SRTx Spread

Index Short Name:
SRT Category:
Date Index Group Index Short Name Index Style SRT Category Region Index Value Last Chg % Chg Gross Count Truncated Count Truncated High Truncated Low


Index Short Name:
SRT Category:
Date Index Group Index Short Name Index Style SRT Category Region Index Value Last Chg % Chg Index Wt. Response Count 0% Significantly Lower 25% Slightly Lower 50% About the same 75% Slightly Worse 100% Significantly worse Not Used Unable to comment


Index Short Name:
SRT Category:
Date Index Group Index Short Name Index Style SRT Category Region Index Value Last Chg % Chg Index Wt. Response Count 0% Significantly Better 25% Slightly Better 50% About the same 75% Slightly Worse 100% Significantly worse Not Used Unable to comment

SRTx Risk

Index Short Name:
SRT Category:
Date Index Group Index Short Name Index Style SRT Category Region Index Value Last Chg % Chg Index Wt. Response Count 0% Significantly Better 25% Slightly Better 50% About the same 75% Slightly Worse 100% Significantly worse Not Used Unable to comment