• What makes an efficient CLO manager?

    Phil Raciti, head of performing credit and a portfolio manager at Bardin Hill, explains the key attributes needed to be successful as a CLO manager

    The CLO asset class operates within a sophisticated construct of arbitrage, leverage, and structural protections. Having navigated multiple recessions and the most significant period of issuer downgrade activity on record in 2020, the asset class has .......

    Talking Point 14 March 2022

  • Some stabilisation

    European ABS/MBS market update

    The European and UK ABS/MBS markets saw some elements of stabilisation in the last few sessions of last week. Nevertheless, spreads continue to widen in both a very active secondary and a quiet primary space.

    The secondary market saw its busiest week of 2022, with over €350m paper on BWIC and dealers reporting healthy bilateral activity as well. As the .......

    News 14 March 2022

  • Ratings furore

    Industry pushback throws into doubt S&P CMBS ratings action

    S&P this week agreed to push back the RFC period for its proposed changes to ratings for securitized securities held by insurers from March 18 to April 29.

    This is the second extension to the time allowed for the RFC, which was initially set to end on February 18 when the mooted adjustments were first announced on early December 2021.

    In a conference call on .......

    News 10 March 2022

  • Growing presence

    Mia Drennan, president, founder and co-chair of GLAS, answers SCI's questions

    Q: What is your strategic vision for GLAS and its continued expansion and growth in the US?
    A: GLAS was founded in 2011 and we expanded into the US in 2016. Once we secured the necessary regulatory licenses and approvals to operate in the US, we began serving clients on a cross-border basis across the UK, Europe, Australia and the .......

    Provider Profile 10 March 2022

  • Carlyle tops rankings on CLO acquisition

    Sector developments and company hires

    Carlyle is set to acquire from CBAM Partners a portfolio of assets using a combination of US$615m in cash from Carlyle’s balance sheet and approximately 4.2 million newly issued common shares. CBAM’s US$15bn in assets under management - the majority of which are in CLO funds - will be integrated into Carlyle’s global credit platform. The transaction will increase .......

    Market Moves 10 March 2022

  • Coordinating outfit

    ESG advisors gaining traction

    ESG advisors are gaining traction in the securitisation market, as sustainability becomes an ever-more import consideration for investors and issuers. This Premium Content article investigates what the role entails.

    As sustainability becomes an ever-more important consideration for securitisation investors and issuers, the role of the ESG advisor on transactions is gaining traction. Not only do they assist issuers in ......

    News Analysis 10 March 2022

    Premium Content

  • Expectation gap

    European ABS/MBS market update

    Macro volatility continued to push European and UK ABS/MBS spreads wider last week in a quiet secondary market, with activity further hampered by differences in participants’ expectations. Meanwhile, the primary market remains side-lined.

    “As the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine fuels further deterioration in the technical backdrop for financial markets, European ABS spreads extended their sell-off in .......

    News 7 March 2022

  • SLC continues expansion

    Sector developments and company hires

    SLC Management has promoted Bryan Rowe, Daniel Lucey, Jacqueline Gallant and Jeffery Meyer as the firm continues to expand its business and investment capabilities. Effective from 26 March, the four will work as senior mds at the firm. Firstly, Rowe has been promoted to senior md for global portfolio management, having spent more than 15 years at the firm, and .......

    Market Moves 3 March 2022

  • Transitioning to green

    Call for EU GBS to be extended to securitisation

    In a new report examining how to foster transparency and credibility across the EU sustainable securitisation market, the EBA suggests that it would be “premature” to establish a dedicated framework for ‘green’ securitisation. Instead, the authority believes that the forthcoming EU Green Bond Standard (GBS) regulation should also apply to securitisation, providing some adjustments are made to the standard.

    News Analysis 2 March 2022

  • Feedback loop

    CRE CLO confluence to continue?

    US CRE CLO issuance volumes exceeded conduit CMBS issuance volumes for the first time ever last year. Such record growth, illustrated through 51 deals across 28 issuers - amounting to around US$45bn – underlines a shift in commercial real estate financing towards floating rate loans and transitional properties.

    “It has clearly been a record year for the [CRE .......

    News Analysis 2 March 2022

  • Team building

    Brian Roelke, president and cio of Kuvare Insurance Services, answers SCI's questions

    Q: What were the motivations behind the launch of Kuvare Insurance Services’ new third-party asset management business (SCI 8 February)?
    A: Unlike a lot of entrants into this space, Kuvare Insurance Services (KIS) started as an insurance-focused asset manager, as all of our activities today are focused on our affiliated insurance balance sheets. The announcement of the new platform signifies .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 2 March 2022

  • Pemberton hires head of new CLO platform

    Sector developments and company hires

    Pemberton, the alternative credit specialist, has announced the appointment of Rob Reynolds as head of its new CLO platform. The new CLO platform, which is subject to FCA UK regulatory approval, compliments existing lines of strategic focus. Reynolds will lead its expansion into the European CLO market, using his European CLO and leveraged loan markets expertise to build the new business .......

    Market Moves 1 March 2022

  • ERCF final rule published

    Sector developments and company hires

    The FHFA has published a final rule that amends the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework (ERCF) by refining the prescribed leverage buffer amount and risk-based capital treatment of retained credit risk transfer (CRT) exposures for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The amendments reflect the feedback the FHFA received last year and aim to advance its mission of ensuring the enterprises are .......

    Market Moves 28 February 2022

  • TEAK wins CIFC philanthropic support

    Sector developments and company hires

    CIFC Asset Management has unveiled the second annual donation made on behalf of the CLO Initiative for Change, its philanthropic programme in connection with CLOs issued by CIFC. In support of educating and empowering students to reach their full potential regardless of financial means, CIFC has partnered with the deal parties of its latest CLO - CIFC Funding 2022-II – .......

    Market Moves 24 February 2022

  • Drifting wider

    European ABS/MBS market update

    The European ABS/MBS primary market continued to be impacted by macro volatility last week. However, while spreads drifted wider, the few deals that were done still generally managed to attract healthy investor demand.

    “The market has been very calm in the past few weeks,” notes one European ABS/MBS trader. “Spreads have without a doubt widened, however not at .......

    News 21 February 2022

  • Greater progression

    Sector developments and company hires

    Maples Group has announced the hire of two new structured finance professionals, expanding its offering in its London and Jersey offices. Emma Tighe will join the firm in its London office as vp, having spent more than 14 years working in structured finance and most recently serving as relationship manager on the US Bank CLO team. Tighe has expertise across .......

    Market Moves 17 February 2022

  • Continued growth

    Sector developments and company hires

    Briarcliffe has made two more new appointments as it continues the expansion of its private credit business. Kyle Abel joins the firm as new head of GP advisory from First Avenue, where he served as md and US head of project management. Additionally, Robert Molina has been promoted to head of origination, having previously worked as md of GP advisory, .......

    Market Moves 16 February 2022

  • Comfort break

    Motorway service area CMBS yet another blow to WBS

    Late last year Goldman Sachs issued Highways 2021, a £262m CMBS backed by a single loan secured by eight UK motorway service area properties. The transaction mirrored Welcome Break’s 1997 £321m bond issue, which represented the UK’s first whole business securitisation. Such a structural shift represents yet another nail in the coffin of the whole business securitisation sector, following a .......

    News Analysis 16 February 2022

  • HKMC inks infrastructure MoUs

    Sector developments and company hires

    HKMC inks infrastructure MoUs
    The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation (HKMC) has signed a memorandum of understanding on an infrastructure loans framework with 14 partner banks. The MoUs set out the principal terms for potential infrastructure loan cooperation between the HKMC and the partner banks on both primary participation and secondary sale bases, including the loan selection criteria, mode of participation .......

    Market Moves 11 February 2022

  • Increasing allocation

    Innovation, transparency attracting institutional investors

    The majority of institutional investors polled in a recent Aeon Investments survey have increased their allocation to structured credit investments across different asset classes over the past 18 months. When asked why there is growing interest in structured credit investment vehicles, the top three reasons were given as greater innovation in the sector, an improving regulatory environment and greater .......

    News Analysis 11 February 2022

  • Agencies win 'valid-when-made' cases

    Sector developments and company hires

    Agencies win ‘valid-when-made’ cases
    The US OCC and FDIC yesterday received favourable court rulings in cases challenging their ‘valid-when-made’ rules. In each case, the plaintiffs were three states – California, Illinois and New York – challenging the validity of the rulemakings.

    The states' attorney generals alleged that both federal agencies violated the Administrative Procedure Act. In particular, the plaintiffs .......

    Market Moves 9 February 2022
