Capital Relief Trades

  • Moving down

    Insurers target first-loss CRTs

    Insurers are now targeting the first-loss tranches of capital relief trades, having eyed the senior mezzanine tranches of dual-tranche transactions last year (SCI 22 March 2019). The better risk/return profile of first-loss tranches and an adaptation of traditional credit insurance contracts into unconditional guarantee formats are the main factors driving the development.

    According to one reinsurer: “We have no .......

    News Analysis 21 February 2020

  • SRT fund launched

    AXA engineers return

    AXA Investment Managers has completed its eighth partner capital solutions fund. With the move, the firm is seeking to capitalise on diversification opportunities and volume growth in the risk transfer market.

    According to Deborah Shire, global head of structured finance at AXA Investment Managers: "The reg cap market has been transformed into a full-fledged alternative investment opportunity, with .......

    News 21 February 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 20 February

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Further details have been revealed of CRT transactions that were completed in 4Q19. One is another Barclays deal from the Colonnade programme, which is a US$55m tranche that matures in December 2026.

    Lloyds also returned to the market with a third Wetherby trade. Dubbed Wetherby Securities 3 2019, it comprises two tranches sized at £49.5m and £36m (see ......

    News 20 February 2020

    Premium Content

  • SME double

    EIF closes pair of EFSI guarantees

    The EIF has closed two new guarantee agreements supporting European SMEs, both of which are supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). One is a synthetic securitisation executed with Commerzbank and the other is the extension of a COSME facility with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK).

    Under the first agreement, the EIB and the EIF have provided .......

    News 19 February 2020

  • ArrowMark acquires investment platform

    Sector developments and company hires

    ArrowMark Partners
    has acquired the bank investment platform and assets of StoneCastle Asset Management. As a closing condition of the transaction, stockholders approved a new investment management agreement between the company and StoneCastle-ArrowMark Asset Management - a subsidiary of ArrowMark - and elected eight directors, constituting its board. Sanjai Bhonsle has been elected as the company’s ceo and chairman.  .......

    Market Moves 14 February 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 13 February

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Mediobanca is readying another capital relief trade in addition to its inaugural SRT that will close this year (SCI 7 February). The second transaction is expected to close in 2021.


    News 13 February 2020

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer boost

    CRT issuance breaks record

    Capital relief trade issuance broke a record in 2019, with volumes reaching €7.5bn. This marks the highest total tranche notional volume in the post-crisis period, surpassing the previous record set in 2017.

    According to SCI data, total tranche notional volumes for 2019 reached €7.5bn, compared to €6.6bn and €6.7bn for 2018 and 2017 respectively. Multiple CRT investors though estimate .......

    News Analysis 13 February 2020

  • CRT upgraded due to 'substantial' increase in CE

    Sector developments and company hires

    Canadian MBS ETF
    BMO Asset Management has launched a new stable of ETFs trading on the TSX, including the first MBS ETF in Canada. Dubbed BMO Canadian MBS Index ETF, the offering aims to provide unique exposure to a segment of the MBS market fully guaranteed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The pools each have a term .......

    Market Moves 12 February 2020

  • Sporadic issuance

    CQS SRT wave unlikely

    BNP Paribas arranged Amalia, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro’s landmark synthetic securitisation of Italian payroll-deductible loans (CQS), in December last year (SCI 24 December 2019). However, significant volumes of CQS SRT issuance remains unlikely, due to expected reductions in CQS risk weights, the niche nature of the loans and the fact that historically most deals are undertaken by small operators .......

    News Analysis 10 February 2020

  • EBA reports pending

    Trapped excess spread requirement could be dropped

    The EBA will finalise its approach to significant risk transfer this year through the publication of the final SRT report and another consultation in the second quarter. The requirement for a trapped excess spread mechanism for synthetic securitisations will most likely be excluded from the final SRT report, although the regulator notes that synthetic excess spread is a form of .......

    News Analysis 7 February 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 7 February

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Bank of Scotland (BOS) is in the market with Syon Securities 2020, its second UK mortgage SRT (SCI 25 July 2019). The £550m reference portfolio comprises prime owner-occupied loans with LTV ratios in excess of 90% but less than or equal to 95%, originated between September and December 2019. The rated CLNs are exposed to the first 15% of ......

    News 7 February 2020

    Premium Content

  • Syon Securities priced

    Bank of Scotland engineers return

    Bank of Scotland has priced a seven-year financial guarantee that references a £550m portfolio of UK owner-occupied residential mortgage loans. Dubbed Syon Securities 2020, the risk transfer transaction is the bank’s second from the programme following the inaugural SRT last year (SCI 25 July 2019).

    Rated by Fitch and KBRA, the transaction consists of £18.75m A-/A rated .......

    News 7 February 2020

  • Grasshopper up

    Landmark green SRT finalised

    RBS has completed a landmark capital relief trade referencing a £1.1bn portfolio of UK project finance loans. Dubbed Project Grasshopper, the approximately £78m financial guarantee is the first risk transfer transaction to be backed entirely by green assets and was carried out for both capital relief and credit risk management purposes. Macquarie Infrastructure Debt Investment Solutions, in conjunction with BAE .......

    News Analysis 31 January 2020

  • BMO SRT inked

    Repeat Manitoulin trade completed

    Bank of Montreal has completed a capital relief trade referencing US and Canadian senior secured and senior unsecured corporate loans. Dubbed Manitoulin USD Algonquin 2020-1, the five-year financial guarantee is a repeat transaction of another Manitoulin SRT from the same series that was finalised in July 2019.

    Rated by DBRS Morningstar, the transaction consists of a triple-A rated class A .......

    News 31 January 2020

  • Risk transfer round-up - 28 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Deutsche Bank has completed a capital relief trade from the CRAFT programme. Dubbed CRAFT 2020-1, the US$150m 9.5-year CLN priced at Libor plus 9.5%. The floater is non-callable and has a weighted average life and expected maturity equal to 7.5 years. Deutsche Bank’s last CRAFT transaction was finalised in March 2019 (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 28 January 2020

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer round-up - 27 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Banco BPM is rumoured to be readying a capital relief trade for this year. The issuer launched its first risk transfer transaction in June 2019, which was carried out with the EIF (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).


    News 27 January 2020

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer round-up - 23 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Caixabank is rumoured to be prepping a consumer SRT for this year. The lender printed its last transaction in May 2019 (see SCI’s capital relief trades database). Dubbed Gaudi Synthetic 3, the €100m financial guarantee was carried out with the EIF.


    News 23 January 2020

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer round-up - 22 January

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    BBVA is rumoured to be readying a capital relief trade for 1Q20. The transaction would be the lender’s fourth ever risk transfer transaction (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).

    Dubbed Vela Corporate 2018-1, BBVA’s last capital relief trade was completed in December 2018 (SCI 11 January 2019). All of the bank’s CRTs were carried out with the EIF.


    News 22 January 2020

    Premium Content

  • CEE SME guarantee increased

    Sector developments and company hires

    Alvarez & Marsal has launched a European debt advisory practice with the appointment of Tim Metzgen as a London-based md, with the aim of providing clients with independent advice on accessing and managing their interactions with the international debt markets. The new practice - initially comprising a team of five led by Metzgen - will help companies source, negotiate .......

    Market Moves 21 January 2020

  • 'No Data' threshold consultation underway

    Sector developments and company hires

    C-PACE partnership
    Eyzenberg & Company and Greenworks Lending have formed Eyzenberg Green Capital, a partnership dedicated to funding commercial real estate transactions through commercial PACE. Eyzenberg Green Capital is a direct balance sheet provider, with significant lending capacity. The aim is to achieve a low cost of capital for C-PACE financing, supported by permanent capital and multiple funding outlets.

    Market Moves 17 January 2020

  • Consumer boost

    Santander completes innovative SRTs

    Santander has completed two synthetic securitisations of consumer loans. The transactions are the bank’s final consumer SRTs from 2019 and feature a number of innovations.

    One of the transactions is a mezzanine trade consisting of a €66m senior mezzanine tranche (10.5%-16.5%) and an €88m junior mezzanine tranche (2.5%-10.5%). Dubbed SC Germany Consumer Synthetic 2019, the financial guarantee references .......

    News 16 January 2020
