• Market moves - 23 March

    CDS clearing developments
    Intercontinental Exchange has transitioned index CDS open interest from CME Group to ICE Clear Credit, follows CME Group’s decision to exit the CDS business and transfer client positions to an alternative clearing house. ICE Clear Europe has also launched clearing for North American investment grade and high yield index CDS instruments, thereby providing regional customers the ability .......

    News 23 March 2018

  • Increase in liquidity 'hard to measure'

    Liquidity in structured products is difficult to quantify, and perhaps even to define. Whichever way it is measured, traders agree that it has increased and predict that over the course of 2018 spreads are going to continue their long tightening trend.

    Liquidity is commonly identified by the presence of associated phenomena. Two-way markets made by dealers are considered to be .......

    News Analysis 22 March 2018

  • Market moves - 16 March


    Citigroup has appointed Laura Coady to the newly created position of head of EMEA, structured finance syndicate desk and she will continue to report locally to EMEA co-heads of global structured finance and securitisation Peter Keller and Bob Liao, and report globally to Vikram Prasad, global head of credit syndicate desk, taking responsibility for distributing all products from the .......

    Market Moves 16 March 2018

  • Issuers urge goodwill on STS

    European securitisation issuers are modelling new transactions and updating legacy deals, across a range of asset classes, to be STS compliant. However, there is agreement that an overly punitive regulatory environment could harm the chances of the framework’s success, with some issuers backing the implementation of a transition period.

    Steve Gandy, md at Santander Global Corporate Banking, commented at a .......

    News Analysis 15 March 2018

  • Market moves - 9 March

    North America
    Anthony Orso has joined NKF Capital Markets as president of capital markets strategies. Orso will support the integration of Berkeley Point Capital with ARA, two companies recently acquired by NKF Capital Markets, an affiliate of the Newmark Group. He will work closely with Jeff Day, ceo of Berkeley Point Capital and Blake Okland, vice chairman and head of US multifamily. .......

    Market Moves 9 March 2018

  • Euro CLO manager behaviour 'deserves scrutiny'

    A recent issuer consent payment provides another example of European CLO manager behaviour increasingly favouring equity to the detriment of noteholders. As risk retention dominates thoughts on both sides of the Atlantic, recent actions in the European market, where underwriting standards are loosening, point to a weakening alignment of manager and investor interests.

    "CLOs are increasingly being structured for the .......

    News Analysis 7 March 2018

  • ESG embraced in 2.0 CLO

    Permira Debt Managers last week priced Providus CLO I, representing its first CLO 2.0 deal and the beginning of a new CLO management platform. The €362.5m transaction is also one of the first European CLOs to adhere to ESG eligibility criteria, including restrictions on the nature of industries in which the fund will invest and a commitment to assess .......

    News 6 March 2018

  • Market moves - 2 March

    North America

    Cowen and Company has named Philip Cushman as head of global institutional sales which includes managing both the institutional equity and credit sales teams and Burton Welly has been named head of special situations and distressed credit trading, Cowen and Company, increasing his responsibilities to include all distressed credit trading initiatives. Prior to joining Cowen, Cushman served as md and .......

    Market Moves 2 March 2018

  • Synthetic exposure expanded

    Bank of Ireland has released its Pillar Three report, which indicates an expansion of its synthetic securitisation exposure. It also provides insight into the lender's counterparty exposures.
    According to the report, the total outstanding amount of synthetic securitisation exposure originated by the Bank of Ireland group increased by nearly a third in 2017 to €4.3bn. This comprises the bulk of .......

    News 2 March 2018

  • US CLOs steady

    The US CLO secondary market appears to be holding steady as participants consider their next move.

    "Superficially it looks like the long-standing pattern in the market will hold, but it feels to me like changes are afoot following the return from Vegas," says one trader. "There's no obvious single driver and I'm not sure there's even a consensus in the .......

    SCIWire 1 March 2018

  • Euro secondary slows

    January's optimism has faded throughout February as activity across the European securitisation secondary market has slowed.

    "There's not a great deal going on with a combination of factors such as a busy primary, holidays, Vegas and some bad weather keeping things pretty quiet," says one trader. "However, we have seen a couple of bid lists recently, which appear to have .......

    SCIWire 1 March 2018

  • LCR amendments could be STS 'game-changer'

    The European Commission's recent draft regulation on the LCR does not ensure STS securitisations are eligible as level 2A assets. Along with other factors, this could result in securitisation remaining a less attractive option compared to other financial instruments.

    Ian Bell, director of the PCS, commented on the draft regulation as part of the consultation. He suggests that "leaving this .......

    News 28 February 2018

  • Market moves - 23 February

    North America

    David Sykes has rejoined Chapman and Cutler as a partner, expanding the firm's San Francisco office and asset securitisation department. Prior to rejoining, he was most recently at Renew Financial where he served as general counsel.

    Onex has appointed Tate Abols to its investor relations and fund development team as md. Abols was most recently a principal on .......

    Market Moves 23 February 2018

  • Market moves - 16 February


    Fulcrum Asset Management has recruited Mark Horne as a director within the newly created Fulcrum Alternative Strategies team, reporting to partner Matthew Roberts. Horne previously worked as an independent asset management consultant in London and Paris. Prior to that, he was a senior credit manager researcher at Willis Towers Watson and was director of client services at Natixis Global .......

    Market Moves 16 February 2018

  • French ABS to benefit from new regime

    The creation of a new SPV regime in France (SCI 11 October 2017) will boost the country's ABS sector by simplifying the existing investment framework and streamlining the origination of loans and structuring of transactions. It is also hoped that the new vehicle will enable France to compete with other jurisdictions in attracting foreign capital for a range of .......

    News Analysis 14 February 2018

  • CRE CLOs quick off the line

    Two more firms have launched inaugural CRE CLOs, with a US$480.4m transaction from Argentic Silverpeak and a US$510.2m transaction from Bridge Investment Group. The transactions are further examples of a surge in CRE CLO issuance since the start of 2018, indicating a trend of investment firms favouring the CLO structure over traditional CMBS, particularly due to the flexibility the structure .......

    News 12 February 2018

  • Risk retention relief for CLOs

    The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit last week reversed a lower court decision and ruled in favour of the LSTA in its lawsuit against the SEC and the US Fed, concluding that open-market CLO managers are not subject to risk retention rules. The outcome is expected to benefit smaller CLO managers, as well as boost the supply .......

    News Analysis 12 February 2018

  • Risk transfer round-up - 9 February

    Credit Suisse is rumoured to be re-tranching its existing risk transfer transactions, echoing recent market comments over the prospective use of this innovation in the capital relief trade space (SCI 26 January). The technique involves slicing in two the junior risk, in an attempt to cope with higher capital requirements for the retained tranches.

    Elsewhere, market sources observe that Greek lenders are .......

    News 9 February 2018

  • Market moves - 2 February

    North America

    CVC Credit Partners has named Gretchen Bergstresser as global head of performing credit - a new role within the firm - having led its US performing credit strategy. Phil Raciti, senior md in CVC's New York office, will become head of US performing credit. Additionally, from 1 February partner and London-based senior portfolio manager Jonathan Bowers will become .......

    Market Moves 2 February 2018

  • Call for transparency underlined

    A push for transparency is a common thread among European initiatives to reinvigorate the securitisation markets. Communication and standardisation are expected to play significant roles in facilitating this effort.

    Christian Thun, ceo at European DataWarehouse, agrees, in principal, that better communication is required to improve transparency in the European securitisation market. "Reading through the STS regulation, communication is only mentioned .......

    News Analysis 2 February 2018

  • TPG moves into CRE CLOs

    TPG RE Finance Trust (TRTX) is marketing an inaugural US$932.4m CRE CLO. The transaction, entitled TRTX 2018-FL1, is the second-largest CRE CLO to be issued post-crisis and will initially be collateralised by 26 mortgage assets, secured by 63 properties.

    Moody's and KBRA have assigned expected ratings of Aaa/AAA to the US$491.831m class A notes and KBRA has provisionally assigned triple-A to the US$72.259m .......

    News 2 February 2018
