• ESG endeavours

    Social bonds gaining traction

    Yorkshire Building Society’s recent Brass 10 RMBS marked the second social bond to hit the UK securitisation market, following Kensington’s social RMBS from February (SCI 3 February). While a ‘greenium’ has emerged for deals categorised as green, the trajectory for social bonds appears to be more nuanced, however.

    “The mortgages backing the YBS deal will form part .......

    News Analysis 1 April 2021

  • Follow-up funding for Raiffeisen-Leasing

    Sector developments and company hires

    Follow-up funding for Raiffeisen-Leasing
    The EIB Group has provided €200m funding to Raiffeisen-Leasing Austria via a true sale securitisation dubbed ROOF AT. The transaction’s €462.8m triple-A rated class A notes were preplaced with EIB (which subscribed to €150m) and EIF (€50m), as well as other market funding partners. Raiffeisen-Leasing Group subscribed to the €75m class B notes.

    The €538m .......

    Market Moves 31 March 2021

  • Mission possible

    Securitisation critical to UKAR success

    UK Asset Resolution (UKAR) last month completed its final asset sale (SCI 26 February), marking the end of over a decade of state ownership of Bradford & Bingley (B&B) and Northern Rock Asset Management (NRAM) that saw the vast majority of the two lenders’ legacy mortgage loans securitised across 13 transactions. Indeed, without a functioning securitisation market, these assets .......

    News Analysis 30 March 2021

  • Show me the money

    Debut US regional bank CRT yields too thin for traditional buyers

    Traditional capital relief trade buyers would not have been attracted to the recent Texas Capital Bank deal, as the yield was insufficiently alluring, say investors.

    “Libor plus 400bp is too low; we’re looking at an absolute return of 8%-12%. We’d have to use leverage to get it up to those levels and we don’t do that. This .......

    News Analysis 29 March 2021

  • Equity return boost touted

    Sector developments and company hires

    Equity return boost touted
    US CLO equity is poised to deliver double-digit returns to investors this year, paring back the underperformance seen over the past four years, according to new research from Bank of America.

    Analysts at the bank base their expectations on the fact that CLO equity market prices continue to lag, despite CLO NAV and interest distributions .......

    Market Moves 29 March 2021

  • CLO pricing service selected

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO pricing service selected
    SCI Valuations has been selected by Bloomberg’s Enterprise Data business to provide daily CLO debt pricing to integrate with Bloomberg’s Liquidity Assessment (LQA) tool. The integration of this data with LQA will enable Bloomberg customers to more effectively and easily view and manage their portfolios, the companies say.

    SCI Valuations provides automated valuations for US .......

    Market Moves 25 March 2021

  • Securitisation tax consultation underway

    Sector developments and company hires

    Securitisation tax consultation underway
    The UK HMRC has launched a consultation seeking views on the taxation of securitisation companies. The UK government says it has identified - through ongoing dialogue with the industry - areas where it may be beneficial to make changes to such tax regulations and is therefore keen to explore the associated benefits and potential difficulties.

    Market Moves 24 March 2021

  • Red Cross in humanitarian cat bond first

    Sector developments and company hires

    Red Cross in humanitarian cat bond first
    The first-ever humanitarian catastrophe bond covering pure volcanic eruption risk has been completed using a Guernsey ILS structure. Sponsored by the Danish Red Cross, the US$3m issuance was privately placed by Replexus and Howden Capital Markets via Dunant Re IC, an incorporated cell of Replexus ICC (Guernsey), which is managed in Guernsey by .......

    Market Moves 23 March 2021

  • CLO fallback language reviewed

    Sector developments and company hires

    CLO fallback language reviewed
    S&P has reviewed the indentures of the 870 CLOs it rates to assess Libor fallback language governing a transaction's liabilities. The majority (76%) of its rated CLO transactions closed between 2018 and 2020.

    ARRC-like fallback language can be found in 26% of the agency’s overall transactions, including 76% of the transactions that closed in 2020. .......

    Market Moves 22 March 2021

  • Assessing arrears

    Withdrawal of UK support measures eyed

    Most UK residential mortgage borrowers who took coronavirus-related payment holidays in 2020 have restarted payments. Indeed, performance data for UK RMBS master trusts shows that prime mortgage arrears did not increase after payment holidays ended in 2H20.

    During 4Q20, early-stage mortgage arrears for UK prime RMBS master trusts averaged 0.49%, which is lower than pre-pandemic arrears and unchanged .......

    News 22 March 2021

  • MPL acquisition to accelerate auto financing

    Sector developments and company hires

    MPL acquisition to accelerate auto financing
    Upstart Holdings is set to acquire Prodigy Software, a provider of cloud-based automotive retail software. Upstart says it is seeking to reduce the cost of auto financing by creating a modern multi-channel purchase experience. Auto retail is among the largest buy-now-pay-later opportunities, according to the firm, and together with Prodigy it aims to help .......

    Market Moves 19 March 2021

  • Chip shortages 'credit positive' for auto ABS

    Sector developments and company hires

    Chip shortages ‘credit positive’ for auto ABS
    Sizable auto production cuts due to semiconductor shortages in the US will provide support for used vehicle values, a credit positive for securitisations and captive auto finance companies, according to Moody’s. The rating agency notes that such shortages – which are expected to last at least into next quarter - could result in North .......

    Market Moves 18 March 2021

  • 'Unprecedented' Moroccan CRT closed

    Sector developments and company hires

    ‘Unprecedented’ Moroccan CRT closed
    Moroccan fertiliser giant OCP Group has subscribed to the notes issued by the first synthetic securitisation in Morocco. The transaction involved the establishment of a collective securitisation vehicle dubbed Fonds Damane Tamayouz, which has been structured to facilitate access to credit for the suppliers that make up OCP's industrial ecosystem.

    Clifford Chance, which advised on the deal, .......

    Market Moves 16 March 2021

  • Defence Bank debuts Aussie RMBS

    Sector developments and company hires

    Defence Bank debuts Aussie RMBS
    Defence Bank (DBL) is prepping its inaugural public Australian prime RMBS, the A$300m DBL Funding Trust No. 1 Salute Series 2021-1. DBL provides financial products and services to members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), as well as the broader community.

    DBL is one of three lenders selected to provide home loans to ADF .......

    Market Moves 15 March 2021

  • Texas two-step

    TCBI's debut is the curtain raiser for a new CRT strategy

    Texas Capital Bank’s (TCBI) debut in the CRT market - making it the first US regional bank to successfully execute such a deal (SCI 11 March) - is not a none-off but the beginning of a long-term strategy, Madison Simm, evp, business optimisation in Dallas, told SCI yesterday (11 March).

    The deal carries a three-year term, but .......

    News Analysis 12 March 2021

  • BDC fair value assessed

    Sector developments and company hires

    BDC fair value assessed
    On the back of tightening BDC spreads and growing investor interest, JPMorgan CLO research analysts have published a report aiming to assess fair value in the sector. In addition, they compare BDCs to their closest relative – middle market CLOs.  

    “Differentiating between BDCs is a challenge; thus, we used attachment points as a reference point .......

    Market Moves 11 March 2021

  • Alignment issues

    EEM performance concerns emerge

    The European Mortgage Federation-European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) last month formally launched its Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) label. However, concerns are emerging that the label is being driven forward potentially at the expense of environmental performance.

    Across the 27 European Member States, 200 million dwellings were built last century, representing a significant challenge in terms of renovating existing .......

    News Analysis 11 March 2021

  • ESG engagement underway

    Sector developments and company hires

    ESG engagement underway
    All EU-based open-ended funds managed by Leadenhall Capital Partners have been categorised as being investment products that promote environmental and social characteristics in accordance with the criteria recently set out in Article 8 of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The firm says it has committed to embed ESG considerations in its investment process for a .......

    Market Moves 10 March 2021

  • Supply fatigue?

    European ABS market update

    Execution for the two UK securitisations priced last week indicated a limited appetite for paper, following the heavy supply seen in previous weeks (SCI 23 February). A weaker tone in European ABS secondary spreads also emerged.

    “The market is a little bit softer, due to a combination of factors - the amount of supply that we have .......

    News 10 March 2021

  • Asset and liability origination tie-up agreed

    Sector developments and company hires

    Asset and liability origination tie-up agreed
    Apollo and Athene have entered into a definitive agreement to merge in an all-stock transaction that implies a total equity value of approximately US$11bn for Athene. Upon closing of the merger, current Apollo shareholders will own approximately 76% of the combined company on a fully diluted basis and Athene shareholders will own approximately 24%.

    Market Moves 9 March 2021

  • Cladding issues

    Fire-safety requirements to have 'marginal' impact on RMBS

    DBRS Morningstar has investigated the pervasiveness of the impact on UK mortgage borrowers of cladding on high-rise apartment blocks, following the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017. The study is based on an analysis of 64 securitised UK mortgage portfolios, comprising 670,000 loans.

    “Fallout from the Grenfell fire tragedy continues to be felt by tenants and leaseholders across .......

    News 8 March 2021
