• Production team bolstered

    Greystone has recruited two new executives to its CMBS lending team. Harris Heller, an md based in Philadelphia, and Nicholas Diamond, a director based in New York, both report to the firm's CMBS production head Robert Russell.

    Heller joins Greystone from RAIT Financial Trust, where he most recently served as an md. He has specialised in fixed and floating rate .......

    Job Swaps 10 May 2016

  • US CMBS values change course

    Property values for specially serviced US CMBS fell in 2015, says Fitch. Appraised values for the 495 loans in the Fitch-rated universe fell 0.5%, with retail leading the decline.

    The reduction in appraised values compares to a 1.5% increase in the year before. Retail valuations accounted for 10 of the 15 largest declines.

    Just over half of the loans - .......

    News Round-up 9 May 2016

  • Macro issues affecting Brazilian MBS

    Macroeconomic pressures on Brazil will continue to stress CMBS, says Fitch. Credit-linked CMBS will fall faster in 2016 than in 2015 and other CMBS sectors will also suffer, while RMBS deals should remain stable amid the declining residential market as most borrowers have benefitted from a rise in inflation and trusts have significant seasoning.

    Fitch's Brazilian structured finance ratings have seen .......

    News Round-up 4 May 2016

  • CMBS delinquencies up again

    The US CMBS delinquency rate inched higher again in April, according to Trepp. It was the second consecutive month that the rate crept higher, following large decreases in January and February.

    The delinquency rate for US CRE loans in CMBS is now 4.23%, up 1bp from March. The rate is 134bp lower than a year previously and 94bp lower than .......

    News Round-up 3 May 2016

  • Hudson loss forecast increases

    Rising store vacancies at the Hudson Valley Mall in Kingston, New York, has prompted Morningstar Credit Ratings to increase its loss forecast on the loan backed by the shopping centre. Sagging occupancy has now left the US$49.4m loan with expected losses of US$32.5m, a substantial rise from the previous US$24.7m projection.

    This could have direct implications on CFCRE 2011-C1. The loan comprises .......

    News Round-up 28 April 2016

  • US CMBS stays supply-driven

    Activity and pricing patterns in the US non-agency CMBS secondary market continue to be driven by expectations over supply.

    "Secondary is still fairly quiet as people are holding on to paper because of expectations of diminishing future supply," says one trader. "So spreads are continuing to tighten and we're also seeing a lot of people buying CMBX risk for the .......

    SCIWire 27 April 2016

  • Euro CMBS to remain attractive

    European CMBS investor demand will remain high over the next few years, says Moody's, as CRE returns are more attractive in the low interest rate environment than alternative investments. Investors will have to balance the defensive attributes of low yielding prime properties with looking further afield to find additional yield pick-up.

    "CRE fundamentals are stable, but returns will not be uniform. .......

    News Round-up 27 April 2016

  • Euro secondary picks up

    The European securitisation secondary market saw an increase in activity yesterday to go with the improving tone of recent sessions.

    "After being quiet for the past few days flows picked up across the board yesterday," says one trader. "Volumes are still not huge, but we're now seeing a lot of enquiries from investors looking for paper."

    Notably, the trader adds: "That .......

    SCIWire 27 April 2016

  • Sears exposure gauged

    Nine loans with a balance of US$111.9m across nine CMBS have exposure to Sears Holdings Corp's latest round of store closures, according to Morningstar Credit Ratings. The retailer plans to shutter 68 Kmart and 10 Sears stores this summer.

    Morningstar has identified five CMBS loans worth US$56.9m in five CMBS with significantly elevated risk of term or maturity default related .......

    News Round-up 26 April 2016

  • Liquidity tops investor concerns

    While investor fears over China-related uncertainty have subsided, concerns regarding liquidity and central bank policies have grown, according to Morgan Stanley's latest global securitised products investor quarterly survey. Liquidity is the top concern for 21% of respondents.

    Central bank policies cause the most concern for 18% of investors while disappointing US economic growth is now the third greatest concern, at .......

    News 26 April 2016

  • Euro secondary steady

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to move steadily ahead.

    Tone continued to be positive across the board at the end of last week and into the start of this. However, lack of supply is still an issue and is causing sessions to be steady rather than spectacular.

    Nevertheless, many of the line items in for the bid are continuing .......

    SCIWire 26 April 2016

  • Loss severities remain steady

    Fitch reports that US CMBS loss severities remain steady year-over-year, rising only slightly to 45.7% in 2015 from 44.8% in 2014. The historical average now stands at 46.6%.

    As the inventory in special servicing has fallen, special servicers accordingly resolved fewer loans in 2015 compared with 2014. However, the proportion of the loans resolved with a loss is lower.

    "The .......

    News Round-up 25 April 2016

  • 2016 vintage touted

    Recent capital markets volatility has resulted in tighter lending conditions where US CMBS originators are becoming more selective and conservative, while providing the B-piece buyer with greater buying power. Morgan Stanley CMBS strategists believe this will result in better collateral performance of 2016 vintage loans compared to those securitised in 2015 and 2014 vintage deals, where underwriting was less stringent. .......

    News 21 April 2016

  • CREFC Europe board changes made

    CREFC Europe has made a series of board appointments, including Steve Willingham as the successor to chair Madeleine McDougall on a one-year term from 14 November. ING Real Estate Finance structured products md Mike Shields has also joined the association's board.

    Willingham is head of real estate finance for EMEA at HSBC and has also worked at BlackRock, MGPA, as .......

    Job Swaps 21 April 2016

  • Conduit CMBS LTVs decline

    The credit quality of US conduit/fusion CMBS as measured by Moody's LTV (MLTV) ratio improved in 1Q16, says the rating agency. The MLTV ratio declined from 118.9% in 4Q15 to 118.1% last quarter, marking the first decline since the start of 2013.

    "The credit pendulum swung in favour of subordinate bond buyers late last year, and increasingly they are helping .......

    News Round-up 21 April 2016

  • Euro secondary scrappy

    Activity continues to be scrappy in the European securitisation secondary market.

    Sentiment remains very positive across the vast majority of securitisation sectors in line with wider markets. However, lack of supply is still hampering any sizeable cohesive trading.

    The closest to that yesterday came in Italian paper. There, following strong prints on the 11:00 Italian RMBS BWIC there was an .......

    SCIWire 21 April 2016

  • Sport Chalet exposure gauged

    Morningstar believes that 11 CMBS loans - several of which have significantly elevated risk of term or maturity default - worth US$628.9m could be affected by Vestis Retail Group shuttering its Sport Chalet division in connection with its 18 April Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. The sporting goods retailer has reportedly already begun liquidation sales at all 47 of its stores .......

    News 20 April 2016

  • Special situations analyst added

    TCW Group has appointed Steven Purdy to its fixed income credit research group as md and special situations analyst. He will take responsibility for analysing and identifying credit opportunities with companies in stressed and distressed situations.

    Purdy is based in Los Angeles and reports to Jamie Farnham, director of credit research. He was previously based in London with TPG Capital .......

    Job Swaps 20 April 2016

  • Release pricing risks underlined

    CMBS investors could be exposed to greater idiosyncratic property risk as a result of innovations around release pricing. According to Fitch, commercial property lending has seen traditional release pricing mechanisms become modified to favour borrowers.

    This pricing structure governs how much debt borrowers must repay if they dispose of individual properties over the term of the loan. Lenders traditionally require a .......

    News Round-up 20 April 2016

  • Euro ABS/MBS picks up

    Tone and volumes are on the rise across the European ABS/MBS secondary market.

    "The market has been much stronger over the past few days," says one trader. "Now, at last, there is a bit more activity pretty much everywhere."

    The trader continues: "We're seeing buyers across every single sector except UK sterling, which remains a little difficult and Portuguese paper, but .......

    SCIWire 20 April 2016

  • Euro secondary stable

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to be stable despite wider market vacillation yesterday.

    A buying bias across asset classes remains apparent, but limited secondary supply is keeping activity patchy. Bolstered by new issuance UK RMBS is seeing some action and spreads are holding up despite the evolving Brexit story. Selective trading in CMBS and some high profile prime names .......

    SCIWire 19 April 2016
