• Euro secondary accelerates

    The recent uptick in the European securitisation secondary market accelerated further yesterday.

    A noticeable pick up in flows was seen across the board. As a result, prices were broadly either unchanged or edged a little higher.

    Stronger but still selective activity was seen in Autos, CLOs and CMBS. At the same time, peripherals held firm with continued buying interest in Italian .......

    SCIWire 20 November 2015

  • Pharma scrutiny 'contained'

    The ongoing scrutiny of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International and other drug company pricing practices will curtail gains that CLOs have recently made on M&A activity in the generic and specialty pharmaceutical sector, according to Moody's. The agency suggests that these negative sector developments will have limited credit implications for CLOs, however.

    M&A activity in the pharma sector spiked in 1H15 and .......

    News Round-up 19 November 2015

  • Euro secondary tight

    Spreads across the European securitisation secondary market are holding up, but liquidity remains tight.

    "Market tone and pricing levels are better across secondary in line with global credit," says one trader. "However, we're not seeing huge flows, they even fell back a little yesterday, and liquidity is still tight, so it doesn't take many trades to move spreads."

    UK non-conforming .......

    SCIWire 19 November 2015

  • US CLO drop off?

    After Monday's high watermark, US CLO secondary volumes have dropped significantly and could stay that way for some time.

    "There's not much going on," says one trader. "Sure, there are still a few lists and we're still being lifted out of stuff, but not in large volumes - it's more pockets of activity."

    This pattern could continue for some time, .......

    SCIWire 18 November 2015

  • Chinese concentration risk highlighted

    China Shanshui Cement Group's default last week will test how Chinese CLO structures withstand underlying corporate defaults, says Fitch. The agency notes that this event highlights the concentration risk prevalent in typical Chinese CLO structures, which it considers a major obstacle to assigning high ratings in the sector, along with the lack of financial information on underlying loans.

    Fitch downgraded .......

    News Round-up 18 November 2015

  • Euro secondary on the up

    Activity and sentiment are on the up in the European securitisation secondary market.

    Bolstered by improving broader markets, activity in securitisation secondary picked up yesterday and market tone continues to improve. Better buying interest was seen across most sectors and spreads are broadly flat to slightly tighter.

    Prime autos and RMBS saw healthy flows yesterday, while the bid for UK .......

    SCIWire 18 November 2015

  • US CLOs lack clarity

    Despite the surge in BWICs yesterday, it is still difficult to divine clear pricing trends in the US CLO secondary market.

    "Yesterday was one of the busiest days for quite some time," says one trader. "A fair amount of what was in for the bid traded, but there wasn't a great deal of colour released."

    Consequently, pricing levels are hard .......

    SCIWire 17 November 2015

  • Cavalry CLO quartet acquired

    Sankaty Advisors is set to acquire the management contracts of four CLO portfolios, totalling US$1.6bn of assets, from Regiment Capital Advisors. The contracts to be transferred are for Cavalry CLO II, Cavalry CLO III, Cavalry CLO IV and Cavalry CLO V.

    The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of 2015. Sankaty has managed 27 CLOs since inception .......

    Job Swaps 17 November 2015

  • Structured debt chief moves on

    Paul Hastings is set to add Paul Severs to its London office as a partner in its corporate practice. He joins from Berwin Leighton Paisner, where he was head of structured debt and capital markets.

    Severs has experience across the structured finance and securitisation markets. He has previously also worked at FGIC and Clifford Chance, where he was a partner.


    Job Swaps 17 November 2015

  • LatAm structured leader added

    Nomura has made three appointments to its emerging markets business in the Americas. Karan Madan, JP Alvarado and Siobhan Morden join as mds.

    Madan becomes md and head of emerging markets in the Americas. Among his duties will be building out the structured products business in the region. He was most recently regional head of Latin America and head of .......

    Job Swaps 17 November 2015

  • Sullivan names new partner

    Sullivan & Cromwell has elected six new partners, including Ari Blaut. His corporate practice provides a particular focus on leveraged finance and acquisition finance transactions involving syndicated institutional loans, asset-based loans and issuances of secured and unsecured high yield debt securities. Blaut also regularly acts in direct lending and distressed lending transactions.


    Job Swaps 17 November 2015

  • Euro secondary still slow

    It has been a typically slow start to the week in the European securitisation secondary market.

    "Yesterday was a typical Monday - a little bit slow going," says one trader. "There wasn't much on BWIC either, though the action around the two CHAPE bonds was interesting and they covered at 15 and 32."

    At the same time, the trader says: .......

    SCIWire 17 November 2015

  • US CLO surge

    The US CLO secondary market is seeing a surge in BWIC volume today.

    "It's unusually busy for a Monday," says one trader. "Certainly in terms of the number of sellers, if not the total volume being traded."

    The trader continues: "Activity has increased following the market going wider across the capital stack last week. The biggest moves were in the .......

    SCIWire 16 November 2015

  • Law firm adds CLO pro

    Ashurst has appointed Lawrence Berkovich as a partner in its US CLO team. He joins from Mayer Brown and specialises in complex structured finance transactions.

    Berkovich has a particular focus on broadly syndicated and middle-market CLOs, first mortgage and mezzanine CRE loan securitisations and rated and unrated leveraged loan and CRE loan warehouse facilities. He also has extensive experience with .......

    Job Swaps 16 November 2015

  • Euro secondary solid

    The European securitisation secondary market remained solid into last week's close.

    Reasonable flows across the board on Friday once again evidenced the slow rise in secondary liquidity and spreads remained stable. Activity was once again strongest in UK non-conforming and Dutch prime. UK prime was relatively quiet following the news on Granite and Portuguese paper continues to suffer from political concerns.

    SCIWire 16 November 2015

  • Israeli securitisation plan set out

    A joint report has been published by a number of Israeli government organisations which calls for the promotion of securitisation in Israel, albeit in a 'cautious' and 'measured fashion'. It concentrates on obstacles in areas such as taxation, regulation and accounting, and cites various recommendations to remove them.

    The report was released by the Bank of Israel, the Israel Securities Authority, .......

    News Round-up 13 November 2015

  • Euro CLOs stymied

    New issue activity is pulling focus away from the European CLO secondary market.

    "There's not much happening in secondary - we've only done a handful of trades this week," says one trader. "It's all about primary at the moment as we're in one of those windows in which new issues can price most easily and that's taking the focus away .......

    SCIWire 13 November 2015

  • CLO credit quality drops

    In contrast to their European counterparts, the credit quality of US CLOs slipped during 3Q15, says Moody's. The agency believes the drop was due largely to woes among energy-sector corporate issuers.

    This is evident in the higher proportions of both collateral on review for downgrade and low-rated CLO assets. In addition, recovery rate expectations for US CLO collateral - particularly CLO 2.0s .......

    News Round-up 13 November 2015

  • DMS names SF chief

    DMS Offshore Investment Services has appointed Murray McGregor as global head of structured finance. He brings over 15 years of structured finance and asset finance experience and will also serve DMS as an independent director on the boards of structured finance vehicles, other special purpose entities and hedge funds.

    McGregor was previously structured finance and asset finance md at Citco .......

    Job Swaps 13 November 2015

  • Public ratings up credit quality

    The substantial increase in the share of publicly rated collateral from rated pre-crisis European CLOs to their post-crisis counterparts is credit positive, reports Moody's. European CLO 2.0s have a 75% share in publicly rated collateral, in contrast to less than 25% in CLO 1.0s.

    "For the high yield market issuers that make up CLO 2.0 portfolios, we have observed that a high share of companies .......

    News Round-up 12 November 2015

  • Amicus builds commercial group

    Amicus Finance is launching a commercial finance business dedicated to serving the small business and professional services communities. Amicus Commercial Finance will be led by John Wilde and David Hogg.

    Wilde and Hogg previously founded SME Invoice Finance, which was sold to Metro Bank two years ago. Amicus Commercial Finance aims to begin operating in January 2016 and will provide .......

    Job Swaps 12 November 2015
