• New wings for aircraft ABS

    Ashland Place issues first deal for many months

    Ashland Place Finance, aided by arranger and bookrunner ATLAS SP Partners, has woken the aircraft ABS market from a deep slumber with the first deal in the sector since June 2022.

    The transaction, designated APL Finance 2023-01, is the borrower’s .......

    News 15 December 2023

  • Basel 3 'roadmap', reporting ITS published

    Market updates and sector developments

    The EBA has published its roadmap on the so-called Banking Package, which implements the final Basel 3 reforms in the EU. The roadmap aims to strengthen the prudential framework, as well as ensure an international level playing field. It also seeks to provide clarity on how it will develop the mandates implementing the legislation and finalise the most significant .......

    Market Moves 14 December 2023

  • Basel 4 series: A swinging pendulum - video

    Market participants share their insights into whether Basel 4 is in line with industry expectations

    In the final instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, ex-issuer Frank Benhamou provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants about the extent to which Basel 4 is in line with expectations.


    News Analysis 14 December 2023

  • Producing results

    PDP securitisations gaining traction

    The number of transactions executed in the nascent proved developed producing (PDP) wellbore oil and gas ABS sector is expected to reach double-digits this year, as familiarity with the product grows. Raisa Energy closed the debut PDP securitisation in September 2019, amid a pull-back from traditional reserve-based lending (RBL) by banks, and the market experienced a meaningful increase in .......

    News Analysis 14 December 2023

  • LTEL issue

    SES highlights competitiveness concerns

    The EBA’s final RTS on synthetic excess spread (SES) generally sparked optimism across the CRT market (SCI 6 May). Nevertheless, divergences around increased calibration and SES on certain portfolios highlight a broader issue of governance and competitiveness within the European regulatory apparatus.  

    Recently, investors have been reporting of a potential structural shift, leading to a significant .......

    News Analysis 14 December 2023

  • Polish SRT finalised

    Bank Millennium closes largest synthetic to date

    Bank Millennium has completed a synthetic securitisation referencing a portfolio of Polish unsecured non-mortgage loans with a total value of PLN7.2bn. This latest trade represents Bank Millennium’s largest-ever SRT deal.

    The Polish bank transferred a significant part of the credit risk of the securitised portfolio to a single investor. As part of the transaction, Bank Millennium issued on 11 .......

    News 12 December 2023

  • Unusual structure debuts

    Santander out with auto CLN

    Santander Bank Auto Credit-Linked Notes Series 2023-B (SBCLN 2023-B) has hit the market, representing Santander’s second CLN transaction this year to reference a pool of US auto loans. The deal is unusual in that the source of principal payments for the notes will be a cash collateral account held by a third party with a rating of A2 or .......

    News 12 December 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Levelling the playing field - video

    Market participants share their insights about why further a...

    In the fourth instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, Alantra md Holger Beyer provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants why further amendments to the framework are required.


    News Analysis 6 December 2023

  • Digital download

    Up, up and away for digital infrastructure market in 2024

    There has been dramatic growth in the US esoteric securitization market in the last three years or so, but the pace isn’t about to slip, says Michael Nowakowski, director and interim head of structured products at Conning, a Hartford, Connecticut-based investment manager which .......

    Talking Point 5 December 2023

  • Salisbury sees momentum

    Lloyds' latest SME SRT unveiled

    Lloyds has executed Salisbury 2023-1, the seventh synthetic securitisation from its Salisbury programme, following Salisbury 2022-1 in April 2022.

    The significant risk transfer transaction references a £1.75bn portfolio of UK SME loans extended to circa 3,500 borrowers located across the UK and originated by Lloyds. In terms of sectors, the portfolio comprises 41% real estate exposures, 28% in healthcare, .......

    News 5 December 2023

  • Latest SRTx fixings released

    Index values indicate gradual tightening in spreads and impr...

    The latest fixings for the SRTx (Significant Risk Transfer Index) have been released. There have been incremental but modest improvements in spread and risk indexes and a tempering of values in volatility indexes, which had risen in November’s fixings (SCI 2 November) in response to conflict in the Middle East.

    This month’s survey responses point to .......

    News 4 December 2023

  • Risk transfer round-up - 1 December

    The week's CRT developments and deal news

    Market news
    A pair of auto loan CLNs hit the market this week, including US Bank’s inaugural capital relief trade. Dubbed US Bank Auto Credit-Linked Notes Series 2023-1 (USCLN 2023-1), the synthetic securitisation has a couple of unusual features.

    USCLN 2023-1 transfers credit risk to noteholders via a financial guaranty on a US$2.46bn reference pool comprising 97,444 prime auto .......

    News 1 December 2023

  • Job swaps weekly: Sirius execs join forces to launch Karis

    People moves and key promotions in securitisation

    This week’s roundup of securitisation job swaps sees the launch of a new real estate debt advisory firm, Karis Capital UK, led by a number of outgoing Sirius Group executives. Elsewhere, Invesco has lured a Munich-based Patrizia director to its EMEA structured debt finance team, while Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) has appointed a Clifford Chance senior associate as .......

    Market Moves 1 December 2023

  • Positioned for quality and liquidity

    Kate Galustian, lead portfolio manager for BlackRock Senior...

    Q: When you announced BlackRock Senior Securitised Fund (SCI 20 November), BlackRock stated that this new vehicle will predominantly invest across continental Europe and the UK. To what extent was that driven by current opportunities specific to that geographic market, and could you provide an outline as to what those are?
    A: The fund was designed in collaboration with .......

    The Structured Credit Interview 30 November 2023

  • Rules of conflict

    Final SEC "conflict of interest" ruling offers crumbs of comfort

    The SEC’s final “conflict of interest” ruling, designated Rule 192 and released at the beginning of this week (SCI 29 November), waters down some of the most onerous restrictions but still represents a serious imposition for securitized markets participants, say those in the field.

    The new rule prohibits so-called “securitization participants” from engaging in “conflicted transactions” during the life of an .......

    News 30 November 2023

  • SIFMA calls for STC framework

    Market updates and sector developments

    A new SIFMA blog highlights three actions that will mitigate what the association calls the “perverse incentives” created by the lack of appropriate risk-sensitivity of the SEC-SA framework, under the US Basel 3 Endgame (B3E) proposal. The blog describes the proposal as “the most restrictive approach to set capital requirements for banks’ securitisation exposures in the developed world”.

    As .......

    Market Moves 29 November 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Preparing - video

    Market participants share their insights about how to prepare for Basel 4

    In the third instalment of SCI’s Basel 4 video series, ex-issuer Frank Benhamou provides a brief outline of what’s new in Basel 4 and SCI’s Kenny Wastell asks market participants about what they can do to prepare for the regulatory changes. 


    News Analysis 29 November 2023

  • Treasury overhang

    Unprecedented Treasury supply dominates agency MBS story for 2024

    The enormous Treasury issuance expected next year forms a long shadow falling over the agency MBS market, say investors.

    Estimated 10-year Treasury issuance is now projected to be US$1.34trn in 2024, some US$90bn more than earlier estimates and breaking previous records. Assuming the Federal Reserve extends quantitative tightening, overall 10-year Treasury supply will exceed US$1.5trn.

    “The biggest risk to agency MBS is Treasury supply. .......

    Talking Point 27 November 2023

  • Job swaps weekly: EverBank lures Forbright's Walsh

    People moves and key promotions in securitisation

    This week’s roundup of securitisation job swaps sees EverBank hiring a senior Forbright Bank executive as head of structured real estate finance. Elsewhere, National Australia Bank (NAB) has made two senior promotions within its securitisation teams in Melbourne and New York, while Piraeus Bank has elevated an Athens-based director to the role of senior director, head of securitisations and transaction structuring.

    EverBank, .......

    Market Moves 24 November 2023

  • Basel 4 series: Industry impacts - video

    Exploring the effects of Basel 4 on market participants and their clients or members

    In the second instalment of SCI's Basel 4 video series, The D. E. Shaw Group's Syril Pathmanathan provides a brief outline of what's new in Basel 4 and SCI's Kenny Wastell asks market participants about the extent to which Basel 4 will affect them and their clients or members.


    News Analysis 22 November 2023

  • Gaining traction

    The rise of project finance SRT

    Synthetic securitisation is expected to play a key role in assisting Europe’s transition towards a more sustainable economy. This Premium Content article explores the significance of project finance SRT transactions within this context.

    Given the challenging macroeconomic conditions over the past 12 months and the unprecedented write-down of Credit Suisse’s AT1 bonds, banks are increasingly adopting synthetic ......

    News Analysis 21 November 2023

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