Capital Relief Trades

  • SME boost

    German STS synthetic printed

    Deutsche Bank and the EIB Group have executed a €75m unfunded mezzanine guarantee that references a €1bn German mid-market corporate portfolio. The guarantee will provide capital relief to Deutsche Bank and enable the lender to finance €300m of SME and mid-cap lending. The transaction is expected to support smaller businesses in their recovery from liquidity shortages caused by the .......

    News 9 December 2021

  • Growth constraints

    Disconnect between Euro ABS ambitions and reality?

    European securitisation issuance for the first 11 months of the year stood at a decade high of over €112bn, up by more than 65% compared with the same period in 2020, according to S&P figures. However, despite such record growth, a disconnect appears to remain between the industry’s ambitions and what is being seen on the ground - which .......

    News Analysis 9 December 2021

  • CRT bonanza

    Record 2021 origination and Fannie's return to drive banner 2022 for CRT

    Next year will see record GSE CRT issuance of around $20bn, around $6bn higher than 2021, predicts Pratik Gupta, head of CLO and RMBS research at Bank of America.

    In addition, he predicts a resurgence of interest in CRT issuance from mortgage insurers seeking to lay off risk and suggests that there could be as much as $10bn of supply in this .......

    News 8 December 2021

  • New STACR, last STACR

    Freddie prices 10th and final STACR of the year

    Freddie Mac has priced a $963m STACR, making its third CRT transaction of Q4 and final offering of the year.

    The trade, designated STACR 2021-HQA4, was underwritten by joint leads Barclays and Bank of America. The co -managers were Amherst Pierpoint, Morgan Stanley, Nomura and StoneX Financial.

    It comprises four tranches, an M-1, M-2, B-1 and B-2. The $445m M-1 was priced to .......

    News 8 December 2021

  • Positive prospects?

    CRE tops Stage Two allocations

    Commercial real estate loans were allocated the largest share of Stage Two classifications, according to the latest EBA data. This coincides with an overall growth in Stage Two allocations following the coronavirus crisis, as well as a boost in significant risk transfer transactions backed by Stage Two exposures and commercial real estate.

    According to the EBA’s latest risk .......

    News 8 December 2021

  • Landmark SRT inked

    Wealth management unit completes synthetic ABS

    News 8 December 2021

  • UK SME return

    Lloyds completes capital relief trade

    News 7 December 2021

  • Mespil refinanced

    BOI completes leveraged loan CRT

    News 3 December 2021

  • ESG countdown

    ECB climate stress tests pending

    The ECB’s pending climate stress tests are expected to offer some answers around the data and modelling challenges pertaining to the analysis of climate risks. Indeed, the stress tests could also prove definitive for ESG significant risk transfer issuance, given the presence of the same data challenges.

    The two main challenges pertaining to the analysis of climate risks are data .......

    News Analysis 3 December 2021

  • SRT chronicle: part three

    In the final instalment of a three-part series on bank risk...

    We have seen in part one of this series how far the SRT sector has developed in the past 10 years from a niche market with 10-12 transactions issued a year to a much larger and more diversified market. Barring a material downturn in the credit cycle, the SRT market should continue to enjoy strong growth in the next .......

    Talking Point 2 December 2021

  • RFC issued on ABS tax policies

    Sector developments and company hires

    RFC issued on ABS tax policies
    HMRC is seeking feedback on two draft statutory instruments: the Taxation of Securitisation Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2022 and the Securitisation Companies and Qualifying Transformer Vehicles (Exemption from Stamp Duties) Regulations 2022. The UK government consulted on making changes to clarify or reform certain aspects of the taxation of securitisation companies and the stamp duty .......

    Market Moves 1 December 2021

  • Ramp-up continues

    Barclays completes capital relief trade

    News 29 November 2021

  • Partial placement dropped

    Montepio opts for full-stack SRT

    Montepio Bank has finalised a full-stack significant risk transfer transaction backed by a €378.3m portfolio of Portuguese consumer and auto loans (see SCI’s Euro ABS/MBS Deal Tracker). Dubbed Pelican Finance Two, the deal is the bank’s first SRT sold to private investors. The lender initially considered a partially placed deal but switched to the typical full-stack form, given .......

    News 26 November 2021

  • SRT chronicle: part two

    In the second of a three-part series on bank risk transfer t...

    The SRT market is predominantly European (representing 86% of transactions since 2010), although US banks are accounting for an increasing percentage since 2019 - with JPMorgan now a regular issuer, one transaction by Goldman Sachs in 2020 and a few regional banks entering the market in 2021. Prior to 2019, only Citi and Bank of Montreal were regular issuers in .......

    Talking Point 25 November 2021

  • Spitfire launched

    Santander completes capital relief trade

    Santander has finalised a synthetic securitisation of UK auto loans. Dubbed Project Spitfire, the transaction references a £750m portfolio. The deal is the first post-Covid European synthetic auto ABS.

    Rated by KBRA and Moody’s, the transaction consists of a £26.5m BBB+/Baa2 rated class C tranche (priced at SONIA plus 300bp) and a £30m unrated class D tranche (SONIA plus 900bp).

    News Analysis 24 November 2021

  • Upgrades anticipated after CMBS updates

    Sector developments and company hires

    Moody’s has updated three commercial real estate sector methodologies, following requests for comments on the proposals in July. The rating agency has placed a number of US CMBS tranches on review for upgrade as a result.

    One of the updates is in connection with Moody's methodology for rating US and Canadian conduit/fusion CMBS, which replaces the version from September 2020. .......

    Market Moves 22 November 2021

  • The lessons of history

    STACR founder Don Layton talks the early and current days of the market

    In the latest Freddie Mac podcast former ceo Don Layton describes the birth of the CRT market and says that following the launch of the first STACR deal in early 2013 he was instructed by the FHFA to share the secret recipe with Fannie Mae.

    “Interestingly, we were then told to take our documents and give them to Fannie .......

    Talking Point 19 November 2021

  • Lower for longer?

    SRTs to benefit from inflation

    Significant risk transfer transactions are expected to receive a boost from anticipated interest rate rises, following increasing levels of inflation worldwide. Indeed, SRTs are floaters offering positive real returns, along with diversification and access to core bank lending books. However, investors remain cautious over the impact that significant increases in interest rates could have on growth.    

    If .......

    News Analysis 18 November 2021

  • GSE scorecard released

    Sector developments and company hires

    GSE scorecard released

    The FHFA has released the 2022 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Common Securitization Solutions (CSS). The purpose of the 2022 Scorecard is to hold the GSEs and CSS accountable for fulfilling their core mission requirements by promoting sustainable and equitable access to affordable housing and operating in a safe and sound manner.

    The 2022 Scorecard focuses .......

    Market Moves 18 November 2021

  • SRT chronicle: part one

    In the first of a three-part series on bank risk transfer tr...

    The bank balance sheet securitisation market has enjoyed significant growth over the past five years and looks set to continue apace on the back of clearer regulation, an increasing number of banks having acquired the technology and economic incentives for banks to free up risk-weighted assets (RWAs) rather than raising capital. In this series of articles, we will use significant .......

    Talking Point 18 November 2021

  • SRT finalised

    Credit Agricole completes capital relief trade

    News 17 November 2021
