Complete news archive

  • Meeting opportunity

    New trading platform to capitalise on multifamily growth

    Sabal’s new US CMBS trading business - SCH Trading (SCI 9 November) - aims to capitalise on a shift in the market relative to incumbent market-makers. The move comes amid rising investor appetite for multifamily product and an increased focus by the Biden administration on affordable housing.

    “We saw a lot of opportunities around how we could .......

    News Analysis 30 November 2021

  • Ramp-up continues

    Barclays completes capital relief trade

    News 29 November 2021

  • SCI Start the Week - 29 November

    A review of SCI's latest content

    Last week's news and analysis
    Advanzia advances
    German credit card ABS debuts
    Partial placement dropped
    Montepio opts for full-stack SRT
    Robust fundamentals
    Positive outlook for GSE CRT market
    SCI forum: The benefits of forward flow structures
    Our panel of market practitioners respond to readers' questions
    Scores on the doors
    Significant shift in scorecard augurs increased CAS/STACR
    Slowly widening
    European ABS/MBS market update
    Spitfire launched
    Santander completes capital relief .......

    News 29 November 2021

  • Slowly widening

    European ABS/MBS market update

    With investors already looking ahead to 2022, the European ABS/MBS primary market is slowly thinning out. However, transactions were still well received this week, though macro concerns have started to make an impact.

    “The market has generally been pretty steady,” notes one European ABS/MBS trader. “Naturally it is a little wider at the moment as we are quickly .......

    News 26 November 2021

  • SCI forum: What are the benefits of forward flow structures for the securitisation market?

    Our panel of market practitioners respond to readers' questions

    Conor Houlihan, partner at DLA Piper, Ireland

    Current dynamics in the banking sector are such that the opportunity for growth in non-bank lending in Europe is significant.  In certain segments of the market, fintech lending platforms can be more agile and better-placed to deliver what the market wants. 

    Platforms with strong origination and underwriting capability can be an attractive partner through .......

    Talking Point 26 November 2021

  • Partial placement dropped

    Montepio opts for full-stack SRT

    Montepio Bank has finalised a full-stack significant risk transfer transaction backed by a €378.3m portfolio of Portuguese consumer and auto loans (see SCI’s Euro ABS/MBS Deal Tracker). Dubbed Pelican Finance Two, the deal is the bank’s first SRT sold to private investors. The lender initially considered a partially placed deal but switched to the typical full-stack form, given .......

    News 26 November 2021

  • Syon upgraded on stable performance

    Sector developments and company hires

    KBRA has completed a surveillance review of Lloyds’ synthetic RMBS Syon Securities 2020-2. The agency subsequently upgraded the class A and B notes by a notch to single-A minus and double-B plus respectively, in light of the fully ramped-up portfolio’s characteristics and the generally stable collateral performance. Syon 2020-2 is the third SRT transaction issued by Bank of Scotland referencing .......

    Market Moves 25 November 2021

  • SRT chronicle: part two

    In the second of a three-part series on bank risk transfer t...

    The SRT market is predominantly European (representing 86% of transactions since 2010), although US banks are accounting for an increasing percentage since 2019 - with JPMorgan now a regular issuer, one transaction by Goldman Sachs in 2020 and a few regional banks entering the market in 2021. Prior to 2019, only Citi and Bank of Montreal were regular issuers in .......

    Talking Point 25 November 2021

  • Advanzia advances

    German credit card ABS debuts

    European online lender Advanzia has closed its debut ABS transaction of over €475m in senior funding. The deal also represents the first securitisation backed by a German credit card portfolio.

    "Advanzia continues to strengthen its position in the capital markets by demonstrating its ability to issue structured debt securities. This is a significant milestone for the bank, as .......

    News 25 November 2021

  • Spitfire launched

    Santander completes capital relief trade

    Santander has finalised a synthetic securitisation of UK auto loans. Dubbed Project Spitfire, the transaction references a £750m portfolio. The deal is the first post-Covid European synthetic auto ABS.

    Rated by KBRA and Moody’s, the transaction consists of a £26.5m BBB+/Baa2 rated class C tranche (priced at SONIA plus 300bp) and a £30m unrated class D tranche (SONIA plus 900bp).

    News Analysis 24 November 2021

  • Scores on the doors

    Significant shift in scorecard augurs increased CAS/STACR

    The new 2022 GSE scorecard, released at the end of last week, is likely to mean greater issuance in the CRT sector by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, say market sources.

    “With the 2022 FHFA scorecard focusing the GSEs on ‘promoting sustainable and equitable access to affordable housing’, while operating with a ‘heightened focus on safety and soundness’, including reducing .......

    News Analysis 23 November 2021

  • Rare RMBS with a twist

    Sector developments and company hires

    A rarely seen public Swedish RMBS is in the market with an unusual structural twist – Hypoteket Mortgages 3 AB. "Credit enhancement is provided through overcollateralisation and can increase as the transaction captures all excess spread available," explains Rodrigo Conde Puentes, vp senior analyst, structured finance, at Moody’s. "A rare feature in European RMBS, but one we may start to .......

    Market Moves 23 November 2021

  • Upgrades anticipated after CMBS updates

    Sector developments and company hires

    Moody’s has updated three commercial real estate sector methodologies, following requests for comments on the proposals in July. The rating agency has placed a number of US CMBS tranches on review for upgrade as a result.

    One of the updates is in connection with Moody's methodology for rating US and Canadian conduit/fusion CMBS, which replaces the version from September 2020. .......

    Market Moves 22 November 2021

  • US expansion

    John Fraser, the new chairman of Tikehau's global structured...

    Q: Tikehau Capital launched its first US CLO in August. Could you explain the motivations for doing so?
    A: Establishing a presence in the US CLO market is a key part of Tikehau Capital’s growth plans for its credit platform. The firm is already active in Europe with five CLOs outstanding and, with significant plans for future growth, it’s a natural extension .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 22 November 2021

  • Robust fundamentals

    Positive outlook for GSE CRT market

    GSE credit risk transfer gross new issuance has already hit record annual volumes, driven by high mortgage originations and refinancings. Indeed, speakers participating in SCI’s ‘Post-pandemic GSE CRT Performance’ webinar last week agreed that the fundamentals for the GSE CRT market remain robust and support a positive outlook for 2022.

    While GSE CRT gross issuance is at .......

    News Analysis 22 November 2021

  • SCI Start the Week - 22 November

    A review of SCI's latest content

    FREE Webinar recording - Post pandemic GSE CRT performance
    Click here to see a recording of a distinguished panel of US Credit Risk Transfer industry experts as they discuss the capital regime, issuance trends and the regulatory landscape.

    Last week's news and analysis
    FFELP follies
    Debt servicer in the spotlight as default looms for $3bn SLABS
    Lower for longer?
    SRTs to benefit from inflation

    News 22 November 2021

  • The lessons of history

    STACR founder Don Layton talks the early and current days of the market

    In the latest Freddie Mac podcast former ceo Don Layton describes the birth of the CRT market and says that following the launch of the first STACR deal in early 2013 he was instructed by the FHFA to share the secret recipe with Fannie Mae.

    “Interestingly, we were then told to take our documents and give them to Fannie .......

    Talking Point 19 November 2021

  • Lower for longer?

    SRTs to benefit from inflation

    Significant risk transfer transactions are expected to receive a boost from anticipated interest rate rises, following increasing levels of inflation worldwide. Indeed, SRTs are floaters offering positive real returns, along with diversification and access to core bank lending books. However, investors remain cautious over the impact that significant increases in interest rates could have on growth.    

    If .......

    News Analysis 18 November 2021

  • School's out?

    Future of PBSA CMBS sector scrutinised

    Conflicting factors such as depressed occupancy levels and excellent collateral properties, or a high dependence of international students and propitious domestic demographics, suggest that purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) CMBS is a complex asset class. Whether the sector will ever recover from its Covid-induced collapse is a moot question.

    A recent TwentyFour Asset Management blog questioned whether there is .......

    News Analysis 18 November 2021

  • GSE scorecard released

    Sector developments and company hires

    GSE scorecard released

    The FHFA has released the 2022 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Common Securitization Solutions (CSS). The purpose of the 2022 Scorecard is to hold the GSEs and CSS accountable for fulfilling their core mission requirements by promoting sustainable and equitable access to affordable housing and operating in a safe and sound manner.

    The 2022 Scorecard focuses .......

    Market Moves 18 November 2021

  • Nascent asset class

    Non-performing lease ABS tipped for growth

    Issuance of ABS backed by Italian non-performing leases is expected to reach €1bn over the next year, partially driven by increased defaults following the expiry of payment holidays. Recent legal developments and GACS-eligibility of the assets should also facilitate securitisation activity.

    “The recent market conditions and legal framework developments have facilitated non-performing lease securitisations. The key challenges for .......

    News Analysis 18 November 2021
