Capital Relief Trades

  • Nascent stages

    CRT mezz investor base needs time to develop

    The pace of growth of the risk transfer market is likely to be tied to the development of the synthetic mezzanine risk market, which is currently at a nascent stage (SCI 9 August). Traditional capital relief trade investors have limited appetite for mezz, as absolute returns are low, even though the risk/reward proposition is compelling.

    “There is .......

    News 3 October 2019

  • Portfolio-based cover opportunities eyed

    New reinsurance platform to harness synthetic ABS overlap opportunities

    BPL Global is to launch a new reinsurance platform and has hired Gregory King-Underwood as director to spearhead the firm’s growth strategy. This is driven by increased demand for portfolio-based risk weighted asset (RWA) solutions from financial institutions, which the firm hopes can be met by combining reinsurance and synthetic securitisation strategies.

    James Esdaile, md at BPL Global, comments that King-Underwood’s .......

    News Analysis 27 September 2019

  • STS synthetics framework unveiled

    EBA publishes landmark consultation

    The EBA has published its long-awaited discussion paper on its proposals for an STS framework for synthetic securitisation (SCI 20 September). The discussion paper aims to enhance transparency and further standardise risk transfer trades - although, for the moment, STS synthetic securitisations won’t benefit from preferential capital treatment via a reduction in senior tranche risk weights. 

    According .......

    News Analysis 25 September 2019

  • Legacy SRT call possibility

    Regulatory triggers could lead to SRTs being called next year

    Banks could potentially call legacy capital relief trades (CRTs) next year, as higher senior risk weights for these deals kick, following the end of a one-year grandfathering period. Higher senior risk weights could render the deals less efficient and justify calling and restructuring a transaction, but whether calls are exercised or not will depend on what counts as a .......

    News Analysis 20 September 2019

  • Case for STS synthetics outlined

    Benefits of STS on synthetics clear, but objections could be raised

    The EBA is set to release its discussion paper on the application of the STS label to synthetic securitisation next week, with a view to publishing a proposal by the middle of next year.  While the paper is a “step in the right direction”, the market will not see any synthetic securitisations with the STS label for “quite some .......

    News Analysis 20 September 2019

  • Risk transfer round-up - 20 September

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Standard Chartered is rumoured to be prepping a corporate capital relief trade for 4Q19. The bank’s last risk transfer trades were completed last summer and referenced corporate loans. The first one was dubbed Chakra 3 and was inked in June, while the second one was called Gongga and was completed in July (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 20 September 2019

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer round-up - 12 September

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Intesa Sanpaolo is rumoured to be prepping for 4Q19 two capital relief trades that reference respectively corporate and SME loans. The bank printed its last corporate and SME SRTs last year from the GARC programme (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).

    The alleged transactions are riding a wave of Italian SRT issuance this year, fuelled by rising standardised bank ......

    News 12 September 2019

    Premium Content

  • Risk profile

    Basel 4 impact to vary based on business model

    The EBA last month published its advice on the implementation of Basel 4 in the EU, with its impact assessment suggesting that the full implementation of the new framework under conservative assumptions will increase the minimum capital requirement (MRC) by 24.4% on average. Although the resulting capital impact is highly dependent on the strategy of each bank, it is .......

    News Analysis 12 September 2019

  • Going concern?

    Synthetics could help address UTP burden

    Synthetic securitisation is being put forward as one way of proactively addressing the unlikely-to-pay loan burden in Italy. However, although risk transfer technology would allow banks to maintain their relationships with borrowers while benefiting from capital relief, the cost of such structures – among other challenges – may be prohibitive for some.

    Robert Bradbury, head of structuring and .......

    News Analysis 5 September 2019

  • Regulatory boost

    Italian SRT issuance picks up

    Italian capital relief trades are experiencing a strong pick-up in issuance this year as regulatory changes enable more standardised banks to execute risk transfer transactions and open up the market to private investors. However, these banks will need time to adapt their IT and reporting systems, while risk-sharing transactions involving both SSAs and private investors are a more promising .......

    News Analysis 30 August 2019

  • Esoteric opportunities

    Structured solutions to address corporate risk transfer needs

    The newly-formed CAC Specialty (SCI 21 August) is seeking to capitalise on the convergence of the insurance and capital markets on a broader basis than that represented by the ILS market. Indeed, the firm aims to transfer the more esoteric risks via insurance and place them in a structured format.

    “Insurance brokerage and investment banking have a .......

    News 30 August 2019

  • Risk transfer round-up - 28 August

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Credit Suisse has called two transactions from its Magnolia Finance V programme. The transactions were issued in 2013 and 2014 and both risk transfer trades referenced US and Swiss corporate loans. The exercise of the calls concerned the underlying US loans.

    One transaction, dubbed Magnolia Finance V series 2013-1, was an eight-year US$75m CLN that printed in .......

    News 28 August 2019

  • Counterintuitive results

    EBA consultation incentivises unfunded SRT format

    The EBA’s consultation on the determination of the weighted average maturity of a securitisation tranche (SCI 2 August) is seen as a positive step for synthetic securitisations, since it takes into account the conditional payments of the underlying assets. However, by not recognising the effect of prepayments and pool amortisations, the proposal creates counterintuitive results that incentivise banks .......

    News Analysis 23 August 2019

  • Risk transfer round-up - 16 August

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    UBI Banca is rumoured to be prepping an SME and corporate SRT for 3Q19. The alleged transaction is riding a wave of Italian SRT issuance that includes a number of standardised banks.

    Banca Popolare di Bari completed the first SRTs between a standardised bank and a private investor last month (SCI 2 August). Banca Popolare dell'Alto Adige .......

    News 16 August 2019

  • Tweaking tradition

    Dutch securitisation evolving across established sectors

    The Dutch securitisation market is seeing innovation and growth away from its traditional strong focus on prime RMBS. This trend is evolutionary rather than revolutionary, as participants seek to build on the sector’s well-established foundations.

    Some asset classes are simply returning to life, notably CMBS. “CMBS has been picking up since last year and the two big issuers, .......

    News Analysis 13 August 2019

  • Senior mezz eyed

    CRT issuers target asset managers

    Banks are targeting asset managers for the senior mezzanine tranches of dual-tranche capital relief trades, given that the market for the senior mezzanine remains less deep relative to that of the junior mezzanine tranche. Asset managers are drawn to the risk/return profile of the senior mezzanine, although their approach to capital relief trades will likely remain opportunistic going forward. .......

    News Analysis 9 August 2019

  • Risk transfer round-up - 9 August

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    BNP Paribas is rumoured to be prepping a corporate capital relief trade for 3Q19. The lender’s last risk transfer transaction closed last month. Dubbed AutoFlorence 1, the true sale deal is its first post-crisis Italian SRT (SCI 22 July).

    The BNPP transaction follows rumours of another risk transfer trade from Societe Generale. The bank is believed to .......

    News 9 August 2019

  • Dual-tranche deal finalised

    Standard Chartered targets wide distribution

    Standard Chartered has completed a dual-tranche capital relief trade that references an undisclosed US$2bn portfolio of corporate loans from the UK, Dubai, India and Africa. Dubbed Gongga CLO, the transaction is the bank’s second application of the dual-tranche technique (SCI 14 November 2018) and it is set to continue utilising a wide distribution strategy.   

    The transaction is split .......

    News 2 August 2019

  • Landmark SRTs inked

    BP Bari completes capital relief trades

    Banca Popolare di Bari has completed two capital relief trades that reference respectively a €1.1bn Italian SME portfolio and a €1.8bn Italian residential mortgage portfolio. This is the first time that transactions have been carried out between an Italian standardised bank and a private investor.

    The risk transfer trades were arranged by Banca IMI and they are funded .......

    News 2 August 2019

  • COSME tapped

    SME risk-sharing agreement signed

    Italian national promotional bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) has tapped the EU's COSME loan guarantee facility that is managed by the EIF and backed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments, which provides first-loss guarantees. The agreement is expected to provide €3.75bn in counter-guarantees for Italy’s Guarantee Fund for SMEs, thereby facilitating up to €5.8bn of loans to .......

    News 1 August 2019

  • New podcast now live

    The operational steps to setting up a CRT and more...

    In this week's podcast, the team discuss the operational steps taken when putting together a capital relief trade, as well as some of the concerns surrounding disclosure requirements in securitisation and capital relief trades. It then rounds off with an insight into the recent securitisation from impact investor, ResponsAbility, which helps fund small businesses in emerging markets, throughout the globe.

    News 31 July 2019
