• Job swaps round-up - 16 June


    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has announced an initial decision in relation to the anticipated acquisition by Heineken UK of Punch Taverns, including Punch Securitisation A. The CMA has decided that the merger may result in a substantial lessening of competition within markets in the UK. The merger will be referred for a Phase 2 investigation, unless the .......

    Job Swaps 16 June 2017

  • Treasury reports on regulatory impact

    The US Treasury has issued a first report in a series regarding regulation of the financial system in a manner consistent with an executive order issued by President Trump back in February. The report addresses the regulation of the depositary system and makes several findings and recommendations which could impact the future regulation of securitisations.

    The report criticises certain regulatory .......

    News 15 June 2017

  • US CLOs similar

    Focus and activity in the US CLO secondary market continue to be similar to recent sessions.

    BWIC volumes have remained light this week and predominantly revolve around the lower part of the stack. At the same time, bilateral trading is still patchy with little paper on offer. As a result, the bonds that do appear continue to trade well and .......

    SCIWire 15 June 2017

  • China innovation paves way for securitised products

    US dollar-denominated notes backed by Chinese regional and local government (RLG) bonds have debuted in China and provide a new opportunity for offshore investment in securities traded on China's interbank bond market. Moody's believes further similar deals backed by Chinese collateral could follow, including CLOs, ABS and RMBS.

    Such US dollar-denominated bonds issued by Chinese RLGs are the first of .......

    News 15 June 2017

  • Prosecutors probe valuations process

    US prosecutors, after years spent studying the sell-side, appear to be turning their attentions to the buy-side, as investigations have begun into whether structured credit hedge funds inflated the value of debt securities for their portfolios. The probe is particularly concerned with whether brokers were encouraged to give dishonest valuations for month-end marks.

    The reasons for a fund to seek .......

    News Analysis 14 June 2017

  • Loan refis to increase CLO pressures

    US CLO managers are increasingly constrained by WAS tests in the current environment of declining loan spreads and elevated loan repricings. Half of CLOs within their reinvestment periods have a WAS cushion of less than 10bp, so managers may need to look at WARF and diversity scores.

    CLO managers cannot typically reinvest sales and redemption proceeds without meeting WAS tests. .......

    News 14 June 2017

  • US CLO demand continues

    Demand for paper across the capital structure continues unabated in the US CLO secondary market.

    "There's not a whole lot going on right now," says one trader. "However, we are still seeing good demand across the board."

    The trader continues: "The BWICs that do appear are trading very well. Of late they have involved lower rated paper, which is mainly .......

    SCIWire 13 June 2017

  • Euro secondary flickers

    The European securitisation secondary market is slowly flickering back to life.

    Overall, all ABS/MBS and CLO sectors remain insulated from broader market moves with tone and secondary spreads still solid. Nevertheless, flows have been thin over the past two sessions as the market slowly finds its feet post the Barcelona conference and UK election.

    There has, however, been a flurry .......

    SCIWire 13 June 2017

  • Spanish EFSI deal debuts

    The EIF has closed its second European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) deal, providing BBVA with a €143bn mezzanine guarantee facility. The transaction references a €3bn portfolio of Spanish SME loans and is the first Spanish synthetic securitisation under the Investment Plan for Europe.

    The Investment Plan allows the EIB Group to fund investment projects that - due to their .......

    News 12 June 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 9 June

    North America

    Brian Ford has been appointed head of structured finance research at Kroll Bond Rating Agency, starting the role in New York next week. He previously spent five years at the rating agency, but was most recently at Barclays, where he was credit strategy vp. He has also worked at Citi and began his career at Eaton Vance.

    Hudson .......

    Job Swaps 9 June 2017

  • CHOICE Act passes in House

    The US House of Representatives has passed the Financial CHOICE Act. The legislation aims to replace much of the Dodd-Frank Act, specifically criticising Dodd-Frank's "one size fits all" approach to securitisation and doing away with risk retention requirements for all asset classes except RMBS.

    The Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers and Entrepreneurs (CHOICE) Act (SCI passim) intends to provide .......

    News 9 June 2017

  • European market growth predicted

    European securitisation market participants expect the number of investors to grow and participation by investors to increase. Increased investor support is identified in a recent DBRS survey as one of the most important changes required in order to grow the securitisation market, while regulatory concerns once again dominate.

    The DBRS survey was conducted before the European regulatory changes were announced last week .......

    News 6 June 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 2 June


    BNP Paribas Asset Management has launched a new private debt and real assets investment group, headed by David Bouchoucha. This is together with the appointments of Philippe Deloffre as head of real estate debt, Karen Azoulay as head of infrastructure debt and Christophe Carrasco as head of SME lending. The group will focus on three main investment areas: real assets, .......

    Job Swaps 2 June 2017

  • US CLOs stable

    The US CLO secondary market continues to be stable.

    "The market is taking a bit of a pause and we're in the gap between last week's CLO conference in New York and Barcelona next," says one trader. "Overall market tone remains cautiously optimistic."

    The trader continues: "Secondary spreads remain stable with retail concerns not having an impact. Everyone is still .......

    SCIWire 1 June 2017

  • Euro secondary sporadic

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to exhibit the pattern of recent weeks with sporadic bursts of activity in specific areas.

    The stop-start nature of all asset classes has been further exacerbated by recent public holidays, month-end and the run-up to Global ABS. With wholesale absences at the conference next week little is likely to change in the near future.

    SCIWire 1 June 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 26 May

    North America

    SFIG has hired Covell Adams as chief administration officer and Scott Brody as director of education and conferences. Adams joins from Wells Fargo Securities where she was head of business strategy and development for the asset backed finance and securitisation unit. Brody was previously md at IMN-Euromoney and he co-founded IMN in 1994.

    KBRA has hired Michael Dean .......

    Job Swaps 26 May 2017

  • Investors overweight RMBS

    Investors are moving out of consumer ABS and into US non-agency RMBS, agency RMBS and cash, according to a Morgan Stanley survey. 89% of survey respondents expect to stay in line or add to their current allocation to securitised products.

    The 2Q17 global investor survey polled 30 hedge funds, 67 asset managers, 23 insurance companies, 27 banks, two pension funds .......

    News 23 May 2017

  • Global interest in Euro SF surges

    The number of investors in European securitisations is ramping up and transactions are increasingly oversubscribed. Issuance volumes still lag behind 2016, but structured finance analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch are optimistic that 2017 can gain momentum thanks to increased global investor demand.

    There has been renewed investor interest in European structured products, which the analysts believe will push .......

    News 22 May 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 19 May

    CDO manager transfers

    Dock Street Capital Management has replaced Vertical Capital as portfolio advisor to Summer Street 2005-HG1 and Vertical CDO 2003-1. Moody's confirms that the move will not impact the ratings on the ABS CDOs.


    BlueMountain Capital Management has named Louisa Church ceo for Europe. She will also continue in her role as head of client advisory - .......

    Job Swaps 19 May 2017

  • Regulatory proposal for SPVs 'credit negative'

    Proposed European regulatory changes to classify SPVs as financial counterparties have created significant uncertainty and are credit negative, rating agencies warn. Should the European Commission's (EC) intended amendments to EMIR be carried out, transactions would be required to post two-way variation margin and clear derivatives centrally.

    The EC's proposals remain subject to approval from the European Parliament and Council. Fitch .......

    News 19 May 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 12 May

    Amicus briefs

    The LSTA has joined The Clearing House and the American Bankers Association to file amicus briefs in cases initiated by the State of Colorado against Avant and Marlette, both of which have bank partners (WebBank and Cross River Bank respectively). In January, Colorado regulators sued the two marketplace platforms, claiming that their loans are subject to Colorado interest .......

    Job Swaps 12 May 2017
