SCI Videos

  • Data centre securitisation: Growing in waves - video

    Jie Liang, sector lead in S&P Global Ratings’ structured finance esoteric ABS group, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about data centre securitisation. Liang discusses the use of proxy data to achieve ratings in the asset class, the extent to which investors are prepared to accept ratings derived from these methodologies, whether there are any signs that the growth data centre .......

    News Analysis 14 August 2024

  • WBS: New frontiers - video

    Patricia Lynch, partner and leader of the US securitisation practice at Ropes & Gray, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about whole business securitisation (WBS). Lynch discusses the types of assets that are particularly suitable for WBS, developments in the makeup of the investor pool, the emerging use of the product in M&A contexts, and more.


    News Analysis 5 August 2024

  • Esoteric ABS: Fragmenting industry - video

    Gary Miller, head of Revere Capital’s specialty finance team, speaks to SCI’s Simon Boughey about some of the latest developments in esoteric ABS. Miller discusses the types of asset classes that currently appeal to him, how those asset class types have changed over the years, the likely short-term growth areas, and more.


    News Analysis 17 July 2024

  • Credit risk sharing: Raising the bar for ESG requirements - video

    Alien Pauw, director and senior investment manager at PGGM Investments, speaks to SCI's Vincent Nadeau about ESG and investing in credit risk sharing. Pauw discusses the pension fund investor’s relationships with partner banks, how it differentiates CRS transactions from capital relief trades or risk transfers, the role that CRS transactions can play in the context of ESG goals and the climate .......

    News Analysis 13 June 2024

  • Transition finance: Mobilising capital - video

    Begum Gursoy, director at Morningstar Sustainalytics, speaks to SCI's Kenny Wastell about transition finance in the context of hard to abate industries. Gursoy outlines activity levels and deal pipelines in transition finance, the way in which a ratings agency goes about assessing environmental impact in deals, the role of labels in any given transaction, and the importance of being alert .......

    News Analysis 23 May 2024

  • CLOs: Improving arbitrage - video

    Elena Rinaldi, portfolio manager on TwentyFour Asset Management's ABS team, speaks to SCI's Corinne Smith about the CLO market and ESG initiatives within the space. Rinaldi discusses the key drivers behind the record levels of issuance in Q1 2024, how a wave of loan repricings in both Europe and the US are affecting CLO portfolios, the potential impact of .......

    News Analysis 16 May 2024

  • European SRT: Shifting prices – video

    Robert Bradbury, md and head of structured credit execution at Alvarez & Marsal, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about pricing dynamics in the European SRT market. Bradbury discusses the quality of underlying assets, the growth in prevalence of standardised features, the synergy between growth of supply and demand, the impact of new entrants on the buyer front, and comparisons with pricing .......

    News Analysis 8 May 2024

  • US SRT: Igniting issuance – video

    Mark Kruzel, senior vice president for bank capital markets at PIMCO, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about the changing landscape in the US SRT market. Kruzel discusses the opportunities for investors working with banks, why the market is taking off now after a number of false starts, what factors are attracting regional US banks to the SRT space, and .......

    News Analysis 6 March 2024

  • US SRT: Unblocking uncertainty – video

    Gareth Old, derivatives- and structured-finance-focused partner at Clifford Chance, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about recent developments in the US SRT market. Old discusses the use of the synthetic securitisation framework in bank-issued credit-linked notes, the time frames required for deal submissions and approvals, whether future developments could remove further hurdles to issuance, and more.


    News Analysis 29 February 2024

  • US SRT: First waves - video

    Terry Lanson, md and portfolio manager at Seer Capital, speaks to SCI's Simon Boughey about the outlook for SRT in 2024. Lanson discusses how SRT can help banks compete amid the ongoing expansion of private credit, whether the US market is finally ready for lift-off, and what Seer looks for in an SRT partnership.


    News Analysis 21 February 2024

  • Basel 4 series: A swinging pendulum - video

    In the final instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, ex-issuer Frank Benhamou provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants about the extent to which Basel 4 is in line with expectations.


    News Analysis 14 December 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Levelling the playing field - video

    In the fourth instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, Alantra md Holger Beyer provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants why further amendments to the framework are required.


    News Analysis 6 December 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Preparing - video

    In the third instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, ex-issuer Frank Benhamou provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants about what they can do to prepare for the regulatory changes. 


    News Analysis 29 November 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Industry impacts - video

    In the second instalment of SCI's Basel 4 video series, The D. E. Shaw Group's Syril Pathmanathan provides a brief outline of what's new in Basel 4 and SCI's Kenny Wastell asks market participants about the extent to which Basel 4 will affect them and their clients or members.


    News Analysis 22 November 2023

  • Basel 4 series: SRT game changer - video

    In the first instalment of SCI's Basel 4 video series, Alantra md Holger Beyer provides a brief outline of what's new in Basel 4 and SCI's Kenny Wastell asks market participants whether the new regulations will be a game changer for the SRT market.


    News Analysis 14 November 2023

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