• Under pressure

    Surge in troubled loans puts servicers to the test

    Mortgage servicers, both residential and commercial, are facing increasing pressure as the volume of troubled assets continues to rise sharply. There are concerns over whether primary and special servicers are adequately prepared and that - in certain cases - the infrastructure is not capable of dealing with the expected surge in delinquencies.

    According to Alan Cleary, md of soon-to-launch UK .......

    News Analysis 13 May 2009

  • Call for clarity

    Distressed timing and tactics discussed

    The need for increased clarity around government intervention in the market was the main message from attendees at IMN's European Distressed Credit Investing Summit last week. However, plenty of advice was also on offer in terms of timing and tactics with respect to the distressed opportunity.

    "There continues to be uncertainty around how government intervention will play out, which isn't .......

    Talking Point 18 March 2009

  • Asian CLOs ramp up

    Deals in China, Malaysia and Singapore emerge


    CLO issuance across the Asia Pacific region is on the rise once more following a hiatus in recent months, with transactions in the works in China, Malaysia and Singapore.

    "All of a sudden, it seems everywhere you look across the region deals are being prepped. We are hearing about CLOs either in more unusual places - notably China and .......

    News 6 December 2006
