Complete news archive

  • Shipping SRT debuts

    Piraeus Bank launches landmark shipping SRT

    News 28 July 2022

  • Risk sharing facility disclosed

    Caixabank inks SRT as risk sharing scheme revealed

    News 27 July 2022

  • Risk transfer round up-26 July

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 26 July 2022

  • Trade finance tokens unveiled

    Sector developments and company hires

    Trade finance tokens unveiled
    Tradeteq has selected XinFin’s XDC Network to launch TRADA tokens, believed to be the first-ever fully regulated trade finance-backed fungible security tokens. The move is expected to deliver liquidity to the trade finance sector by securitising a traditionally illiquid asset class on the XDC Network public blockchain and extending access to the sector to both retail .......

    Market Moves 26 July 2022

  • SCI Start the Week - 25 July

    A review of SCI's latest content

    Last week's news and analysis
    Capital call CRT
    WAB sells subscription CRT to Blackstone
    Changing perceptions
    Need for liquidity supporting TRS growth
    Digital revolution?
    Claira answers SCI's questions
    Fannie will, Freddie won't
    Fannie Mae to place less CAS than predicted, sells another two CIRT deals
    Golden opportunity?
    Basel 4 raises Japanese SRT prospects
    Nordic SRT finalised
    Nordea executes synthetic ABS
    Portfolio selection
    Credit Benchmark publishes innovative CRT report

    News 25 July 2022

  • Fannie will, Freddie won't

    Fannie Mae to place less CAS than predicted, sells another two CIRT deals

    While Fannie Mae confided at this week’s SFA conference in Las Vegas that 2022 CAS issuance will be less than was expected at the beginning of the year, Freddie Mac says its forecast is unchanged.

    Fannie now anticipates CAS volume this year to be $10bn-$11bn compared to the $13bn-$15bn predicted in January, and will issue another three or four CAS .......

    News 22 July 2022

  • Capital call CRT

    WAB sells subscription CRT to Blackstone, say sources

    In addition to its recent CRT deal derived from mortgage assets, Western Alliance Bank (WAB) has been in the market very recently with CRT trades referencing capital call facilities, say well-placed market sources.

    The Phoenix-based bank, which is fast becoming the doyen of US regional CRT issuers, has placed least one capital call transaction, add sources.

    It is believed to have executed .......

    News 22 July 2022

  • Nordic SRT finalized

    Nordea executes synthetic ABS

    News 22 July 2022

  • Golden opportunity?

    Basel 4 raises Japanese SRT prospects

    Japanese banks have historically been well-capitalised, but implementation of the Basel output floors could change this. Against this backdrop, this Premium Content article investigates the prospects for capital relief trade issuance in the jurisdiction.

    Japanese banks are expected to boost their issuance of significant risk transfer transactions as the implementation of the Basel output floors draws near. ......

    News Analysis 22 July 2022

    Premium Content

  • Risk transfer round up-21 July

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 21 July 2022

  • Changing perceptions

    Need for liquidity supporting TRS growth

    Rapid growth in trade receivables securitisation (TRS) volumes has been accompanied by an apparent change in perception of the asset class, from being overly complex to now being widely considered as an important funding instrument for the real economy. Through the pandemic - and ever since - TRS has been embraced as a flexible solution for corporates seeking to .......

    News Analysis 21 July 2022

  • Relative rebound

    European ABS/MBS market update

    The penultimate week of July has seen activity rebound in the UK and European ABS/MBS primary markets. Although no widely distributed deals have yet been seen, issuance flows have been encouraging in comparison to recent weeks.

    Facing continuing broader macroeconomic concerns exacerbated by political turmoil in Italy, issuers sought to get ahead of today’s long-awaited ECB rate rise by picking .......

    News 21 July 2022

  • 'Penalising' RBC proposal criticised

    Sector developments and company hires

    ‘Penalising’ RBC proposal criticised
    The LSTA has submitted a comment letter to the NAIC expressing its belief that the NAIC’s risk-based capital (RBC) proposal could penalise insurance company investments in CLOs and consequently impact the CLO and loan markets. The proposal would change the RBC framework such that capital requirements for purchasing all tranches of a CLO match the capital .......

    Market Moves 21 July 2022

  • SME SRT launched

    BBVA executes synthetic ABS

    News 19 July 2022

  • ICE launches ESG Geo-Analyzer

    Sector developments and company hires

    Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) has launched its ICE ESG Geo-Analyzer tool to better help analyse portfolios of both commercial and residential properties, asset-backed securities, and corporate operations that are tied to certain locations. The Geo-Analyzer tool uses ICE’s geospatial data modelling to create climate risk and social impact data and analytics for properties and communities across the US. It seeks to .......

    Market Moves 19 July 2022

  • Digital revolution?

    Claira co-founder, Eric Chang, and co-founder and advisor, Joe Squeri, answer SCI's questions

    Q: Claira, the document intelligence fintech, recently announced its collaboration with Citi to help boost digital transformation within securitisation and develop next-generation data analysis solutions for CLOs (SCI 29 June). Tell us more about your vision for the company.
    The digitisation of structured credit documents has been something I’ve been trying to solve my entire career, and I’ve .......

    Provider Profile 19 July 2022

  • Portfolio selection

    Credit Benchmark publishes innovative CRT report

    News 19 July 2022

  • Risk transfer round up-19 July

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 19 July 2022

  • SCI Start the Week - 18 July

    A review of SCI's latest content

    Last week's news and analysis
    Administrative burden
    CLOs caught in disclosure crosshairs
    Climate impact revealed
    ECB releases climate stress tests
    Consumer SRT prints
    Klarna debuts capital relief trade
    Expiration concerns
    Questions raised over the end of HAPS
    Greek SRT launched
    Alpha bank executes capital relief trade
    Landesbank pick up continues
    Helaba debuts capital relief trade
    Landmark APAC SRT launched
    Standard Chartered prints capital relief trade
    Looking for labels
    Second-party .......

    News 18 July 2022

  • Administrative burden

    CLOs caught in disclosure crosshairs

    US CLO managers are facing potential disruption from new disclosure requirements proposed by the US SEC in February. The proposed new rules under the Investment Act of 1940 would require registered investment advisors to private funds - including CLO managers - to adhere to new reporting, record-keeping and disclosure requirements.

    The proposal’s comment period was extended from the original 30 .......

    News Analysis 15 July 2022

  • ABS CDO manager replaced

    Sector developments and company hires

    Dock Street Capital Management has replaced Dynamic Credit Partners (as successor to Petra Capital Management, the original manager of the deal) as collateral manager for the Brookville CDO I transaction. Moody’s has confirmed that the move will not result in any adverse rating actions with respect to the notes issued by the transaction.

    In other news…


    DLA Piper expands .......

    Market Moves 15 July 2022
