Complete news archive

  • Counting Calabria

    The Supreme Court decision on the FHFA is eagerly awaited, but immediate impact may be limited

    Market-watchers are still waiting with bated breath for the Supreme Court judgement on whether the executive can dismiss Mark Calabria from the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA), but some say that even if the president is given the authority to appoint a new director things might not change all that much.

    Firstly, there is a slew of agency appointments yet to be .......

    News Analysis 18 June 2021

  • SRT upgraded on CE build-up

    Sector developments and company hires

    SRT upgraded on CE build-up
    Scope Ratings has affirmed its single-A rating on the class C credit-linked notes issued by SSPAIN 2019-A and upgraded the class D to F notes to triple-B plus, triple-B minus and double-B plus respectively from triple-B minus, double-B and double-B minus. The transaction is a significant risk transfer deal, which closed on 28 June 2019 .......

    Market Moves 18 June 2021

  • Pricing flurry

    European ABS/MBS market update

    Yesterday saw five new European ABS/MBS price in one of the busiest days the primary market has seen this year. However, volumes are still short of pre-Covid levels.

    Despite the flurry of deals yesterday, paper throughout the stack saw strong demand. Indeed every offered tranche priced inside initial price talk.  

    “Across European ABS/MBS, sentiment has been pretty positive for .......

    News 18 June 2021

  • AutoNoria returns

    BNP Paribas draws crowd

    BNP Paribas has arranged a €1bn full-stack significant risk transfer transaction for Banco Cetelem. Dubbed AutoNoria Spain 2021, the Spanish auto SRT is the first post-Covid capital relief trade from the AutoNoria programme and attracted one of the largest order books for Spanish auto ABS following the 2008 financial crisis at over €2bn.

    Rated by Fitch and Moody’s, .......

    News 18 June 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 17 June

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 17 June 2021

  • Piraeus preps third NPL ABS

    Sector developments and company hires

    Piraeus preps third NPL ABS
    Piraeus Financial Holdings has reached definitive agreements with Intrum and Serengeti Asset Management in connection with the sale of 49% and 2% respectively of the mezzanine and junior notes of the Sunrise I non-performing exposures portfolio. The portfolio consists of circa 205,000 retail and corporate loans, with a gross book value of €7.2bn, as at .......

    Market Moves 16 June 2021

  • Triple-starred first for BMO

    BMO brings innovative C$ CRT trade referencing Canadian CRE

    A groundbreaking Canadian dollar denominated regulatory capital relief trade from Bank of Montreal (BMO) closed earlier today (June 15), say well-placed market sources.

    Not only does the deal constitute the first Canadian dollar CRT trade, it will also be the first to reference a pool of Canadian commercial real estate (CRE) loans.

    In another debut feature, the deal possesses a hybrid structure, incorporating .......

    News 15 June 2021

  • Innovative SME securitisation fund inked

    Sector developments and company hires

    Innovative SME securitisation fund inked
    SGR-CESGAR, the Spanish guarantee society (SGR) association, has launched a pioneering securitisation fund that aims to provide Spanish SMEs with access to the capital markets. Dubbed Aquisgrán, the programme is structured by Intermoney and backed by the Ministry of Industry through CERSA, with initial financing from the EIF, Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) and Banco Caminos.

    Market Moves 15 June 2021

  • NPL ABS return

    Government guarantees dominate 2020 NPE activity

    Government guaranteed non-performing loan securitisations in Italy and Greece dominated NPL transaction issuance last year. However, overall volumes were well below their 2018 and 2019 peaks.

    Most NPL transaction activity came to a halt during 2H20 as the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout Europe. According to the latest data from Deloitte, €53.8bn gross book value .......

    News 15 June 2021

  • Super narrow Arch prices

    New Bellemeade comes at spreads well inside previous CRT trade

    Arch Capital has priced its latest Bellemeade CRT transaction at levels significantly tighter than the last such deal in March, and to a more broadly syndicated pool of investors than ever before, confirms evp, alternative markets Jim Bennison.

    The deal, designated Bellemeade 2021-2, consisted of five tranches for a total value of $522.8m. In addition, $93m was placed in the reinsurance market, .......

    News 14 June 2021

  • Auto turnover dampens DFP issuance

    Sector developments and company hires

    Auto turnover dampens DFP issuance
    Accelerated dealer auto inventory turnover has resulted in insufficient collateral available for US dealer floorplan (DFP) ABS master trusts in 2021, Fitch reports. The agency notes that this is indirectly accounted for by deal structures, for the most part, through the use of excess funding accounts (EFAs). EFAs are meant to protect trusts against inventory .......

    Market Moves 14 June 2021

  • Smoother transition?

    US CLO secondary looks to be taking this quarter-end in its stride

    Current market technicals typically indicate a spike in volatility at the bottom of the US CLO debt stack, as trading hots up into quarter-end. However, Q2 looks set to be a smoother ride than Q1 and secondary market focus has shifted towards equity.

    “We’re coming to quarter end and there is a large volume of primary deals in .......

    News Analysis 14 June 2021

  • Financing football

    James Paul, head of sport at Blackstar Capital, discusses ho...

    Q: Which sports are you seeing structured financing in?
    A: In Europe, football is the most mature sport commercially and hence attracts most of the opportunities for structured debt financing. That isn’t to say that there aren’t things done in other sports, particularly on the equity side, but it’s certainly much more opportunistic.

    The impact of the pandemic has .......

    Provider Profile 14 June 2021

  • SCI Start the Week - 14 June

    A review of securitisation activity over the past seven days

    Last week's stories
    Arch markets MILN
    Second Bellemeade deal of 2021 in the market, pricing soon
    Execution queries
    Questions linger over funded insurer SRTs
    Positive prospects
    Rating upgrades boost default outlook
    Rebound continues
    Second trade finance SRT inked
    Low flying aircraft
    Aircraft ABS remain slowest to recover from Covid
    Aircraft lease ABS remains the black spot of the US ABS market, and has been the slowest to .......

    News 14 June 2021

  • Low flying aircraft

    Aircraft ABS remain slowest to recover from Covid

    Aircraft lease ABS remains the black spot of the US ABS market, and has been the slowest to recover from the pandemic sell-off, note analysts.

    While spreads in every other sector have now recovered from the pandemic sell-off, and, in fact are now trending at 24-month lows, the aircraft ABS market is still mired in the doldrums.

    At the end of May 2021, .......

    News 11 June 2021

  • Sustainable infrastructure exposure offered

    Sector developments and company hires

    Sustainable infrastructure exposure offered
    Bayfront Infrastructure Management has priced an infrastructure ABS via Bayfront Infrastructure Capital II (BIC II), a wholly owned and newly incorporated distribution vehicle. The transaction is backed by a US$401.2m portfolio of 27 project and infrastructure loans, diversified across 13 countries and eight industry sub-sectors, with approximately 46% of the portfolio considered eligible sustainable assets.

    The deal .......

    Market Moves 11 June 2021

  • Execution queries

    Questions linger over funded insurer SRTs

    Originators of significant risk transfer transactions have welcomed the trio of innovative funded insurer trades from Credit Risk Transfer Solutions (SCI 27 May). Even though all three deals were successfully executed, questions have been raised about the potential cost and pricing of future transactions, however.   

    CRTS’s deals are generally mezzanine trades and involve an investment platform managed by the broker .......

    News Analysis 11 June 2021

  • NPL secondary market measures agreed

    Sector developments and company hires

    NPL secondary market measures agreed
    The European Parliament and European Council have agreed on common EU standards regulating the transfer of non-performing loans from banks to secondary buyers while protecting borrowers’ rights. The measures are designed to foster the development of secondary markets for credit agreements originally issued by banks and qualified as non-performing, enabling third parties to purchase such .......

    Market Moves 10 June 2021

  • Arch markets MILN

    Second Bellemeade deal of 2021 in the market, pricing soon

    Arch is currently in the market its second mortgage insurance-linked note (MILN) of the year, and the trade is expected to price tomorrow or Friday, say sources.

    The transaction, dubbed Bellemeade Re 2021-2, should close next week or the week after.

    Overall deal size is expected to be around $500m, and it will consist of five tranches: the M-1A M-1B, M-1C, .......

    News 9 June 2021

  • Positive prospects

    Rating upgrades boost default outlook

    The number of ‘weakest links’ – issuers rated single-B-minus or lower with negative outlooks or ratings on credit watch with negative implications – decreased to 353 as of 30 April 2021 and is nearing pre-pandemic levels of 282, according to a new report from S&P. Indeed, accommodative financing and an economic recovery contributed to an increase in positive rating .......

    News 9 June 2021

  • Rebound continues

    Second trade finance SRT inked

    News 8 June 2021
