• Decision notice issued against BlueCrest

    Sector developments and company hires

    Decision notice issued against BlueCrest
    The UK FCA has published a decision notice against BlueCrest Capital Management (UK) (BCMUK) setting out its decision to impose a financial penalty of £40.81m on the firm. BCMUK has elected to refer the case directly to the Upper Tribunal, which will determine the appropriate action, if any, for the FCA to take.

    The .......

    Market Moves 24 December 2021

  • MCC secures synthetic

    Italian SME counter-guarantee deployed

    The EIF is set to counter-guarantee a portfolio of 5,652 operations backed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs, which is managed by Mediocredito Centrale (MCC) on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. The total portfolio amount corresponds to €3.2bn of funding, including a direct guarantee from the Fund of €2.8bn.

    Under this synthetic securitisation of secured .......

    News 23 December 2021

  • From strength to strength

    Landmark year for Aussie securitisation

    With A$48.79bn publicly placed across 64 individual transactions in 2021, the Australian securitisation market has reached a post-financial crisis issuance high. Record volumes, combined with the entrance of a series of new issuers and programmes - in a market driven by the non-bank sector - all point to continued growth.

    “Perhaps the most interesting aspect, or at least .......

    News Analysis 23 December 2021

  • Double first for the EIB

    EGF, first loss guarantee debuts

    The EIB Group has closed the first synthetic securitisation backed by the European Guarantee Fund (EGF), an instrument set up by the EIB Group together with EU Member States to mitigate the economic consequences of the Covid pandemic (SCI 27 May 2020). The transaction is also the first whereby the EIB Group has invested in the junior tranche .......

    News 22 December 2021

  • Nephila taps LBR vehicle

    Sector developments and company hires

    Nephila taps LBR vehicle
    Nephila Capital has funded its newly launched Syndicate 2358, which focuses on short- to medium-term insurance business lines, with capital provided through Lloyd’s London Bridge Risk PCC vehicle. The transaction provides reinsurance capital from a diverse group of investors, including four pension funds, to support underwriting beginning with the 2022 Year of Account.

    Nephila has .......

    Market Moves 21 December 2021

  • Crucial conclusions

    EBE highlights importance of securitisation to the real economy

    A new joint study by AFME, European DataWarehouse and True Sale International demonstrates that the private cash securitisation market is a crucial element in the funding of the real economy across Europe. Data collated in the report shows that over 80% of private cash securitisations by volume fund sellers in the UK and the EU, and over 70% to .......

    News Analysis 21 December 2021

  • RFC issued on non-sequential amortisation

    Sector developments and company hires

    RFC issued on non-sequential amortisation
    The EBA has launched a public consultation on draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) specifying and, where relevant, calibrating the minimum performance-related triggers for STS synthetic securitisations that feature non-sequential amortisation. For the purpose of standardisation, the amended securitisation regulation sets out that sequential amortisation shall be applied to all tranches of STS synthetic securitisations. However, .......

    Market Moves 20 December 2021

  • Greek SRT finalised

    Alpha Bank closes capital relief trade

    Alpha Bank has completed a €145m synthetic securitisation that references a €1.9bn portfolio of Greek corporate and SME loans. The transaction is the third Greek significant risk transfer trade and the first Greek SRT involving multiple investors.

    Indeed, CRC, Anacap and the EBRD all invested in the deal. The EBRD put down €10m of credit protection, but CRC bought the .......

    News 20 December 2021

  • Spanish private debt fund wins EIF backing

    Sector developments and company hires

    Spanish private debt fund wins EIF backing
    Beka Finance has formed a private debt management unit, dubbed Beka Credit, which it hopes will help consolidate the firm’s growth and leadership position in the alternatives market. The unit is already preparing to launch its first private debt fund, with which it expects to raise around €250m.

    The Luxembourg-based vehicle will .......

    Market Moves 17 December 2021

  • Offshore appeal

    International ratings for CMB credit card ABS

    The first Chinese credit card ABS rated by an international agency (S&P) has closed. Zhaoyin Hezhi 2021 Phase I Personal Consumer Loan Asset-backed Securities is backed by a CNY2.97bn pool of credit card receivables originated by China Merchants Bank (CMB), which will also act as servicer on the transaction.

    On why CMB sought international ratings, Andrea Lin, lead analyst and .......

    News Analysis 17 December 2021

  • Auto CRT priced

    Santander engineers US return

    Santander has completed its synthetic securitisation that references a US$2.17bn portfolio of US auto loans (SCI 9 December). The transaction is the first post-Covid US synthetic auto ABS issued by a European originator and marks Santander’s return to the US market.

    Rated by Fitch, the transaction consists of US$1.656bn unrated class A1 notes, US$10m unrated class A2 .......

    News 17 December 2021

  • UK review released

    HMT 'broadly supportive' of securitisation market

    The UK government has published its report on the review of the securitisation regulation (SCI 28 June), which outlines specific areas of the regime that HM Treasury may revisit to ensure it “best delivers” for the UK securitisation market. The report appears to be broadly supportive of the industry - although notably isn’t supportive of extending the public .......

    News 14 December 2021

  • Risk transfer round-up - 14 December

    CRT sector developments and deal news

    News 14 December 2021

  • Legal fees

    Litigation finance market ripe for securitization wizards

    Dislocation and delays of normal procedure during the 21 months of Covid 19 have boosted the litigation finance maket and with it the possibility of greater securitization, says Jordan Goldstein, partner at Selendy & Gay in New York

    Goldstein was speaking today about new trends in structuring and underwriting at the ABS East conference in Miami.

    Lenders in the litigation finance market advance .......

    News 14 December 2021

  • Road rage

    Soaring used car prices turbo charge auto ABS but risks loom, say Miami panellists

    An unprecedented surge in US used car values has led to a remarkable recovery in the auto ABS market from the pandemic lows, agreed panellists today at the ABS East conference in Miami.

    Spreads have narrowed from an average of Libor plus 300bp-350bp at the beginning of Q2 2020 to something in the region of plus 150bp at the end of 2021, .......

    News 13 December 2021

  • Game-changing potential

    In the second in our series of year-end interviews with inve...

    Opportunities for investment in CRT trades from US names will increase significantly in 2022, says Terry Lanson, a portfolio manager at Seer Capital.

     “We think we’ll see significant volume out of the US and also out of Europe. The programme is growing in adoption globally. It is receiving significant attention from investors and capital allocators like state pension .......

    News Analysis 13 December 2021

  • Corporate SRT launched

    Raiffeisen completes capital relief trade

    News 13 December 2021

  • Year-end?

    European ABS/MBS market update

    With primary European ABS/MBS market activity fading further away, year-end feels awfully close. As a result, focus is already being directed on the upcoming new year.

    “I think it is fair to say that we have hardly looked at any potential trades this week,” says one European ABS/MBS trader. “As is appropriate for this time of year, there .......

    News 10 December 2021

  • Climate risk analytics firms acquired

    Sector developments and company hires

    Climate risk analytics firms acquired
    Intercontinental Exchange has acquired risQ and Level 11 Analytics, which deploy data-driven technologies for managing climate change risk. RisQ and Level 11 Analytics leverage a variety of advanced geospatial mapping systems and provide extensive expertise in analysing and joining vast amounts of disparate public, corporate and third-party data sources.

    This data is integrated and .......

    Market Moves 9 December 2021

  • SME boost

    German STS synthetic printed

    Deutsche Bank and the EIB Group have executed a €75m unfunded mezzanine guarantee that references a €1bn German mid-market corporate portfolio. The guarantee will provide capital relief to Deutsche Bank and enable the lender to finance €300m of SME and mid-cap lending. The transaction is expected to support smaller businesses in their recovery from liquidity shortages caused by the .......

    News 9 December 2021

  • Growth constraints

    Disconnect between Euro ABS ambitions and reality?

    European securitisation issuance for the first 11 months of the year stood at a decade high of over €112bn, up by more than 65% compared with the same period in 2020, according to S&P figures. However, despite such record growth, a disconnect appears to remain between the industry’s ambitions and what is being seen on the ground - which .......

    News Analysis 9 December 2021
