, focus is primarily on shorter tenors, but levels have held up across the sector more widely. Meanwhile, peripherals .......

    SCIWire 11 January 2016

  • Milbank names new partner

    Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy has appointed John Goldfinch as partner. Goldfinch is a member of the law firm's alternative investments group and has a broad structured finance, securitisation and transactional derivatives practice. This includes specialising in European CLOs and regulatory developments.


    Job Swaps 8 January 2016

  • Euro secondary still insulated

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to remain insulated from broader market volatility and has seen a boost in activity.

    Yesterday ended up being a busy day across asset classes with focus, as expected, surrounding the large number of BWICs. Secondary market tone remained firm as the BWIC supply was readily absorbed and spreads generally held up.

    In particular, prime .......

    SCIWire 8 January 2016

  • Trading head replaced

    Jim Buccola has taken over the responsibilities of CMBS and CLO trading for Credit Suisse, following the departure of previous head Chris Callahan. Buccola's role expands from his current role as head of private mortgage trading for the bank.


    Job Swaps 8 January 2016

  • US CLOs lack commitment

    The US CLO secondary market is suffering from a lack of investor commitment in all but the most liquid bonds.

    "It's a new year, but still the same themes," says one trader. "We keep switching back and forth between risk-on and risk-off primarily taking our cue from high yield spreads."

    The trader continues: "Right now, CLO secondary is not a .......

    SCIWire 7 January 2016

  • Collaboration targets upstream energy

    Rivington Securities has entered into an agreement with GSO Capital to assist the Blackstone credit arm in identifying, structuring, servicing and administering credit and equity co-investment opportunities in the middle market upstream energy sector. The pair will focus on companies with private equity sponsors.

    Structures provided by GSO through the Rivington relationship will include traditional debt, equity co-investments and structured .......

    Job Swaps 7 January 2016

  • DCM duo drafted in

    Cantor Fitzgerald has appointed Kevin Reynolds and Timothy Swift to lead its debt capital markets origination team. The pair join from Cowen and Company.

    Reynolds joins as md and will be responsible for bringing new issue debt products and developing a distribution-driven banking and financing practice for corporate issuers. He was head of capital markets origination at Cowen and has .......

    Job Swaps 7 January 2016

  • Distressed debt vet enlisted

    Cerberus Capital Management has appointed David Abrams as senior md of Cerberus UK Advisors. He will be based in London and focus on unique and compelling distressed opportunities in emerging markets, Europe and other sectors of interest.

    Abrams was most recently at Apollo Management, where he was the managing partner of the Apollo European Principal Finance Funds franchise. He has .......

    Job Swaps 7 January 2016

  • EM credit team spins off

    Argentem Creek Partners has completed a management buyout from Black River Asset Management. Argentem Creek is staffed by Black River's former emerging markets credit investment team and will focus on serving institutional investors.

    The new entity is employee-owned and led by ceo and cio Daniel Chapman, president and coo Charles Friedberg and global head of business development Angela Samfilippo Gorder. .......

    Job Swaps 7 January 2016
