• Risk transfer round-up - 15 December

    Barclays has returned to the capital relief trade market with another Colonnade transaction. Colonnade UK 2017-1 financial guarantee references a £2.6bn corporate portfolio. Under the senior guarantee, Barclays will buy protection for both principal and interest, which is a typical feature of Colonnade transactions (SCI 8 September).

    The deal follows rumours of another corporate risk transfer transaction from Italian lender .......

    News 15 December 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 15 December

    North America

    Angelo, Gordon has promoted Josh Baumgarten and Adam Schwartz to the roles of co-cio, active 1 January, 2018. Baumgarten is currently deputy cio at the firm while Schwartz is currently head of the company's real estate group in the US and Europe. Michael Gordon will continue in his role of ceo and co-cio.

    Lee Shaiman has been hired as .......

    Job Swaps 15 December 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 8 December


    Clayton Euro Risk has announced that Tony Ward, ceo and president, and Simon Collingridge, client solutions and strategic delivery director, are leaving the company to pursue other business opportunities.

    CMS has hired Neil Hamilton as partner to its capital markets and derivatives team in London. He joins from Jones Day where he was also partner and boosts the team to .......

    Job Swaps 8 December 2017

  • New investment era embedded

    It has been a banner year for US CLOs, with new issue volumes already topping US$100bn, plus resets and refinancings accounting for a further US$140bn. Not only have risk retention requirements embedded successfully, despite initial concerns regarding their implementation, they have also created new investment opportunities.

    Neil Weidner, partner at Cadwalader, notes that 2017 marks the first year post-crisis in .......

    News Analysis 8 December 2017

  • MMCF CLO debuts

    TCG BDC, formerly Carlyle GMS Finance, has teamed up with Credit Partners USA, a subsidiary of Canadian pension firm PSP, in a US$400m CLO. MMCF CLO 2017-1 is a static middle-market CLO and the first to be serviced by Middle Market Credit Fund (MMCF).

    Fitch and S&P have assigned ratings of triple-A on the US$231.70m class A1 notes, which have a .......

    News 7 December 2017

  • Record post-crisis CRE CLO prepped

    Blackstone Mortgage Trust (BXMT), a Blackstone-owned REIT, is marketing an inaugural US$1bn CRE CLO. Dubbed BXMT 2017-FL1, the transaction is the largest CRE CLO since the crisis and will initially be backed by 31 equally-sized non-controlling interests that are collateralised by 71 properties.

    Moody's and KBRA have assigned provisional ratings of Aaa/AAA to the US$530m class A notes. Only KBRA .......

    News 6 December 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 1 December


    CBRE has hired Paul Coates as executive director and head of debt and structured finance EMEA. He will report to Richard Dakin, md of CBRE Capital Advisors. Coates was previously md, head of UK real estate finance at RBS.

    North America

    THL Credit co-ceo Christopher Flynn has been named sole ceo of the firm, following the resignation of co-ceo .......

    Job Swaps 1 December 2017

  • US CLOs rising

    US CLO secondary market volumes and pricing levels are once again rising.

    "Overall November has been an up month for CLOs across the board," says one trader. "Secondary spreads remain firm to slightly tighter despite high BWIC volumes."

    The trader continues: "We've seen less auction activity in triple-As but volumes are strong elsewhere, particularly in mezz. With few broader credit .......

    SCIWire 30 November 2017

  • Euro CLOs soften

    Spreads are softening in the European CLO secondary market as liquidity dissipates ahead of year-end.

    "Secondary liquidity has now gone and we're seeing that in new issue too," says one trader. "The market has got weaker over the month, which is primarily due to seasonal factors combined with a bit of high yield nervousness permeating into the CLO space."

    The .......

    SCIWire 30 November 2017

  • Supply/demand imbalance to support spreads

    JPMorgan's latest international ABS investor survey suggests that the current supply/demand imbalance in European securitisation will persist in 2018. Indeed, sentiment appears somewhat surprisingly bullish, despite the significant spread compression seen throughout 2017 and the investment challenges presented by a combination of stretched valuations and limited scalability.

    The JPMorgan ABS Investor Confidence Index - which attempts to quantify survey participants' .......

    News 29 November 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 24 November


    Alvin Wong has been hired as director at United Overseas Bank (UOB). Previously he was svp at DBS bank where he was involved in structured finance and securitisation transactions.

    North America

    Ally Financial has hired Josh Wilsusen as md for public policy and government affairs. Wilsusen was previously at Morgan Stanley where he was executive director of government relations and .......

    Job Swaps 24 November 2017

  • CLO managers 'can benefit' from 2018 volatility

    Increasing corporate sector volatility will test European CLO managers next year, believe structured finance analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. While the recent price volatility in major CLO exposures seen across Europe is set to continue, managers who can rise to the challenge will be able to really set themselves apart.

    European CLOs have been exposed to volatility in .......

    News 23 November 2017

  • Mixed portfolio SRT printed

    NatWest has originated a capital relief trade dubbed Nightingale Securities 2017-1. Unusually, the £390.2m CLN references a mixed portfolio of asset classes. It is also the first DBRS-rated synthetic securitisation for the RBS Group.

    The synthetic securitisation, structured in the form of a financial guarantee (SCI 18 April), was priced in the typical 9%-12% range for these trades. It features .......

    News Analysis 21 November 2017

  • CLO with euro, dollar seniors prices

    Black Diamond Capital Management last week priced a CLO with both euro-denominated and US dollar-denominated notes. The senior notes of Black Diamond 2017-2 have been rated triple-A by S&P.

    The €142m A1 notes and US$55.8m A2 notes priced at plus 0.86% and plus 1.3%. Both classes of notes were rated triple-A by S&P, as were the €30m A3 notes and .......

    News 17 November 2017

  • Middle market boost?

    Two significant trends are emerging in middle market CLOs that are expected to boost diversity across the sector. However, it remains unclear whether these developments will ultimately translate into increased volumes.

    According to DBRS md and head of structured credit Jerry van Koolbergen, one trend is the emergence of US insurance company interest in the space and the other is .......

    News Analysis 15 November 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 10 November


    Ares Management has hired Rory McHugh as md. McHugh was previously md, head of alternative finance, specialist lenders and fintech at RBS. Prior to that he was head of structured finance derivatives and automated treasury solutions also at RBS.

    Scope has founded Scope Investor Services to support institutional investors in the selection of fund managers and investment vehicles across .......

    Job Swaps 10 November 2017

  • Manager BWIC activity highlighted

    A new JPMorgan study sheds light on the relationship between BWIC activity by US CLO manager versus AUM. The analysis suggests that managers with higher outstandings tend to see higher BWIC volumes on a notional basis.

    The JPMorgan study includes all post-crisis issued US CLO BWIC data from 2012-2017, as of 29 September. US$72.66bn in aggregated BWIC volume was recorded .......

    News 7 November 2017

  • Equity-friendly features on the rise

    Demand for CLO paper and an unintended consequence of risk retention rules have led to a rise of equity-friendly features in US CLO indentures, according to Fitch. The agency suggests that the trend also reflects the growing influence of CLO equity investors as CLO debt becomes more broadly distributed.

    "Compliance with risk retention rules has stimulated CLO asset managers either .......

    News 6 November 2017

  • Job swaps round-up - 3 November


    The Carlyle Group is set to reorganise its executive leadership, effective from 1 January 2018. Deputy cio Kewsong Lee and president/coo Glenn Youngkin will replace David Rubenstein and William Conway as co-ceos of the firm, while deputy cio Peter Clare will become co-cio alongside current cio Conway, with the trio also joining the board of directors. Rubenstein and Conway .......

    Job Swaps 3 November 2017

  • Secured warehouse use broadens

    Be-Spoke Loan Funding (SCI 3 October), a direct lending warehouse facility set up as a cashflow securitisation, exemplifies one of the ways in which secured warehouse financing continues to evolve. While the sector has already demonstrated adaptability, rising interest rates could pose a significant challenge.

    Warehouse funding is mainly used as either an acquisition bridge facility, a private facility for .......

    News Analysis 1 November 2017

  • US CLO stand-off

    The US CLO secondary market is caught in a supply-demand stand-off.

    "The secondary market has effectively reached stalemate," says one trader. "Levels are such that for many buyers prices are too high, but holders aren't seeing enough value or alternatives to warrant selling, so it has been very quiet over the past few weeks."

    The trader continues: "That said, the .......

    SCIWire 31 October 2017
