Capital Relief Trades

  • Risk transfer return

    BMO finalizes Canadian CRE SRT

    News 14 April 2022

  • Legacy issues

    STS amendments prove challenging

    The amendment of legacy synthetic securitisations into STS compliant trades has proven to be a much more challenging proposition than initially thought. In fact, most STS synthetics are brand new transactions according to STS verification agents, given the auditing and other issues associated with amending legacy deals into STS trades.

    According to Michael Osswald, md at STS verification international (SVI), ‘’legacy trades .......

    News Analysis 14 April 2022

  • SRT hedge eyed

    Index tranches mulled as synthetic ABS hedge

    News Analysis 13 April 2022

  • Risk transfer round up-11 April

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Intesa Sanpaolo is believed to be readying a synthetic securitisation that is backed by residential mortgages. The Italian lender’s last synthetic RMBS was finalized in September 2021 (see SCI’s capital relief trades database).

    Stelios Papadopoulos 


    News 11 April 2022

  • New CAS, spreads wider

    Q2 GSE CRT issuance gets going after bumper Q1

    Fannie Mae this week printed a $1.1bn CAS REMIC deal, its fourth CAS offering of 2022.

    Issuance by the GSEs, briefly halted by the Russo/Ukrainian war, now appears back on track but yields remain elevated.

    The trade, designated CAS 2022 R04, consists of four tranches. The $415m M-1 tranche, rated A-/A-, was priced to yield SOFR plus 200bp, the $346m M-2, rated BBB-/BBB .......

    News 8 April 2022

  • Risk transfer round up-8 April

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 8 April 2022

  • ESG SRT launched

    Santander and IFC finalize landmark SRT

    News 8 April 2022

  • Positive outlook persists

    Recession remains unlikely

    News Analysis 29 March 2022

  • Call option pending?

    APAC SRT could be called this year

    News 28 March 2022

  • Landmark SRT launched

    mBank debuts polish synthetic ABS

    News 24 March 2022

  • SME SRT disclosed

    Last EFSI SRT revealed

    News 24 March 2022

  • Risk transfer reboot

    CRT pipeline back on track

    News Analysis 22 March 2022

  • STACR three

    Freddie Mac completes Q1 CRT borrowing

    Freddie Mac issued a US$1.8bn high LTV STACR transaction late on Friday via Bank of America and Nomura.

    The bond, designated STACR 2022-HQA1, is the first high LTV deal that Freddie Mac has sold in 2022. It references loans put on in 3Q21 and completes Freddie’s credit risk transfer business for this quarter.

    The GSE plans to .......

    News 21 March 2022

  • Thoughtful approach

    Olivier Renault, md, head of risk sharing strategy at Pember...

    Q: You joined Pemberton at the beginning of December to establish the firm’s new risk sharing strategy (SCI 1 December 2021). Can you provide some background to this move?
    A: The aim of the risk sharing strategy is to leverage Pemberton’s strengths: we have significant origination and credit capabilities, with eight offices across Europe. Although the strategy is global .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 21 March 2022

  • Risk transfer round up-21 March

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    Santander is believed to be readying a synthetic securitisation backed by Portuguese corporate loans. The bank’s last such transaction was finalized last year and was called Castelo (SCI 4 August 2021).

    Stelios Papadopoulos 


    News 21 March 2022

  • Full stack guarantee launched

    Millenium bank executes SRT

    News 18 March 2022

  • Synthetic RMBS unveiled

    Unicredit reveals capital relief trade

    Details have been revealed of a significant risk transfer transaction that UniCredit and Fidelis finalized in December 2021. The synthetic securitisation is backed by Italian residential mortgages and is the bank’s first SRT to be backed by such exposures and its first with insurers.

    The Italian lender structured the transaction under the ARTS (Asset Risk Transfer Sharing) program. The deal references a €600m .......

    News 16 March 2022

  • Room to run?

    MDB CRT challenges persist

    A number of challenges continue to constrain multilateral development bank capital relief trade issuance. This Premium Content article investigates whether these obstacles can be overcome.

    The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) landmark Room2Run (R2R) transaction marked the first capital relief trade issued by a multilateral development bank (MDB) and heightened expectations for a boost in such issuance (SCI 20 ......

    News Analysis 15 March 2022

  • Test case

    CDS market ponders Russian sanctions

    Western sanctions on Russia  are putting the CDS market in relatively uncharted territory given the challenges it potentially raises for the running of auctions. Indeed, the latter hampers liquidity and the settlement of CDS contracts. The situation is further complicated by the Kremlin’s decision to allow repayment of bonds in roubles since this could trigger more cumbersome restructuring events. 

    According to .......

    News Analysis 8 March 2022

  • War time blues

    International turmoil adds to CRT distress

    If January was bad for the GSE CRT market, February was a lot worse.

    To add to the seemingly deep-seated problems of the US economy, a full-blown war between Russia and the Ukraine broke out in the waning days of the month.

    The CRTx Aggregate, flagship index of market-leading consultancy and data provider Mark Fontanilla and Co, lost 100bp in the month. This .......

    News 4 March 2022

  • Capital trouble

    The final ECRF rule fails to remove impediments, say market experts

    The FHFA’s failure to incorporate more far-reaching changes to the final Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework (ERCF) rule, published on February 28, has excited considerable disappointment among some in the credit risk transfer market.

    While the final rule of the new capital framework, which was initially unveiled in the summer of 2021, is much better than its predecessor, it still contains flaws .......

    News Analysis 4 March 2022
