Capital Relief Trades

  • Gearing up

    SRT Market Update

    Heading into the autumn months, the SRT market is gearing up for a bustling end to the year, in spite of the volatility seen earlier this month. While the timelines for a couple of European transactions have been extended, Canadian and US bank activity is picking up pace.

    Following a dramatic start to August, with a significant volatility .......

    SRT Market Update 23 August 2024

  • Diverging markets?

    SRT investor-issuer relationships evolving

    A common gripe among SRT practitioners is that the flood of new investors to the sector has suppressed spreads. However, some believe it has impacted investor-issuer relationship dynamics too.

    According to one market participant, this difference in relationships is particularly pronounced between European deals and the deals which have recently been issued in the US. “While the main .......

    News Analysis 23 August 2024

  • Shot across the bows

    US Senator Jack Reed urges the Fed to place additional guardrails around CRTs

    Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) has called on the Federal Reserve to create stricter regulations on credit risk transfer (CRT) transactions. The US senator made the calls in a letter to the Federal Reserve, in a development that comes nine months after he wrote to the regulator warning that the risks of CRT trades “may not be fully understood”.

    News Analysis 22 August 2024

  • A buyer's market

    Chorus Capital concludes fundraising

    Chorus Capital (Chorus) has successfully concluded fundraising for Chorus Capital Credit Fund V (the fund), its latest dedicated risk-sharing fund.

    Through this fundraising, the firm has raised c. US$2.5bn of capital commitments across parallel vehicles, meeting its target size. Comparatively, Chorus had amassed US$1.5bn of capital commitments for its previous fund (Chorus Capital Credit Fund IV) back in .......

    News Analysis 19 August 2024

  • Mini Morgan

    SRT market update

    JP Morgan’s latest new mortgage-referencing CRT has a unique structure which has raised some eyebrows.

    The bank referred to the transaction as a “deconsolidated portfolio risk transfer” which transfers the mortgages to an off-balance sheet vehicle. The vehicle will in turn enter a credit agreement with a JP Morgan entity to borrow against the value of the retained .......

    SRT Market Update 16 August 2024

  • Funded access

    Rated repacks on the rise

    (Re)insurer participation in SRT deals has historically been limited to unfunded and non-STS transactions, but they are increasingly finding innovative ways to participate in funded deals. One such recent innovation is the EMX Partners platform, which combines (re)insurer risk appetite with third-party funding.

    Since its launch in June 2023, EMX has effectively closed a debut transaction in Q3 2023 .......

    News Analysis 16 August 2024

  • Job swaps weekly: New Cayman structured finance chief for Maples

    People moves and key promotions in securitisation

    This week’s roundup of securitisation job swaps sees Maples and Calder naming a new head of its Cayman Islands structured finance practice. Elsewhere, Scotiabank has staffed up for the launch of its new Houston-based mortgage capital markets business, while an ex-Stout md and co-lead of structured credit has taken up a C-suite role at Unifi Asset Management.

    Maples .......

    Market Moves 16 August 2024

  • Latest SRTx fixings released

    SRT market sentiment highlights global market volatility.

    The latest fixings for the SRTx (Significant Risk Transfer Index) have been released. If last month’s data points generally expressed a marginal widening across the indices, this month’s figures show that volatility has returned to the markets. Despite being the peak of the summer holidays, the beginning of the month of August has triggered a surge in volatility .......

    News 14 August 2024

  • The Great White Deep Freeze

    SRT market update

    After a bumper 2023 for Canadian CRT, issuers seem to be focused on other forms of capital allocation optimisation.

    While, last year saw at least four of the big five Canadian banks issuing CRT deals with Canadian assets, issuance this year doesn’t seem quite as considerable.

    One source expects CRT issuance to come back with force in .......

    SRT Market Update 13 August 2024

  • Focus on Ally

    SRT market update

    Ally Bank has released further details on its debut CRT transaction, ABCLN 2024-A, in its Q2 earnings report.

    Ally retains the senior and first loss tranches, while protection has been bought on a 1.5-12.5 attach/detach mezzanine tranche. The average coupon is 7.18%, however SCI hears there is a range across the tranche with the most junior slice .......

    SRT Market Update 9 August 2024

  • Echo in

    SRT market update

    BNP Paribas is rumoured to be in market with a fresh SRT transaction entitled “Project Echo”.

    The deal, which references leveraged loans, will have a tranche thickness of around 3-11%, and a targeted spread in the region of 8%. The notional portfolio size is US$2-3bn and the WAL is between two and three years.

    The bank has .......

    SRT Market Update 9 August 2024

  • In its prime

    Debutants boost auto CLN volumes

    US$1.36bn across four prime auto loan CLN issuances has been placed so far this year, according to JPMorgan figures. The transactions have included debut deals, as well as repeat issuance from Santander.

    Indeed, Santander’s latest auto CLN – June’s US$239m SBCLN 2024-A - represents its seventh from the series. The bank is already considered the market benchmark, primarily .......

    News 7 August 2024

  • Tight Morgan CRT

    Morgan Stanley in the market with another ultra-thin CRT

    News 6 August 2024

  • Third Merchants deal revealed

    SRT Market Update

    SRT Market Update 2 August 2024

  • BNPP set to acquire AXA IM

    Market updates and sector developments

    AXA has entered into exclusive negotiations to sell its asset manager AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) to BNP Paribas for cash proceeds of €5.1bn. Under the terms of the proposed transaction, AXA and BNP Paribas would also enter into a long-term strategic partnership, under which BNP Paribas would provide investment management services to AXA.

    Additionally, AXA would receive .......

    Market Moves 1 August 2024

  • Goldie synthetic

    New capital call CRT targets sub-500bp

    News 1 August 2024

  • Swedish SRT finalised

    SRT market update

    Further demonstration of the growing interest, opportunities and activity from the Nordics for risk-transfer mechanisms has materialised.

    Swedish lender Marginalen Bank has completed a risk sharing transaction with seasoned SRT investor Christofferson, Robb & Company (CRC). Entitled Project Argo, the significant risk transfer transaction is SEK1bn cash securitisation that references a portfolio of non-performing consumer loans. Additionally, the securitisation .......

    SRT Market Update 1 August 2024

  • Valley vaults

    Valley, another regional, does CRT on auto loan book

    News 29 July 2024

  • Pinnacle peaks

    Pinnacle, a US$50bn bank, gets in on the CRT game

    News 29 July 2024

  • No endgame in sight

    SRT market update

    Optimism around the wave of US CRT deals expected during Q3 is fading with the outcome of the Basel 3 Endgame still unresolved.

    Commenting on the matter, one source explains: “At the start of this year people were saying 2024 was it – this is happening – but I don’t think people were expecting there to be this .......

    SRT Market Update 26 July 2024

  • Resonance marketed

    SRT market update

    Further details have emerged on Citi Bank’s corporate SRT deal (SCI, 10 May). Sources suggest the spread landed somewhere in the sixes, with the tranche thickness at 0-13%.

    One tells SCI: “Citi was initially looking to do $500m of first loss, but they might have done more as they got a lot of demand because it’s good .......

    SRT Market Update 22 July 2024
